Open-source Windows and Office activator featuring HWID, Ohook, KMS38, and Online KMS activation methods, along with advanced troubleshooting.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4278 lines
165 KiB

11 months ago
@set masver=2.6
@setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
@echo off
:: This is a fork of @abbodi1406's KVA
:: Homepage: mass grave [.] dev
:: Email:
1 year ago
:: Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system
set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (
set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%PATH%"
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows
set "_cmdf=%~f0"
3 years ago
for %%# in (%*) do (
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1
1 year ago
if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" (
reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f 1>nul
rem check the code below admin elevation to understand why it's here
3 years ago
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
3 years ago
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1"
exit /b
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows
3 years ago
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
3 years ago
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2"
exit /b
1 year ago
1 year ago
set "blank="
1 year ago
set "mas=ht%blank%tps%blank%://"
1 year ago
:: Check if Null service is working, it's important for the batch script
sc query Null | find /i "RUNNING"
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Null service is not running, script may crash...
1 year ago
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot.html
1 year ago
ping -n 10
3 years ago
1 year ago
3 years ago
:: Check LF line ending
pushd "%~dp0"
1 year ago
>nul findstr /v "$" "%~nx0" && (
3 years ago
1 year ago
echo Error: Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing.
3 years ago
1 year ago
ping -n 6 >nul
3 years ago
exit /b
color 07
1 year ago
title Online KMS Activation %masver%
2 years ago
:: You are not supposed to edit anything below this.
set WMI_VBS=0
set _Debug=0
set Silent=0
set Logger=0
set AutoR2V=1
set SkipKMS38=1
2 years ago
set vNextOverride=1
set ActWindows=1
set ActOffice=1
set _uni=
set _args=
set _elev=
set _renetask=
set _renacttask=
set _unattended=
2 years ago
set _unattendedact=
set _args=%*
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=%
if defined _args (
1 year ago
echo "%_args%" | find /i "/KMS" >nul && set _unattended=1
for %%A in (%_args%) do (
if /i "%%A"=="-el" (set _elev=1
2 years ago
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-RenewalTask" (set _renetask=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-ActAndRenewalTask" (set _renacttask=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Uninstall" (set _uni=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Windows" (set ActWindows=1&set ActOffice=0&set _unattendedact=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Office" (set ActWindows=0&set ActOffice=1&set _unattendedact=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-WindowsOffice" (set ActWindows=1&set ActOffice=1&set _unattendedact=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-KeepvNext" (set vNextOverride=0
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Debug" (set _Debug=1
) else if /i "%%A"=="/KMS-Logger" (set Logger=1&set Silent=1
1 year ago
set "nul1=1>nul"
set "nul2=2>nul"
set "nul6=2^>nul"
set "nul=>nul 2>&1"
1 year ago
3 years ago
set psc=powershell.exe
1 year ago
set winbuild=1
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
set _NCS=1
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0
1 year ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0)
call :_colorprep
set "_buf={$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=31;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}"
set "nceline=echo. &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo."
set "eline=echo. &call :_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo."
if %_Debug% EQU 1 set _unattended=1
if %winbuild% LSS 7600 (
1 year ago
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%].
echo Project is supported for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11 and their Server equivalent.
goto Done
3 years ago
for %%# in (powershell.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
3 years ago
echo Unable to find powershell.exe in the system.
goto Done
:: Fix special characters limitation in path name
set "_work=%~dp0"
if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%"
set "_batf=%~f0"
set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%"
3 years ago
set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args%
1 year ago
set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp"
2 years ago
set "_Local=%LocalAppData%"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
1 year ago
echo "!_batf!" | find /i "!_ttemp!" %nul1% && (
3 years ago
if /i not "!_work!"=="!_ttemp!" (
echo Script is launched from the temp folder,
echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file.
echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder.
goto Done
3 years ago
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop
1 year ago
%nul1% fltmc || (
1 year ago
if not defined _elev %psc% "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg:'=''!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b
echo This script needs admin rights.
echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'.
3 years ago
goto Done
1 year ago
:: This code disables QuickEdit for this cmd.exe session only without making permanent changes to the registry
:: It is added because clicking on the script window pauses the operation and leads to the confusion that script stopped due to an error
if defined _unattended set quedit=1
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" set quedit=1)
1 year ago
reg query HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% || if not defined quedit (
reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul1%
1 year ago
start cmd.exe /c ""!_batf!" %_args% -qedit"
rem quickedit reset code is added at the starting of the script instead of here because it takes time to reflect in some cases
exit /b
1 year ago
:: Check for updates
set -=
set old=
1 year ago
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1') do (
if not [%%#]==[] (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1))
1 year ago
if defined old (
echo ________________________________________________
echo You are running outdated version MAS %masver%
echo ________________________________________________
if not defined _unattended (
1 year ago
echo [1] Get Latest MAS
1 year ago
echo [0] Continue Anyway
call :_color %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,0] :"
choice /C:10 /N
if !errorlevel!==2 rem
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps:// & start %mas% & exit /b)
2 years ago
if %~z0 GEQ 300000 (set "_exitmsg=Go back") else (set "_exitmsg=Exit")
:: Check not x86 Windows
set notx86=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b
if /i not "%arch%"=="x86" set notx86=1
3 years ago
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
echo Unable to find wmic.exe in the system.
if %winbuild% GEQ 22621 echo Make sure WMIC is enabled in optional features.
goto Done
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "ComputerSystem" 1>nul || (
2 years ago
echo WMI is not responding in the system.
echo In MAS, Goto Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option.
3 years ago
goto Done
3 years ago
set _WSH=1
reg query "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled 2>nul | find /i "0x0" 1>nul && (set _WSH=0)
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled 2>nul | find /i "0x0" 1>nul && (set _WSH=0)
if %_WSH% EQU 0 (
2 years ago
reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul%
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %nul%
if defined notx86 reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings" /v Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f /reg:32 %nul%
if defined _uni goto _Complete_Uninstall
2 years ago
if defined _renetask set ActTask=&call:RenTask&timeout /t 2
if defined _renacttask set ActTask=1&call:RenTask&timeout /t 2
if defined _unattended if not defined _unattendedact goto Done
1 year ago
set "_title=Online KMS Activation %masver%"
set _gui=
2 years ago
set sub_next=0
set sub_o365=0
set sub_proj=0
set sub_vsio=0
set kNext=HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\LicensingNext
2 years ago
reg query %kNext% /v MigrationToV5Done 2>nul | find /i "0x1" %nul% && call :officeSub %nul%
2 years ago
set _tskinstalled=
3 years ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && (
1 year ago
find /i "Ver:1.9" "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd" %nul% && set _tskinstalled=1
set _oldtsk=
if not defined _tskinstalled (
2 years ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | findstr /i "\Activation-Renewal \Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal" >nul && (
set _oldtsk=1
if defined _unattended (
call :Activation_Start
2 years ago
timeout /t 2
goto Done
set _gui=1
title %_title%
3 years ago
mode con: cols=76 lines=30
3 years ago
echo. ______________________________________________________________
echo. [1] Activate - Windows
echo. [2] Activate - Office
echo. [3] Activate - All
3 years ago
if defined _tskinstalled call :_color2 %_White% " [4] Install Auto-Renewal " %_Green% "[Installed]"
if defined _oldtsk call :_color2 %_White% " [4] Install Auto-Renewal " %_Red% "[Old Installed]"
if not defined _tskinstalled if not defined _oldtsk echo. [4] Install Auto-Renewal
echo. [5] Uninstall
echo. _______________________________________________
2 years ago
if %_Debug%==0 (
echo. [6] Enable Debug Mode [No]
) else (
call :_color2 %_White% " [6] Enable Debug Mode " %_Red% "[Yes]"
if %vNextOverride% EQU 1 (
if %sub_next% EQU 1 (
call :_color2 %_White% " [7] Override Office vNext " %_Red% "[Yes]"
) else (
echo [7] Override Office vNext [Yes]
) else (
if %sub_next% EQU 1 (
call :_color2 %_White% " [7] Override Office vNext " %_Yellow% "[No]"
) else (
echo [7] Override Office vNext [No]
3 years ago
echo. _______________________________________________
2 years ago
echo. [0] %_exitmsg%
echo. ______________________________________________________________
2 years ago
call :_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,0]"
choice /C:12345670 /N
set _el=%errorlevel%
2 years ago
if %_el%==8 exit /b
if %_el%==7 (if %vNextOverride% EQU 0 (set vNextOverride=1) else (set vNextOverride=0))&goto _KMS_Menu
3 years ago
if %_el%==6 (if %_Debug%==0 (set _Debug=1) else (set _Debug=0)) &goto _KMS_Menu
if %_el%==5 call:_Complete_Uninstall&cls&goto _KMS_Menu
if %_el%==4 set ActTask=&call:RenTask&goto _KMS_Menu
if %_el%==3 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=1"&set "ActOffice=1"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu
if %_el%==2 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=0"&set "ActOffice=1"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu
if %_el%==1 cls&setlocal&set "ActWindows=1"&set "ActOffice=0"&call :Activation_Start&endlocal&cls&goto _KMS_Menu
goto _KMS_Menu
if defined _unattended exit /b
echo Press any key to exit...
pause >nul
exit /b
@setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
3 years ago
set nil=
for %%# in (SppE%nil%xtComObj.exe,sppsvc.exe,osppsvc.exe) do (
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%nil%ge File Execu%nil%tion Options\%%#" /f %nul%)
2 years ago
call :Clear-KMS-Cache %nul%
set "_Null=1>nul 2>nul"
set KMS_Port=1688
if %_Debug% EQU 1 set _unattended=1
set "_run=nul"
if %Logger% EQU 1 set _run="%~dpn0_Silent.log"
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32"
3 years ago
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative"
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%"
set "_bit=64"
set "_wow=1"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="arm64" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=A64"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" if "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=x86"&set "_wow=0"&set "_bit=32"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="amd64" set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64"
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432%"=="arm64" set "xBit=x86"&set "xOS=A64"
2 years ago
if not defined xBit set "xBit=x64"&set "xOS=x64"
3 years ago
set _cwmi=0
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "ComputerSystem" 1>nul && set _cwmi=1
set "_Local=%LocalAppData%"
set "_temp=%SystemRoot%\Temp"
set "_log=%~dpn0"
set "_work=%~dp0"
if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%"
set _UNC=0
1 year ago
if "%_work:~0,2%"=="\\" (
set _UNC=1
) else (
net use %~d0 %_Null%
if not errorlevel 1 set _UNC=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" /v Desktop') do call set "_dsk=%%b"
if exist "%PUBLIC%\Desktop\desktop.ini" set "_dsk=%PUBLIC%\Desktop"
set "_mO21a=Detected Office 2021 C2R Retail is activated"
set "_mO19a=Detected Office 2019 C2R Retail is activated"
set "_mO16a=Detected Office 2016 C2R Retail is activated"
set "_mO15a=Detected Office 2013 C2R Retail is activated"
set "_mO21c=Detected Office 2021 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume"
set "_mO19c=Detected Office 2019 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume"
set "_mO16c=Detected Office 2016 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume"
set "_mO15c=Detected Office 2013 C2R Retail could not be converted to Volume"
2 years ago
set "_mO14c=Detected Office 2010 C2R Retail is not supported by this script"
set "_mO14m=Detected Office 2010 MSI Retail is not supported by this script"
set "_mO15m=Detected Office 2013 MSI Retail is not supported by this script"
set "_mO16m=Detected Office 2016 MSI Retail is not supported by this script"
set "_mOuwp=Detected Office 365/2016 UWP is not supported by this script"
2 years ago
set DO15Ids=ProPlus,Standard,Access,Lync,Excel,Groove,InfoPath,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word
3 years ago
set DO16Ids=ProPlus,Standard,Access,SkypeforBusiness,Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word
set LV16Ids=Mondo,ProPlus,ProjectPro,VisioPro,Standard,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,SkypeforBusiness,OneNote,Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word
set LR16Ids=%LV16Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud
set "ESUEditions=Enterprise,EnterpriseE,EnterpriseN,Professional,ProfessionalE,ProfessionalN,Ultimate,UltimateE,UltimateN"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" (
set "ESUEditions=ServerDatacenter,ServerDatacenterCore,ServerDatacenterV,ServerDatacenterVCore,ServerStandard,ServerStandardCore,ServerStandardV,ServerStandardVCore,ServerEnterprise,ServerEnterpriseCore,ServerEnterpriseV,ServerEnterpriseVCore"
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
1 year ago
set UBR=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 7601 for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR 2^>nul') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a UBR=%%b
set "_csq=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiQuery "%~nx0?.wsf""
set "_csm=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiMethod "%~nx0?.wsf""
set "_csp=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:WmiPKey "%~nx0?.wsf""
set "_csd=cscript.exe //NoLogo //Job:MPS "%~nx0?.wsf""
3 years ago
if %_cwmi% EQU 0 set WMI_VBS=1
if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 (
set "_zz1=wmic path"
set "_zz2=where"
set "_zz3=get"
set "_zz4=/value"
set "_zz5=("
set "_zz6=)"
set "_zz7="wmic path"
set "_zz8=/value""
) else (
set "_zz1=%_csq%"
set "_zz2="
set "_zz3="
set "_zz4="
set "_zz5=""
set "_zz6=""
set "_zz7=%_csq%"
set "_zz8="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
pushd "!_work!"
if not defined _unattended (
mode con cols=98 lines=31
1 year ago
%psc% "&%_buf%"
title %_title%
) else (
1 year ago
title Online KMS Activation %masver%
if defined _gui if %_Debug%==1 mode con cols=98 lines=30
if %_Debug% EQU 0 (
set "_Nul1=1>nul"
set "_Nul2=2>nul"
set "_Nul6=2^>nul"
set "_Nul3=1>nul 2>nul"
set "_Pause=pause >nul"
if %Silent% EQU 0 (call :Begin) else (call :Begin >!_run! 2>&1)
) else (
set "_Nul1="
set "_Nul2="
set "_Nul6="
set "_Nul3="
set "_log=!_dsk!\%~n0"
if %Silent% EQU 0 (
echo Running in Debug Mode...
if not defined _args (echo The window will be closed when finished) else (echo please wait...)
echo Writing debug log to:
echo "!_log!_Debug.log"
@echo on
@prompt $G
@call :Begin >"!_log!_tmp.log" 2>&1 &cmd /u /c type "!_log!_tmp.log">"!_log!_Debug.log"&del "!_log!_tmp.log"
@echo off
if defined _gui if %_Debug%==1 (
call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..."
pause >nul
exit /b
@exit /b
set act_failed=0
set /a act_attempt=0
echo Initializing...
:: Check Internet connection. Works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
call :setserv
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (
if not [%%#]==[] goto IntConnected
nslookup 2>nul | find "" 1>nul
if [%errorlevel%]==[0] goto IntConnected
if %_Debug%==1 (
echo Error: Internet is not connected.
exit /b
if defined _unattended (
call :_color %_Red% "Internet is not connected, continuing the process anyway."
) else (
echo Internet is not connected.
call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..."
pause >nul
exit /b
call :getserv
set "_wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f"
set "_oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
set "_oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
set "IFEO=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options"
set "OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"
set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"
set SSppHook=0
for /f %%A in ('dir /b /ad %SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus') do (
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*GVLK*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*VLKMS*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%%A\*VL-BYPASS*.xrm-ms" set SSppHook=1
set OsppHook=1
sc query osppsvc %_Nul3%
if %errorlevel% EQU 1060 set OsppHook=0
set ESU_KMS=0
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 for /f %%A in ('dir /b /ad %SysPath%\spp\tokens\channels') do (
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\channels\%%A\*VL-BYPASS*.xrm-ms" set ESU_KMS=1
if %ESU_KMS% EQU 1 (set "adoff=and LicenseDependsOn is NULL"&set "addon=and LicenseDependsOn is not NULL") else (set "adoff="&set "addon=")
set ESU_EDT=0
if %ESU_KMS% EQU 1 for %%A in (%ESUEditions%) do (
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%%A\*.xrm-ms" set ESU_EDT=1
:: if %ESU_EDT% EQU 1 set SSppHook=1
set ESU_ADD=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
set OSType=Win8
set SppVer=SppExtComObj.exe
) else if %winbuild% GEQ 7600 (
set OSType=Win7
set SppVer=sppsvc.exe
) else (
goto :UnsupportedVersion
if %OSType% EQU Win8 reg query "%IFEO%\sppsvc.exe" %_Nul3% && (
reg delete "%IFEO%\sppsvc.exe" /f %_Nul3%
call :StopService sppsvc
if %ActWindows% EQU 0 if %ActOffice% EQU 0 set ActWindows=1
set _AUR=1
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoGenTicket /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %_Nul3%
if %winbuild% EQU 14393 reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Software Protection Platform" /v NoAcquireGT /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f %_Nul3%
call :StopService sppsvc
if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 call :StopService osppsvc
call :UpdateOSPPEntry osppsvc.exe
SET Win10Gov=0
SET "EditionWMI="
SET "EditionID="
IF %winbuild% LSS 14393 if %SSppHook% NEQ 0 GOTO :Main
SET "RegKey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages"
SET "Pattern=Microsoft-Windows-*Edition~31bf3856ad364e35"
FOR /F "TOKENS=8 DELIMS=\" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "%RegKey%" /f "%Pattern%" /k %_Nul6% ^| FIND /I "CurrentVersion"') DO (
REG QUERY "%RegKey%\%%A" /v "CurrentState" %_Nul2% | FIND /I "0x70" %_Nul1% && (
FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=-~" %%B IN ('ECHO %%A') DO SET "EditionPKG=%%B"
IF /I "%EditionPKG:~-7%"=="Edition" (
SET "EditionID=%EditionPKG:~0,-7%"
) ELSE (
FOR /F "TOKENS=3 DELIMS=: " %%A IN ('DISM /English /Online /Get-CurrentEdition %_Nul6% ^| FIND /I "Current Edition :"') DO SET "EditionID=%%A"
net start sppsvc /y %_Nul3%
set "_qr=%_zz7% SoftwareLicensingProduct %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' %adoff% AND PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz8%"
FOR /F "TOKENS=2 DELIMS==" %%A IN ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') DO SET "EditionWMI=%%A"
IF "%EditionWMI%"=="" (
IF %winbuild% GEQ 17063 FOR /F "SKIP=2 TOKENS=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionId') DO SET "EditionID=%%B"
IF %winbuild% LSS 14393 (
FOR /F "SKIP=2 TOKENS=2*" %%A IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionId') DO SET "EditionID=%%B"
GOTO :Main
IF NOT "%EditionWMI%"=="" SET "EditionID=%EditionWMI%"
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="IoTEnterprise" SET "EditionID=Enterprise"
1 year ago
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="IoTEnterpriseS" IF %winbuild% LSS 22610 (
SET "EditionID=EnterpriseS"
IF %winbuild% GEQ 19041 IF %UBR% GEQ 2788 SET "EditionID=IoTEnterpriseS"
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="ProfessionalSingleLanguage" SET "EditionID=Professional"
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="ProfessionalCountrySpecific" SET "EditionID=Professional"
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="EnterpriseG" SET Win10Gov=1
IF /I "%EditionID%"=="EnterpriseGN" SET Win10Gov=1
if defined EditionID (set "_winos=Windows %EditionID% edition") else (set "_winos=Detected Windows")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName %_Nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set "_winos=%%b"
set "nKMS=does not support KMS activation..."
set "nEval=Evaluation Editions cannot be activated. Please install full Windows OS."
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalEdition~*.mum" set "nEval=Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Please convert to full Server OS."
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*EvalCorEdition~*.mum" set _eval=1&set "nEval=Server Evaluation cannot be activated. Please convert to full Server OS."
set "_C16R="
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && set "_C16R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
if not defined _C16R reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && set "_C16R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
set "_C15R="
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath %_Nul3% && for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul3% && call set "_C15R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration"
if not defined _C15R reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && call set "_C15R=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag"
set "_C14R="
if %_wow%==0 (reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %_Nul3% && set "_C14R=1") else (reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k %_Nul3% && set "_C14R=1")
for %%A in (14,15,16,19,21) do call :officeLoc %%A
if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 set "_C14R="
set S_OK=1
call :RunSPP
if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 call :RunOSPP
if %ActOffice% EQU 0 (echo.&echo Office activation is OFF...)
if exist "!_temp!\crv*.txt" del /f /q "!_temp!\crv*.txt"
if exist "!_temp!\*chk.txt" del /f /q "!_temp!\*chk.txt"
if exist "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" del /f /q "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs"
call :StopService sppsvc
if %OsppHook% NEQ 0 call :StopService osppsvc
sc start sppsvc trigger=timer;sessionid=0 %_Nul3%
goto TheEnd
set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
set sps=SoftwareLicensingService
set W1nd0ws=1
set WinPerm=0
set WinVL=0
set Off1ce=0
3 years ago
set RanR2V=0
set aC2R21=0
set aC2R19=0
set aC2R16=0
set aC2R15=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 call :sppoff
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set WinVL=1)
if %WinVL% EQU 0 (
if %ActWindows% EQU 0 (
echo.&echo Windows activation is OFF...
) else (
if %SSppHook% EQU 0 (
echo.&echo %_winos% %nKMS%
if defined _eval echo %nEval%
) else (
2 years ago
echo.&echo Failed checking KMS Activation ID^(s^) for Windows. &call :CheckWS
exit /b
if %WinVL% EQU 0 if %Off1ce% EQU 0 exit /b
set _gvlk=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set _gvlk=1)
set gpr=0
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% GracePeriodRemaining %_zz8%"
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 if %SkipKMS38% NEQ 0 if %_gvlk% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set "gpr=%%A"
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
if %gpr% NEQ 0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 (
set W1nd0ws=0
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i EnterpriseG %_Nul1% && (call set W1nd0ws=1)
set "_qr=%_zz7% %sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr%') do set slsv=%%A
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3%
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if not %xOS%==x86 (
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" /reg:32 %_Nul3%
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32 %_Null%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32 %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" /reg:32 %_Nul3%
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f %_Null%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3%
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%"
if %W1nd0ws% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkwin)
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%"
if %W1nd0ws% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkwin)
:: set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %addon% %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%"
:: if %ESU_EDT% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :esuchk)
if %W1nd0ws% EQU 1 if %ActWindows% EQU 0 (echo.&echo Windows activation is OFF...)
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%"
3 years ago
if %Off1ce% EQU 1 if %ActOffice% NEQ 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkoff 1)
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %_Null%
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %_Null%
exit /b
set OffUWP=0
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\msoxmled.exe" %_Nul3% && (
dir /b "%ProgramFiles%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.Desktop*" %_Nul3% && set OffUWP=1
if not %xOS%==x86 dir /b "%ProgramW6432%\WindowsApps\Microsoft.Office.Desktop*" %_Nul3% && set OffUWP=1
rem nothing installed
if %loc_off21% EQU 0 if %loc_off19% EQU 0 if %loc_off16% EQU 0 if %loc_off15% EQU 0 (
3 years ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if %OffUWP% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office 2013-2021 Product Detected...) else (echo.&echo %_mOuwp%)
exit /b
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (if %loc_off14% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b))
2 years ago
if %vNextOverride% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 (
set sub_o365=0
3 years ago
set sub_proj=0
2 years ago
set sub_vsio=0
if %sub_next% EQU 1 reg delete HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing /f %_Nul3%
set Off1ce=1
set _sC2R=sppoff
set _fC2R=ReturnSPP
2 years ago
3 years ago
set vol_off14=0&set vol_off15=0&set vol_off16=0&set vol_off19=0&set vol_off21=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' AND NOT Name like '%%MondoR_KMS_Automation%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" 2>&1
find /i "Office 21" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off21=1)
find /i "Office 19" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off19=1)
find /i "Office 16" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off16=1)
find /i "Office 15" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off15=1)
3 years ago
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 find /i "Office 14" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (set vol_off14=1)
for %%A in (14,15,16,19,21) do if !loc_off%%A! EQU 0 set vol_off%%A=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 find /i "Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% || (set vol_off16=0)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
if %vol_off15% EQU 1 find /i "OfficeMondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% || (set vol_off15=0)
2 years ago
3 years ago
set ret_off14=0&set ret_off15=0&set ret_off16=0&set ret_off19=0&set ret_off21=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND NOT Name like '%%O365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" 2>&1
find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 21" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off21=1)
find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 19" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off19=1)
find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 16" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off16=1)
find /i "R_Retail" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul2% | find /i "Office 15" %_Nul1% && (set ret_off15=1)
3 years ago
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oA14%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Description %_zz4%"
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i channel %_Nul1% && (set ret_off14=1)
2 years ago
3 years ago
set run_off21=0&set prr_off21=0&set prv_off21=0
if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 set run_off21=1
if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off21+=1
find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1
for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off21+=1
find /i "Office21ProPlus2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off21+=1
find /i "Office21Standard2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1
if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off21+=1
find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1
2 years ago
if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office21%%a2021R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off21+=1
find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off21+=1
if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %ret_off21% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 if %prv_off21% LSS %prr_off21% (set vol_off21=0&set run_off21=1)
2 years ago
3 years ago
set run_off19=0&set prr_off19=0&set prv_off19=0
if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 set run_off19=1
if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off19+=1
find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1
for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off19+=1
find /i "Office19ProPlus2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off19+=1
find /i "Office19Standard2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1
if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off19+=1
find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1
2 years ago
if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office19%%a2019R" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off19+=1
find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off19+=1
if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %ret_off19% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 if %prv_off19% LSS %prr_off19% (set vol_off19=0&set run_off19=1)
2 years ago
3 years ago
set run_off16=0&set prr_off16=0&set prv_off16=0
if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if defined _C16R (
for %%a in (%DO16Ids%) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16ProPlusVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21ProPlus2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19ProPlus2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16StandardVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21Standard2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19Standard2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
2 years ago
if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office16%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
3 years ago
call set /a prr_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 find /i "Office16%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off21% EQU 1 find /i "Office21%%a2021VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 1 find /i "Office19%%a2019VL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off16+=1
3 years ago
if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if defined _C16R if %prv_off16% LSS %prr_off16% (set vol_off16=0&set run_off16=1)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
2 years ago
if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %run_off16% EQU 0 if %sub_o365% EQU 0 if defined _C16R %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office16MondoVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% || set run_off16=1
2 years ago
set run_off15=0&set prr_off15=0&set prv_off15=0
if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 if defined _C15R set run_off15=1
if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 1 if defined _C15R (
for %%a in (%DO15Ids%) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off15+=1
find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1
for %%a in (Professional) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off15+=1
find /i "OfficeProPlusVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off15+=1
find /i "OfficeStandardVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1
if %sub_proj% EQU 0 for %%a in (ProjectPro,ProjectStd) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off15+=1
find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1
if %sub_vsio% EQU 0 for %%a in (VisioPro,VisioStd) do find /i "Office%%aR" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (
call set /a prr_off15+=1
find /i "Office%%aVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && call set /a prv_off15+=1
if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 1 if defined _C15R if %prv_off15% LSS %prr_off15% (set vol_off15=0&set run_off15=1)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %run_off15% EQU 0 if defined _C15R %_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "OfficeMondoVL" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% || set run_off15=1
3 years ago
2 years ago
set vol_offgl=1
3 years ago
if %vol_off21% EQU 0 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 (
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set vol_offgl=0
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 set vol_offgl=0
rem mixed Volume + Retail
3 years ago
if %run_off21% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V
if %run_off19% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V
if %run_off16% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V
if %run_off15% EQU 1 if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V
rem all supported Volume + message for unsupported
3 years ago
if %loc_off16% EQU 0 if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 0 if %OffUWP% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mOuwp%)
if %vol_offgl% EQU 1 (
if %ret_off16% EQU 1 if %_O16MSI% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO16m%)
if %ret_off15% EQU 1 if %_O15MSI% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO15m%)
3 years ago
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 1 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 (if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%))
exit /b
set Off1ce=0
rem Retail C2R
3 years ago
if %AutoR2V% EQU 1 if %RanR2V% EQU 0 goto :C2RR2V
rem Retail MSI/C2R or failed C2R-R2V
if %loc_off21% EQU 1 if %vol_off21% EQU 0 (
if %aC2R21% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO21a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO21c%)
if %loc_off19% EQU 1 if %vol_off19% EQU 0 (
if %aC2R19% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO19a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO19c%)
if %loc_off16% EQU 1 if %vol_off16% EQU 0 (
2 years ago
if defined _C16R (if %aC2R16% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO16a%) else (if %sub_o365% EQU 0 echo.&echo %_mO16c%)) else if %_O16MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off16% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO16m%)
if %loc_off15% EQU 1 if %vol_off15% EQU 0 (
if defined _C15R (if %aC2R15% EQU 1 (echo.&echo %_mO15a%) else (echo.&echo %_mO15c%)) else if %_O15MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off15% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO15m%)
3 years ago
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 1 if %vol_off14% EQU 0 (
if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%)
exit /b
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% > "!_temp!\sppchk.txt"
3 years ago
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 find /i "Office 14" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off14% EQU 0 exit /b)
find /i "Office 15" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off15% EQU 0 exit /b)
find /i "Office 16" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off16% EQU 0 exit /b)
find /i "Office 19" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off19% EQU 0 exit /b)
find /i "Office 21" "!_temp!\sppchk.txt" %_Nul1% && (if %loc_off21% EQU 0 exit /b)
3 years ago
if %1 EQU 1 (set _officespp=1) else (set _officespp=0)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=3 delims==, " %%G in ('%_qr%') do set OffVer=%%G
call :offchk%OffVer%
exit /b
set _officespp=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 if %WinPerm% EQU 0 if %_gvlk% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i Windows %_Nul1% && (set _gvlk=1)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b)
if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 if %_gvlk% EQU 1 exit /b
if %WinPerm% EQU 1 exit /b
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 (call :winchk&exit /b)
for %%A in (
) do (
if /i '%app%' EQU '%%A' exit /b
if not defined EditionID (call :winchk&exit /b)
if %winbuild% LSS 14393 (call :winchk&exit /b)
if /i '%app%' EQU '32d2fab3-e4a8-42c2-923b-4bf4fd13e6ee' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EnterpriseS exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'ca7df2e3-5ea0-47b8-9ac1-b1be4d8edd69' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudEdition exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'd30136fc-cb4b-416e-a23d-87207abc44a9' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudEditionN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '0df4f814-3f57-4b8b-9a9d-fddadcd69fac' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CloudE exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e0c42288-980c-4788-a014-c080d2e1926e' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Education exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '73111121-5638-40f6-bc11-f1d7b0d64300' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Enterprise exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '2de67392-b7a7-462a-b1ca-108dd189f588' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Professional exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '3f1afc82-f8ac-4f6c-8005-1d233e606eee' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalEducation exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '82bbc092-bc50-4e16-8e18-b74fc486aec3' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalWorkstation exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '3c102355-d027-42c6-ad23-2e7ef8a02585' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EducationN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e272e3e2-732f-4c65-a8f0-484747d0d947' if /i %EditionID% NEQ EnterpriseN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'a80b5abf-76ad-428b-b05d-a47d2dffeebf' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '5300b18c-2e33-4dc2-8291-47ffcec746dd' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalEducationN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '4b1571d3-bafb-4b40-8087-a961be2caf65' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ProfessionalWorkstationN exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '58e97c99-f377-4ef1-81d5-4ad5522b5fd8' if /i %EditionID% NEQ Core exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'cd918a57-a41b-4c82-8dce-1a538e221a83' if /i %EditionID% NEQ CoreSingleLanguage exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ServerRdsh exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07' if /i %EditionID% NEQ ServerRdsh exit /b
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% "Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%'" %_zz3% ID %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "e4db50ea-bda1-4566-b047-0ca50abc6f07" (
%_qr% | findstr /i "ec868e65-fadf-4759-b23e-93fe37f2cc29" %_Nul3% && (exit /b)
call :winchk
exit /b
if not defined tok (if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (set "tok=4") else (set "tok=7"))
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseStatus='1' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseStatus='1' and GracePeriodRemaining='0' %adoff% and PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && (
set WinPerm=1
set WinOEM=0
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz4%"
if %WinPerm% EQU 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "Windows" %_Nul3% && set WinOEM=1
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Description %_zz8%"
if %WinOEM% EQU 1 (
for /f "tokens=%tok% delims=, " %%G in ('%_qr%') do set "channel=%%G"
for %%A in (VOLUME_MAK, RETAIL, OEM_DM, OEM_SLP, OEM_COA, OEM_COA_SLP, OEM_COA_NSLP, OEM_NONSLP, OEM) do if /i "%%A"=="!channel!" set WinPerm=1
if %WinPerm% EQU 0 (
copy /y %SysPath%\slmgr.vbs "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" %_Nul3%
cscript //nologo "!_temp!\slmgr.vbs" /xpr %_Nul2% | findstr /i "permanently" %_Nul3% && set WinPerm=1
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ApplicationID='%_wApp%' and LicenseStatus='1' %adoff% %_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%"
if %WinPerm% EQU 1 (
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Checking: %%x
echo Product is Permanently Activated.
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
set _officespp=0
set ESU_ADD=1
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='77db037b-95c3-48d7-a3ab-a9c6d41093e0'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "3fcc2df2-f625-428d-909a-1f76efc849b6" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='0e00c25d-8795-4fb7-9572-3803d91b6880'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "dadfcd24-6e37-47be-8f7f-4ceda614cece" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='4220f546-f522-46df-8202-4d07afd26454'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "0c29c85e-12d7-4af8-8e4d-ca1e424c480c" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='553673ed-6ddf-419c-a153-b760283472fd'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "f2b21bfc-a6b0-4413-b4bb-9f06b55f2812" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='04fa0286-fa74-401e-bbe9-fbfbb158010d'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "bfc078d0-8c7f-475c-8519-accc46773113" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='16c08c85-0c8b-4009-9b2b-f1f7319e45f9'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "23c6188f-c9d8-457e-81b6-adb6dacb8779" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='8e7bfb1e-acc1-4f56-abae-b80fce56cd4b'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz4%"
if /i "%app%" EQU "e7cce015-33d6-41c1-9831-022ba63fe1da" (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr "1" %_Nul1% && (exit /b)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%PartialProductKey is not NULL%_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i "%app%" %_Nul1% && (echo.&call :activate&exit /b)
call :insKey
exit /b
set spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct
set sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService
set Off1ce=0
3 years ago
set RanR2V=0
set aC2R21=0
set aC2R19=0
set aC2R16=0
set aC2R15=0
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (set "aword=2010-2021") else (set "aword=2010")
if %OsppHook% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b)
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if %loc_off14% EQU 0 (echo.&echo No Installed Office %aword% Product Detected...&exit /b)
set err_offsvc=0
net start osppsvc /y %_Nul3% || (
sc start osppsvc %_Nul3%
if !errorlevel! EQU 1053 set err_offsvc=1
if %err_offsvc% EQU 1 (echo.&echo Error: osppsvc service is not running...&exit /b)
3 years ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 call :oppoff
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 call :sppoff
if %Off1ce% EQU 0 exit /b
set "vPrem="&set "vProf="
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='OfficeVisioPrem-MAK'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%"
if %loc_off14% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set vPrem=%%A
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='OfficeVisioPro-MAK'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%"
if %loc_off14% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set vProf=%%A
set "_qr=%_zz7% %sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set slsv=%%A
reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3%
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' %_zz6% %_zz3% ID %_zz8%"
3 years ago
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%G in ('%_qr%') do (set app=%%G&call :sppchkoff 2)
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing %_Null%
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching %_Null%
exit /b
3 years ago
set "_qr=%_zz1% %spp% %_zz3% Description %_zz4%"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i KMSCLIENT %_Nul1% && (
set Off1ce=1
exit /b
set ret_off14=0
%_qr% %_Nul2% | findstr /i channel %_Nul1% && (set ret_off14=1)
if defined _C14R (echo.&echo %_mO14c%) else if %_O14MSI% EQU 1 (if %ret_off14% EQU 1 echo.&echo %_mO14m%)
exit /b
set ls=0
set ls2=0
set ls3=0
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~1'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls=%%A
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~3'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%"
if /i not "%~3"=="" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls2=%%A
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%LicenseFamily='Office%~5'%_zz6% %_zz3% LicenseStatus %_zz8%"
if /i not "%~5"=="" for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%A in ('%_qr% %_Nul6%') do set /a ls3=%%A
if "%ls3%"=="1" (
echo Checking: %~6
echo Product is Permanently Activated.
exit /b
if "%ls2%"=="1" (
echo Checking: %~4
echo Product is Permanently Activated.
exit /b
if "%ls%"=="1" (
echo Checking: %~2
echo Product is Permanently Activated.
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'f3fb2d68-83dd-4c8b-8f09-08e0d950ac3b' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '76093b1b-7057-49d7-b970-638ebcbfd873' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'a3b44174-2451-4cd6-b25f-66638bfb9046' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'fbdb3e18-a8ef-4fb3-9183-dffd60bd0984' (
call :offchk "21ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE1" "Office ProPlus 2021" "21ProPlus2021VL_MAK_AE2"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '080a45c5-9f9f-49eb-b4b0-c3c610a5ebd3' (
call :offchk "21Standard2021VL_MAK_AE" "Office Standard 2021"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '76881159-155c-43e0-9db7-2d70a9a3a4ca' (
call :offchk "21ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE1" "Project Pro 2021" "21ProjectPro2021VL_MAK_AE2"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '6dd72704-f752-4b71-94c7-11cec6bfc355' (
call :offchk "21ProjectStd2021VL_MAK_AE" "Project Standard 2021"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'fb61ac9a-1688-45d2-8f6b-0674dbffa33c' (
call :offchk "21VisioPro2021VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Pro 2021"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '72fce797-1884-48dd-a860-b2f6a5efd3ca' (
call :offchk "21VisioStd2021VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Standard 2021"
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '0bc88885-718c-491d-921f-6f214349e79c' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'fc7c4d0c-2e85-4bb9-afd4-01ed1476b5e9' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '500f6619-ef93-4b75-bcb4-82819998a3ca' exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '85dd8b5f-eaa4-4af3-a628-cce9e77c9a03' (
call :offchk "19ProPlus2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office ProPlus 2019"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '6912a74b-a5fb-401a-bfdb-2e3ab46f4b02' (
call :offchk "19Standard2019VL_MAK_AE" "Office Standard 2019"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '2ca2bf3f-949e-446a-82c7-e25a15ec78c4' (
call :offchk "19ProjectPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Pro 2019"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '1777f0e3-7392-4198-97ea-8ae4de6f6381' (
call :offchk "19ProjectStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Project Standard 2019"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '5b5cf08f-b81a-431d-b080-3450d8620565' (
call :offchk "19VisioPro2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Pro 2019"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e06d7df3-aad0-419d-8dfb-0ac37e2bdf39' (
call :offchk "19VisioStd2019VL_MAK_AE" "Visio Standard 2019"
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'd450596f-894d-49e0-966a-fd39ed4c4c64' (
call :offchk "16ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'dedfa23d-6ed1-45a6-85dc-63cae0546de6' (
call :offchk "16StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '4f414197-0fc2-4c01-b68a-86cbb9ac254c' (
call :offchk "16ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'da7ddabc-3fbe-4447-9e01-6ab7440b4cd4' (
call :offchk "16ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '6bf301c1-b94a-43e9-ba31-d494598c47fb' (
call :offchk "16VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'aa2a7821-1827-4c2c-8f1d-4513a34dda97' (
call :offchk "16VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2016"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '829b8110-0e6f-4349-bca4-42803577788d' (
call :offchk "16ProjectProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Pro 2016 C2R"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'cbbaca45-556a-4416-ad03-bda598eaa7c8' (
call :offchk "16ProjectStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Project Standard 2016 C2R"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'b234abe3-0857-4f9c-b05a-4dc314f85557' (
call :offchk "16VisioProXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Pro 2016 C2R"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '361fe620-64f4-41b5-ba77-84f8e079b1f7' (
call :offchk "16VisioStdXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "Visio Standard 2016 C2R"
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'b322da9c-a2e2-4058-9e4e-f59a6970bd69' (
call :offchk "ProPlusVL_MAK" "Office ProPlus 2013"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'b13afb38-cd79-4ae5-9f7f-eed058d750ca' (
call :offchk "StandardVL_MAK" "Office Standard 2013"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '4a5d124a-e620-44ba-b6ff-658961b33b9a' (
call :offchk "ProjectProVL_MAK" "Project Pro 2013"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '427a28d1-d17c-4abf-b717-32c780ba6f07' (
call :offchk "ProjectStdVL_MAK" "Project Standard 2013"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e13ac10e-75d0-4aff-a0cd-764982cf541c' (
call :offchk "VisioProVL_MAK" "Visio Pro 2013"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'ac4efaf0-f81f-4f61-bdf7-ea32b02ab117' (
call :offchk "VisioStdVL_MAK" "Visio Standard 2013"
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '6f327760-8c5c-417c-9b61-836a98287e0c' (
call :offchk "ProPlus-MAK" "Office ProPlus 2010" "ProPlusAcad-MAK" "Office Professional Academic 2010"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '9da2a678-fb6b-4e67-ab84-60dd6a9c819a' (
call :offchk "Standard-MAK" "Office Standard 2010" "StandardAcad-MAK" "Office Standard Academic 2010"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'ea509e87-07a1-4a45-9edc-eba5a39f36af' (
call :offchk "SmallBusBasics-MAK" "Office Small Business Basics 2010"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'df133ff7-bf14-4f95-afe3-7b48e7e331ef' (
call :offchk "ProjectPro-MAK" "Project Pro 2010"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '5dc7bf61-5ec9-4996-9ccb-df806a2d0efe' (
call :offchk "ProjectStd-MAK" "Project Standard 2010" "ProjectStd-MAK2" "Project Standard 2010"
exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '92236105-bb67-494f-94c7-7f7a607929bd' (
call :offchk "VisioPrem-MAK" "Visio Premium 2010" "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010"
exit /b
if defined vPrem exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU 'e558389c-83c3-4b29-adfe-5e4d7f46c358' (
call :offchk "VisioPro-MAK" "Visio Pro 2010" "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010"
exit /b
if defined vProf exit /b
if /i '%app%' EQU '9ed833ff-4f92-4f36-b370-8683a4f13275' (
call :offchk "VisioStd-MAK" "Visio Standard 2010"
exit /b
call :insKey
exit /b
set loc_off%1=0
set _O%1MSI=0
if %1 EQU 19 (
if defined _C16R reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul2% | findstr 2019 %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1
exit /b
if %1 EQU 21 (
if defined _C16R reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds %_Nul2% | findstr 2021 %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1
exit /b
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" (
set loc_off%1=1
set _O%1MSI=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\%1.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" (
set loc_off%1=1
set _O%1MSI=1
if %1 EQU 16 if defined _C16R (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_C16R% /v ProductReleaseIds') do echo %%b> "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt"
for %%a in (%LV16Ids%,ProjectProX,ProjectStdX,VisioProX,VisioStdX) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt" %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1
for %%a in (%LR16Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\c2rchk.txt" %_Nul1% && set loc_off%1=1
exit /b
if %1 EQU 15 if defined _C15R (
set loc_off%1=1
exit /b
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
if not %xOS%==x86 if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
if not %xOS%==x86 if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office%1\OSPP.VBS" set loc_off%1=1
exit /b
2 years ago
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*retail" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1)
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*retail" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1)
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*volume" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1)
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r ".*volume" %_Nul2% | findstr /i /v "project visio" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && (set sub_o365=1)
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "project.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && set sub_proj=1
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "project.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && set sub_proj=1
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "visio.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x2" %_Nul1% && set sub_vsio=1
reg query %kNext% | findstr /i /r "visio.*" %_Nul2% | find /i "0x3" %_Nul1% && set sub_vsio=1
if %sub_o365% EQU 1 set sub_next=1
if %sub_proj% EQU 1 set sub_next=1
if %sub_vsio% EQU 1 set sub_next=1
exit /b
set S_OK=1
set "_key="
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%"
if %ESU_ADD% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Installing Key: %%x
if %ESU_ADD% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==f" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Installing Key: %%x
set ESU_ADD=0
call :keys %app%
if "%_key%"=="" (echo No associated KMS Client key found&exit /b)
set "_qr=wmic path %sps% where Version='%slsv%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_key%""
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %sps% "%_key%""
%_qr% %_Nul3%
cmd /c exit /b %ERRORCODE%
echo Failed: 0x!=ExitCode!
set S_OK=0
exit /b
set "_qr=wmic path %sps% where Version='%slsv%' call RefreshLicenseStatus"
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%sps%.Version='%slsv%'" RefreshLicenseStatus"
if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService %_qr% %_Nul3%
set S_OK=1
if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService (
if %_officespp% EQU 0 (reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f %_Null%) else (reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%\%app%" /f %_Null%)
) else (
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%\%app%" /f %_Null%
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%\%app%" /f %_Null%
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%"
if %W1nd0ws% EQU 0 if %_officespp% EQU 0 if %sps% EQU SoftwareLicensingService (
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%app%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3%
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Checking: %%x
echo Product is KMS 2038 Activated.
set _keepkms38=1
exit /b
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% Name %_zz8%"
if %act_attempt% LSS 1 (
if %ESU_ADD% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Activating: %%x
if %ESU_ADD% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==f" %%x in ('%_qr%') do echo Activating: %%x
set ESU_ADD=0
set "_qr=wmic path %spp% where ID='%app%' call Activate"
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%spp%.ID='%app%'" Activate"
%_qr% %_Nul3%
3 years ago
if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073418187 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F035
if %OSType% EQU Win7 echo Windows 7 cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS.
echo See Read Me for details.
exit /b
3 years ago
if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073417728 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F200
echo Windows needs to rebuild the activation-related files.
echo See KB2736303 for details.
exit /b
3 years ago
if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU -1073422315 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004E015
echo Running slmgr.vbs /rilc to mitigate.
cscript //Nologo //B %SysPath%\slmgr.vbs /rilc
set gpr=0
set gpr2=0
set "_qr=%_zz7% %spp% %_zz2% %_zz5%ID='%app%'%_zz6% %_zz3% GracePeriodRemaining %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%_qr%') do (set gpr=%%x&set /a "gpr2=(%%x+1440-1)/1440")
3 years ago
if %act_attempt% LSS 1 if %ERRORCODE% EQU 0 if %gpr% EQU 0 (
echo Product Activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase.
if %OSType% EQU Win7 echo This could be related to the error described in KB4487266
exit /b
set Act_OK=0
if %gpr% EQU 43200 if %_officespp% EQU 0 if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set Act_OK=1
if %gpr% EQU 64800 set Act_OK=1
if %gpr% GTR 259200 if %Win10Gov% EQU 1 set Act_OK=1
if %gpr% EQU 259200 set Act_OK=1
if %ERRORCODE% EQU 0 if %Act_OK% EQU 1 (
call :_color %_Green% "Product Activation Successful"
echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^)
set /a act_attempt=0
exit /b
if not !server_num! gtr %max_servers% (
3 years ago
if %act_attempt% LSS 3 (
set /a act_attempt+=1
call :getserv
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!"
if defined notx86 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" /reg:32
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" /reg:32
goto :activate
cmd /c exit /b %ERRORCODE%
call :_color %_Red% "Product Activation Failed: 0x!=ExitCode!"
) else (
call :_color %_Red% "Product Activation Failed"
echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^)
set S_OK=0
set act_failed=1
set /a act_attempt=0
exit /b
sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" %_Nul1% || net stop %1 /y %_Nul3%
sc query %1 | find /i "STOPPED" %_Nul1% || sc stop %1 %_Nul3%
goto :eof
if /i %1 EQU osppsvc.exe (
reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "!KMS_IP!" %_Nul3%
reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_Port%" %_Nul3%
goto :eof
3 years ago
set WMIe=0
call :CheckWS
if %WMIe% EQU 1 (
echo %_err%
echo Failed running WMI query check.
3 years ago
goto :eof
set "_qrw=%_zz1% Win32_ComputerSystem %_zz3% CreationClassName %_zz4%"
set "_qrs=%_zz1% SoftwareLicensingService %_zz3% Version %_zz4%"
3 years ago
%_qrs% %_Nul2% | findstr /r "[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*" %_Nul1% || (
set WMIe=1
%_qrw% %_Nul2% | find /i "ComputerSystem" %_Nul1% && (
echo Error: SPP is not responding
) || (
echo Error: WMI ^& SPP are not responding
goto :eof
3 years ago
set RanR2V=1
set "_SLMGR=%SysPath%\slmgr.vbs"
if %_Debug% EQU 0 (
set "_cscript=cscript //Nologo //B"
) else (
set "_cscript=cscript //Nologo"
set _LTSC=0
set "_tag="&set "_ons= 2016"
sc query ClickToRunSvc %_Nul3%
set error1=%errorlevel%
sc query OfficeSvc %_Nul3%
set error2=%errorlevel%
if %error1% EQU 1060 if %error2% EQU 1060 (
3 years ago
echo Error: Office C2R service is not detected
goto :%_fC2R%
set _Office16=0
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
set _Office16=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
set _Office16=1
set _Office15=0
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
set _Office15=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
set _Office15=1
if %_Office16% EQU 0 if %_Office15% EQU 0 (
3 years ago
echo Error: Office C2R InstallPath is not detected
goto :%_fC2R%
if %_Office16% EQU 0 goto :Reg15istry
set "_InstallRoot="
set "_ProductIds="
set "_GUID="
set "_Config="
set "_PRIDs="
set "_LicensesPath="
set "_Integrator="
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_InstallRoot=%%b\root")
if not "%_InstallRoot%"=="" (
2 years ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_OSPPVBS=%%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v PackageGUID" %_Nul6%') do (set "_GUID=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_ProductIds=%%b")
set "_Config=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
set "_PRIDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs"
) else (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_InstallRoot=%%b\root")
2 years ago
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_OSPPVBS=%%b\Office16\OSPP.VBS")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v PackageGUID" %_Nul6%') do (set "_GUID=%%b")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_ProductIds=%%b")
set "_Config=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration"
set "_PRIDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs"
set "_LicensesPath=%_InstallRoot%\Licenses16"
set "_Integrator=%_InstallRoot%\integration\integrator.exe"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_PRIDs% /v ActiveConfiguration" %_Nul6%') do set "_PRIDs=%_PRIDs%\%%b"
if "%_ProductIds%"=="" (
3 years ago
if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R ProductIDs are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry)
if not exist "%_LicensesPath%\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
3 years ago
if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R Licenses files are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry)
if not exist "%_Integrator%" (
3 years ago
if %_Office15% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office C2R Licenses Integrator is not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :Reg15istry)
if exist "%_LicensesPath%\Word2019VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" (set "_tag=2019"&set "_ons= 2019")
if exist "%_LicensesPath%\Word2021VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" (set _LTSC=1)
if %winbuild% LSS 10240 if !_LTSC! EQU 1 (set "_tag=2021"&set "_ons= 2021")
if %_Office15% EQU 0 goto :CheckC2R
set "_Install15Root="
set "_Product15Ids="
set "_Con15fig="
set "_PR15IDs="
set "_OSPP15Ready="
set "_Licenses15Path="
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Install15Root=%%b\root")
if not "%_Install15Root%"=="" (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b")
set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds"
set "_PR15IDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs"
set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration"
) else (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Install15Root=%%b\root")
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b")
set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds"
set "_PR15IDs=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\ProductReleaseIDs"
set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration"
set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_SZ"
if "%_Product15Ids%"=="" (
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b")
set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid"
set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"
set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_DWORD"
reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid %_Nul3% && (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid" %_Nul6%') do (set "_Product15Ids=%%b")
set "_Con15fig=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\propertyBag /v productreleaseid"
set "_OSPP15Ready=HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun"
set "_OSPP15ReadT=REG_DWORD"
set "_Licenses15Path=%_Install15Root%\Licenses"
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" (
set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS"
) else if exist "%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" (
set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramW6432%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS"
) else if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS" (
set "_OSPP15VBS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Office\Office15\OSPP.VBS"
if "%_Product15Ids%"=="" (
3 years ago
if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R ProductIDs are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R)
if not exist "%_Licenses15Path%\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (
3 years ago
if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R Licenses files are not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R)
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 if not exist "%_OSPP15VBS%" (
3 years ago
if %_Office16% EQU 0 (echo Error: Office 2013 C2R Licensing tool OSPP.vbs is not detected&goto :%_fC2R%) else (goto :CheckC2R)
set _OMSI=0
if %_Office16% EQU 0 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1
if %_Office15% EQU 0 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %_Nul6%') do if exist "%%b\OSPP.VBS" set _OMSI=1
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
set _spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct
set _sps=SoftwareLicensingService
set "_vbsi=%_SLMGR% /ilc "
2 years ago
set "_vbsf=%_SLMGR% /ilc "
) else (
set _spp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct
set _sps=OfficeSoftwareProtectionService
set _vbsi="!_OSPP15VBS!" /inslic:
2 years ago
set _vbsf="!_OSPPVBS!" /inslic:
set "_wmi="
set "_qr=%_zz7% %_sps% %_zz3% Version %_zz8%"
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%_qr%') do set _wmi=%%#
if "%_wmi%"=="" (
3 years ago
echo Error: %_sps% WMI version is not detected
call :CheckWS
goto :%_fC2R%
set _Retail=0
set "_ocq=ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseStatus='1' AND PartialProductKey is not NULL"
if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where (%_ocq%) get Description %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt"
set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "%_ocq%" Description"
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt"
find /i "RETAIL channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1
find /i "RETAIL(MAK) channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1
find /i "TIMEBASED_SUB channel" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && set _Retail=1
3 years ago
set rancopp=0
2 years ago
if %_Retail% EQU 0 if %_OMSI% EQU 0 (
3 years ago
set rancopp=1
2 years ago
%_Nul3% powershell "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':cleanlicense\:.*';iex ($f[1]);"
set _O16O365=0
set _C16Msg=0
set _C15Msg=0
set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "%_ocq%" LicenseFamily"
if %_Retail% EQU 1 if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where (%_ocq%) get LicenseFamily %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt"
if %_Retail% EQU 1 if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvRetail.txt"
set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" LicenseFamily"
if %WMI_VBS% EQU 0 wmic path %_spp% where "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" get LicenseFamily %_Nul2% |findstr /V /R "^$" >"!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" 2>&1
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 %_qr% %_Nul2% >"!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" 2>&1
if %_Office16% EQU 0 goto :R15V
set _O21Ids=ProPlus2021,ProjectPro2021,VisioPro2021,Standard2021,ProjectStd2021,VisioStd2021,Access2021,SkypeforBusiness2021
set _O19Ids=ProPlus2019,ProjectPro2019,VisioPro2019,Standard2019,ProjectStd2019,VisioStd2019,Access2019,SkypeforBusiness2019
set _O16Ids=ProjectPro,VisioPro,Standard,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,SkypeforBusiness
set _A21Ids=Excel2021,Outlook2021,PowerPoint2021,Publisher2021,Word2021
set _A19Ids=Excel2019,Outlook2019,PowerPoint2019,Publisher2019,Word2019
set _A16Ids=Excel,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word
set _V21Ids=%_O21Ids%,%_A21Ids%
set _V19Ids=%_O19Ids%,%_A19Ids%
set _V16Ids=Mondo,%_O16Ids%,%_A16Ids%,OneNote
set _R16Ids=%_V16Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud
set _RetIds=%_V21Ids%,Professional2021,HomeBusiness2021,HomeStudent2021,%_V19Ids%,Professional2019,HomeBusiness2019,HomeStudent2019,%_R16Ids%
set _Suites=Mondo,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud,ProPlus,Standard,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,ProPlus2019,Standard2019,Professional2019,HomeBusiness2019,HomeStudent2019,ProPlus2021,Standard2021,Professional2021,HomeBusiness2021,HomeStudent2021
set _PrjSKU=ProjectPro,ProjectStd,ProjectPro2019,ProjectStd2019,ProjectPro2021,ProjectStd2021
set _VisSKU=VisioPro,VisioStd,VisioPro2019,VisioStd2019,VisioPro2021,VisioStd2021
echo %_ProductIds%>"!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt"
for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do (
set _%%a=0
for %%a in (%_RetIds%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && set _%%a=1
if !_LTSC! EQU 0 for %%a in (%_V21Ids%) do (
set _%%a=0
if !_LTSC! EQU 1 for %%a in (%_V21Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office21%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1)
for %%a in (%_V19Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office19%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1)
for %%a in (%_V16Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office16%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1)
reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusRetail.16 %_Nul3% && (
find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1)
reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusVolume.16 %_Nul3% && (
find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1)
if %_Retail% EQU 1 for %%a in (%_RetIds%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProductIds.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office16%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aR_Sub" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aR_PIN" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aE5R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aEDUR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aCO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16%%aXC2RVL_MAKC2R" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office19%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1)
find /i "Office19%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1)
find /i "Office19%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1)
find /i "Office19%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R19=1)
find /i "Office21%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1)
find /i "Office21%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1)
find /i "Office21%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1)
find /i "Office21%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R21=1)
if %_Retail% EQU 1 reg query %_PRIDs%\ProPlusRetail.16 %_Nul3% && (
find /i "Office16ProPlusR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16ProPlusR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16ProPlusMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1)
find /i "Office16ProPlusVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R16=1)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %_spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'Office16O365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
find /i "Office16MondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && (
for %%a in (O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem,O365EduCloud) do set _%%a=0
2 years ago
if %sub_o365% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%_Suites%) do set _%%a=0
2 years ago
echo Microsoft Office is activated with a vNext license.
if %sub_proj% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%_PrjSKU%) do set _%%a=0
2 years ago
echo Microsoft Project is activated with a vNext license.
2 years ago
if %sub_vsio% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%_VisSKU%) do set _%%a=0
2 years ago
echo Microsoft Visio is activated with a vNext license.
for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
set _C16Msg=1
if %_C16Msg% EQU 1 (
echo Converting Office C2R Retail-to-Volume:
if %_C16Msg% EQU 0 (if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R))
2 years ago
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do (
%_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\%%~nx#"
%_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms"
if !_Mondo! EQU 1 (
call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 (
echo O365ProPlus 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses
call :InsLic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365Business! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365Business 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses
call :InsLic O365Business NCHRJ-3VPGW-X73DM-6B36K-3RQ6B
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 1 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365SmallBusPrem 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses
call :InsLic O365SmallBusPrem 3FBRX-NFP7C-6JWVK-F2YGK-H499R
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 1 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365HomePrem 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses
call :InsLic O365HomePrem 9FNY8-PWWTY-8RY4F-GJMTV-KHGM9
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365EduCloud! EQU 1 if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 0 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365Business! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365EduCloud 2016 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2016 Licenses
call :InsLic O365EduCloud 8843N-BCXXD-Q84H8-R4Q37-T3CPT
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :InsLic Mondo
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 set _O16O365=1
if !_Mondo! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo Mondo 2016 Suite
call :InsLic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK
if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R)
if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo ProPlus 2021 Suite
call :InsLic ProPlus2021
if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 (
echo ProPlus 2019 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag%
if !_ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 (
echo ProPlus 2016 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag%
if !_Professional2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo Professional 2021 Suite -^> ProPlus 2021 Licenses
call :InsLic ProPlus2021
if !_Professional2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 (
echo Professional 2019 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag%
if !_Professional! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 (
echo Professional 2016 Suite -^> ProPlus%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic ProPlus%_tag%
if !_Standard2021! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 (
echo Standard 2021 Suite
call :InsLic Standard2021
if !_Standard2019! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 (
echo Standard 2019 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic Standard%_tag%
if !_Standard! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 (
echo Standard 2016 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic Standard%_tag%
for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 (
echo %%a 2021 SKU
call :InsLic %%a2021
for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 (
if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2019 SKU -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2016 SKU -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 (
set _Standard2021=1
echo %%a 2021 Suite -^> Standard 2021 Licenses
call :InsLic Standard2021
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 (
set _Standard2019=1
echo %%a 2019 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic Standard%_tag%
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 (
set _Standard=1
echo %%a 2016 Suite -^> Standard%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic Standard%_tag%
for %%a in (%_A21Ids%,OneNote) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 (
echo %%a App
call :InsLic %%a
for %%a in (%_A16Ids%) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (%_A16Ids%) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard2021! EQU 0 if !_Standard2019! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2021 App
call :InsLic %%a2021
for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional2021! EQU 0 if !_Professional2019! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a2021! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2021 App
call :InsLic %%a2021
for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a2019! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2019 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
for %%a in (SkypeforBusiness) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2021! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus2019! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_%%a2021! EQU 0 if !_%%a2019! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2016 App -^> %%a%_ons% Licenses
call :InsLic %%a%_tag%
if %_Office15% EQU 1 (goto :R15V) else (goto :GVLKC2R)
set _O15Ids=Standard,ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd,Access,Lync
set _A15Ids=Excel,Groove,InfoPath,OneNote,Outlook,PowerPoint,Publisher,Word
set _R15Ids=SPD,Mondo,%_O15Ids%,%_A15Ids%,Professional,HomeBusiness,HomeStudent,O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem
set _V15Ids=Mondo,%_O15Ids%,%_A15Ids%
echo %_Product15Ids%>"!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt"
for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do (
set _%%a=0
for %%a in (%_R15Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && set _%%a=1
for %%a in (%_V15Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aVolume" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office%%aVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0) || (set _%%a=1)
reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusRetail\x-none %_Nul3% && (
find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1)
reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusVolume\x-none %_Nul3% && (
find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0) || (set _ProPlus=1)
if %_Retail% EQU 1 for %%a in (%_R15Ids%) do (
findstr /I /C:"%%aRetail" "!_temp!\crvProduct15s.txt" %_Nul1% && (
find /i "Office%%aR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aR_Sub" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aR_PIN" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aCO365R_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "Office%%aVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _%%a=0 & set aC2R15=1)
if %_Retail% EQU 1 reg query %_PR15IDs%\Active\ProPlusRetail\x-none %_Nul3% && (
find /i "OfficeProPlusR_Retail" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "OfficeProPlusR_OEM" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "OfficeProPlusMSDNR_" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1)
find /i "OfficeProPlusVL_MAK" "!_temp!\crvRetail.txt" %_Nul1% && (set _ProPlus=0 & set aC2R15=1)
set "_qr=%_zz1% %_spp% %_zz2% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%' AND LicenseFamily like 'OfficeO365%%'" %_zz3% LicenseFamily %_zz4%"
find /i "OfficeMondoVL_KMS_Client" "!_temp!\crvVolume.txt" %_Nul1% && (
%_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "O365" %_Nul1% && (
for %%a in (O365ProPlus,O365Business,O365SmallBusPrem,O365HomePrem) do set _%%a=0
for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
set _C15Msg=1
if %_C15Msg% EQU 1 if %_C16Msg% EQU 0 (
echo Converting Office C2R Retail-to-Volume:
if %_C15Msg% EQU 0 goto :GVLKC2R
2 years ago
for %%# in ("!_Licenses15Path!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do (
%_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\%%~nx#"
%_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms"
if !_Mondo! EQU 1 (
call :Ins15Lic Mondo
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 (
echo O365ProPlus 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo
if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365SmallBusPrem 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic O365SmallBusPrem 3FBRX-NFP7C-6JWVK-F2YGK-H499R
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo
if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 1 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365HomePrem 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic O365HomePrem 9FNY8-PWWTY-8RY4F-GJMTV-KHGM9
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo
if !_O365Business! EQU 1 if !_O365HomePrem! EQU 0 if !_O365SmallBusPrem! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 (
set _O365ProPlus=1
echo O365Business 2013 Suite ^<-^> Mondo 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic O365Business MCPBN-CPY7X-3PK9R-P6GTT-H8P8Y
if !_Mondo! EQU 0 call :Ins15Lic Mondo
if !_Mondo! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_O16O365! EQU 0 (
echo Mondo 2013 Suite
call :Ins15Lic O365ProPlus DRNV7-VGMM2-B3G9T-4BF84-VMFTK
goto :GVLKC2R
if !_SPD! EQU 1 if !_Mondo! EQU 0 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo SharePoint Designer 2013 App -^> Mondo 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic Mondo
goto :GVLKC2R
if !_ProPlus! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo ProPlus 2013 Suite
call :Ins15Lic ProPlus
if !_Professional! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo Professional 2013 Suite -^> ProPlus 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic ProPlus
if !_Standard! EQU 1 if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 (
echo Standard 2013 Suite
call :Ins15Lic Standard
for %%a in (ProjectPro,VisioPro,ProjectStd,VisioStd) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
echo %%a 2013 SKU
call :Ins15Lic %%a
for %%a in (HomeBusiness,HomeStudent) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 (
set _Standard=1
echo %%a 2013 Suite -^> Standard 2013 Licenses
call :Ins15Lic Standard
for %%a in (%_A15Ids%) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 if !_Standard! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2013 App
call :Ins15Lic %%a
for %%a in (Access) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_Professional! EQU 0 (
echo %%a 2013 App
call :Ins15Lic %%a
for %%a in (Lync) do if !_%%a! EQU 1 (
if !_O365ProPlus! EQU 0 if !_ProPlus! EQU 0 (
echo SkypeforBusiness 2015 App
call :Ins15Lic %%a
goto :GVLKC2R
set "_ID=%1Volume"
2 years ago
set "_patt=%1VL_"
set "_pkey="
2 years ago
set "_kpey="
if not "%2"=="" (
set "_ID=%1Retail"
2 years ago
set "_patt=%1R_"
set "_pkey=PidKey=%2"
2 years ago
set "_kpey=%2"
reg delete %_Config% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady %_Nul3%
"!_Integrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_ID%.16 %_pkey% PackageGUID="%_GUID%" PackageRoot="!_InstallRoot!" %_Nul1%
2 years ago
set fallback=0
set "_qr=wmic path %_spp% where ApplicationID='%_oApp%' get LicenseFamily"
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csq% %_spp% "ApplicationID='%_oApp%'" LicenseFamily"
%_qr% %_Nul2% | find /i "%_patt%" %_Nul1% || (set fallback=1)
if %fallback% equ 0 goto :IntOK
set "_lsfs="
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%_patt%*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
if defined _kpey (
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1DemoR*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1E5R*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1EDUR*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1MSDNR*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1O365R*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in ("!_LicensesPath!\%1CO365R*.xrm-ms") do (
set "_lsfs=!_lsfs! %%~nx#"
for %%# in (!_lsfs!) do (
%_cscript% %_vbsf%"!_LicensesPath!\%%#"
set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where Version='%_wmi%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_kpey%""
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %_sps% "%_kpey%""
if defined _kpey %_qr% %_Nul3%
reg add %_Config% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady /t REG_SZ /d 1 %_Nul1%
reg query %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds | findstr /I "%_ID%" %_Nul1%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds') do reg add %_Config% /v ProductReleaseIds /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%_ID%" /f %_Nul1%
exit /b
set "_ID=%1Volume"
set "_patt=%1VL_"
set "_pkey="
if not "%2"=="" (
set "_ID=%1Retail"
set "_patt=%1R_"
set "_pkey=%2"
reg delete %_OSPP15Ready% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady %_Nul3%
for %%# in ("!_Licenses15Path!\%_patt%*.xrm-ms") do (
%_cscript% %_vbsi%"!_Licenses15Path!\%%~nx#"
set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where Version='%_wmi%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%_pkey%""
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csp% %_sps% "%_pkey%""
if defined _pkey %_qr% %_Nul3%
reg add %_OSPP15Ready% /f /v %_ID%.OSPPReady /t %_OSPP15ReadT% /d 1 %_Nul1%
reg query %_Con15fig% %_Nul2% | findstr /I "%_ID%" %_Nul1%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_Con15fig% %_Nul6%') do reg add %_Con15fig% /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%_ID%" /f %_Nul1%
exit /b
3 years ago
set _CtRMsg=0
if %_C16Msg% EQU 1 set _CtRMsg=1
if %_C15Msg% EQU 1 set _CtRMsg=1
if %_Office16% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%_RetIds%,ProPlus) do set "_%%a="
1 year ago
for %%A in (19,21) do call :officeLoc %%A
if %_Office15% EQU 1 (
for %%a in (%_R15Ids%,ProPlus) do set "_%%a="
set "_qr=wmic path %_sps% where version='%_wmi%' call RefreshLicenseStatus"
if %WMI_VBS% NEQ 0 set "_qr=%_csm% "%_sps%.Version='%_wmi%'" RefreshLicenseStatus"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 %_qr% %_Nul3%
3 years ago
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0\tokens.dat" if %rancopp% EQU 1 if %_CtRMsg% EQU 1 (
%_cscript% %_SLMGR% /rilc
3 years ago
if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 %_cscript% %_SLMGR% /rilc
goto :%_sC2R%
if "%~1"=="" exit /b
2 years ago
set yh=-
goto :%1 %_Nul2%
3 years ago
:: Windows 11 [Ni]
2 years ago
set "_key=KBN8V%yh%HFGQ4%yh%MGXVD%yh%347P6%yh%PDQGT" &:: IoT Enterprise LTSC
3 years ago
exit /b
:: Windows 11 [Co]
2 years ago
set "_key=37D7F%yh%N49CB%yh%WQR8W%yh%TBJ73%yh%FM8RX" &:: SE {Cloud}
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6XN7V%yh%PCBDC%yh%BDBRH%yh%8DQY7%yh%G6R44" &:: SE N {Cloud N}
exit /b
:: Windows 10 [RS5]
2 years ago
set "_key=M7XTQ%yh%FN8P6%yh%TTKYV%yh%9D4CC%yh%J462D" &:: Enterprise LTSC 2019
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=92NFX%yh%8DJQP%yh%P6BBQ%yh%THF9C%yh%7CG2H" &:: Enterprise LTSC 2019 N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=CPWHC%yh%NT2C7%yh%VYW78%yh%DHDB2%yh%PG3GK" &:: Enterprise for Virtual Desktops
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NBTWJ%yh%3DR69%yh%3C4V8%yh%C26MC%yh%GQ9M6" &:: Lean
exit /b
:: Windows 10 [RS3]
2 years ago
set "_key=NRG8B%yh%VKK3Q%yh%CXVCJ%yh%9G2XF%yh%6Q84J" &:: Pro Workstation
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=9FNHH%yh%K3HBT%yh%3W4TD%yh%6383H%yh%6XYWF" &:: Pro Workstation N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7NBT4%yh%WGBQX%yh%MP4H7%yh%QXFF8%yh%YP3KX" &:: Enterprise Remote Server
exit /b
:: Windows 10 [RS2]
2 years ago
set "_key=YYVX9%yh%NTFWV%yh%6MDM3%yh%9PT4T%yh%4M68B" &:: Enterprise G
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=44RPN%yh%FTY23%yh%9VTTB%yh%MP9BX%yh%T84FV" &:: Enterprise G N
exit /b
:: Windows 10 [RS1]
2 years ago
set "_key=DCPHK%yh%NFMTC%yh%H88MJ%yh%PFHPY%yh%QJ4BJ" &:: Enterprise 2016 LTSB
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=QFFDN%yh%GRT3P%yh%VKWWX%yh%X7T3R%yh%8B639" &:: Enterprise 2016 LTSB N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6TP4R%yh%GNPTD%yh%KYYHQ%yh%7B7DP%yh%J447Y" &:: Pro Education
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YVWGF%yh%BXNMC%yh%HTQYQ%yh%CPQ99%yh%66QFC" &:: Pro Education N
exit /b
:: Windows 10 [TH]
2 years ago
set "_key=TX9XD%yh%98N7V%yh%6WMQ6%yh%BX7FG%yh%H8Q99" &:: Home
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=3KHY7%yh%WNT83%yh%DGQKR%yh%F7HPR%yh%844BM" &:: Home N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7HNRX%yh%D7KGG%yh%3K4RQ%yh%4WPJ4%yh%YTDFH" &:: Home Single Language
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=PVMJN%yh%6DFY6%yh%9CCP6%yh%7BKTT%yh%D3WVR" &:: Home China
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=W269N%yh%WFGWX%yh%YVC9B%yh%4J6C9%yh%T83GX" &:: Pro
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=MH37W%yh%N47XK%yh%V7XM9%yh%C7227%yh%GCQG9" &:: Pro N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NW6C2%yh%QMPVW%yh%D7KKK%yh%3GKT6%yh%VCFB2" &:: Education
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2WH4N%yh%8QGBV%yh%H22JP%yh%CT43Q%yh%MDWWJ" &:: Education N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NPPR9%yh%FWDCX%yh%D2C8J%yh%H872K%yh%2YT43" &:: Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=DPH2V%yh%TTNVB%yh%4X9Q3%yh%TJR4H%yh%KHJW4" &:: Enterprise N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WNMTR%yh%4C88C%yh%JK8YV%yh%HQ7T2%yh%76DF9" &:: Enterprise 2015 LTSB
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2F77B%yh%TNFGY%yh%69QQF%yh%B8YKP%yh%D69TJ" &:: Enterprise 2015 LTSB N
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2022 [Fe]
2 years ago
set "_key=VDYBN%yh%27WPP%yh%V4HQT%yh%9VMD4%yh%VMK7H" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WX4NM%yh%KYWYW%yh%QJJR4%yh%XV3QB%yh%6VM33" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6N379%yh%GGTMK%yh%23C6M%yh%XVVTC%yh%CKFRQ" &:: Azure Core
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=67KN8%yh%4FYJW%yh%2487Q%yh%MQ2J7%yh%4C4RG" &:: Standard ACor
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=QFND9%yh%D3Y9C%yh%J3KKY%yh%6RPVP%yh%2DPYV" &:: Datacenter ACor
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2019 [RS5]
2 years ago
set "_key=N69G4%yh%B89J2%yh%4G8F4%yh%WWYCC%yh%J464C" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WMDGN%yh%G9PQG%yh%XVVXX%yh%R3X43%yh%63DFG" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=FDNH6%yh%VW9RW%yh%BXPJ7%yh%4XTYG%yh%239TB" &:: Azure Core
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=N2KJX%yh%J94YW%yh%TQVFB%yh%DG9YT%yh%724CC" &:: Standard ACor
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6NMRW%yh%2C8FM%yh%D24W7%yh%TQWMY%yh%CWH2D" &:: Datacenter ACor
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WVDHN%yh%86M7X%yh%466P6%yh%VHXV7%yh%YY726" &:: Essentials
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GRFBW%yh%QNDC4%yh%6QBHG%yh%CCK3B%yh%2PR88" &:: ServerARM64
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NTBV8%yh%9K7Q8%yh%V27C6%yh%M2BTV%yh%KHMXV" &:: Azure Datacenter - ServerTurbine
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2016 [RS4]
2 years ago
set "_key=K9FYF%yh%G6NCK%yh%73M32%yh%XMVPY%yh%F9DRR" &:: ServerARM64
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2016 [RS3]
2 years ago
set "_key=PTXN8%yh%JFHJM%yh%4WC78%yh%MPCBR%yh%9W4KR" &:: Standard ACor
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2HXDN%yh%KRXHB%yh%GPYC7%yh%YCKFJ%yh%7FVDG" &:: Datacenter ACor
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2016 [RS1]
2 years ago
set "_key=WC2BQ%yh%8NRM3%yh%FDDYY%yh%2BFGV%yh%KHKQY" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=CB7KF%yh%BWN84%yh%R7R2Y%yh%793K2%yh%8XDDG" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=VP34G%yh%4NPPG%yh%79JTQ%yh%864T4%yh%R3MQX" &:: Azure Core
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=JCKRF%yh%N37P4%yh%C2D82%yh%9YXRT%yh%4M63B" &:: Essentials
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=QN4C6%yh%GBJD2%yh%FB422%yh%GHWJK%yh%GJG2R" &:: Cloud Storage
exit /b
:: Windows 8.1
2 years ago
set "_key=M9Q9P%yh%WNJJT%yh%6PXPY%yh%DWX8H%yh%6XWKK" &:: Core
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7B9N3%yh%D94CG%yh%YTVHR%yh%QBPX3%yh%RJP64" &:: Core N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=BB6NG%yh%PQ82V%yh%VRDPW%yh%8XVD2%yh%V8P66" &:: Core Single Language
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NCTT7%yh%2RGK8%yh%WMHRF%yh%RY7YQ%yh%JTXG3" &:: Core China
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XYTND%yh%K6QKT%yh%K2MRH%yh%66RTM%yh%43JKP" &:: Core ARM
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GCRJD%yh%8NW9H%yh%F2CDX%yh%CCM8D%yh%9D6T9" &:: Pro
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HMCNV%yh%VVBFX%yh%7HMBH%yh%CTY9B%yh%B4FXY" &:: Pro N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=789NJ%yh%TQK6T%yh%6XTH8%yh%J39CJ%yh%J8D3P" &:: Pro with Media Center
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=MHF9N%yh%XY6XB%yh%WVXMC%yh%BTDCT%yh%MKKG7" &:: Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TT4HM%yh%HN7YT%yh%62K67%yh%RGRQJ%yh%JFFXW" &:: Enterprise N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NMMPB%yh%38DD4%yh%R2823%yh%62W8D%yh%VXKJB" &:: Embedded Industry Pro
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=FNFKF%yh%PWTVT%yh%9RC8H%yh%32HB2%yh%JB34X" &:: Embedded Industry Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=VHXM3%yh%NR6FT%yh%RY6RT%yh%CK882%yh%KW2CJ" &:: Embedded Industry Automotive
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=3PY8R%yh%QHNP9%yh%W7XQD%yh%G6DPH%yh%3J2C9" &:: with Bing
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=Q6HTR%yh%N24GM%yh%PMJFP%yh%69CD8%yh%2GXKR" &:: with Bing N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=KF37N%yh%VDV38%yh%GRRTV%yh%XH8X6%yh%6F3BB" &:: with Bing Single Language
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=R962J%yh%37N87%yh%9VVK2%yh%WJ74P%yh%XTMHR" &:: with Bing China
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=MX3RK%yh%9HNGX%yh%K3QKC%yh%6PJ3F%yh%W8D7B" &:: Pro for Students
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TNFGH%yh%2R6PB%yh%8XM3K%yh%QYHX2%yh%J4296" &:: Pro for Students N
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2012 R2
2 years ago
set "_key=D2N9P%yh%3P6X9%yh%2R39C%yh%7RTCD%yh%MDVJX" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=W3GGN%yh%FT8W3%yh%Y4M27%yh%J84CP%yh%Q3VJ9" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=KNC87%yh%3J2TX%yh%XB4WP%yh%VCPJV%yh%M4FWM" &:: Essentials
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=3NPTF%yh%33KPT%yh%GGBPR%yh%YX76B%yh%39KDD" &:: Cloud Storage
exit /b
:: Windows 8
2 years ago
set "_key=BN3D2%yh%R7TKB%yh%3YPBD%yh%8DRP2%yh%27GG4" &:: Core
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=8N2M2%yh%HWPGY%yh%7PGT9%yh%HGDD8%yh%GVGGY" &:: Core N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2WN2H%yh%YGCQR%yh%KFX6K%yh%CD6TF%yh%84YXQ" &:: Core Single Language
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=4K36P%yh%JN4VD%yh%GDC6V%yh%KDT89%yh%DYFKP" &:: Core China
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=DXHJF%yh%N9KQX%yh%MFPVR%yh%GHGQK%yh%Y7RKV" &:: Core ARM
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NG4HW%yh%VH26C%yh%733KW%yh%K6F98%yh%J8CK4" &:: Pro
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XCVCF%yh%2NXM9%yh%723PB%yh%MHCB7%yh%2RYQQ" &:: Pro N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GNBB8%yh%YVD74%yh%QJHX6%yh%27H4K%yh%8QHDG" &:: Pro with Media Center
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=32JNW%yh%9KQ84%yh%P47T8%yh%D8GGY%yh%CWCK7" &:: Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=JMNMF%yh%RHW7P%yh%DMY6X%yh%RF3DR%yh%X2BQT" &:: Enterprise N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=RYXVT%yh%BNQG7%yh%VD29F%yh%DBMRY%yh%HT73M" &:: Embedded Industry Pro
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NKB3R%yh%R2F8T%yh%3XCDP%yh%7Q2KW%yh%XWYQ2" &:: Embedded Industry Enterprise
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2012
2 years ago
set "_key=XC9B7%yh%NBPP2%yh%83J2H%yh%RHMBY%yh%92BT4" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=48HP8%yh%DN98B%yh%MYWDG%yh%T2DCC%yh%8W83P" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HM7DN%yh%YVMH3%yh%46JC3%yh%XYTG7%yh%CYQJJ" &:: MultiPoint Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XNH6W%yh%2V9GX%yh%RGJ4K%yh%Y8X6F%yh%QGJ2G" &:: MultiPoint Premium
exit /b
:: Windows 7
2 years ago
set "_key=FJ82H%yh%XT6CR%yh%J8D7P%yh%XQJJ2%yh%GPDD4" &:: Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=MRPKT%yh%YTG23%yh%K7D7T%yh%X2JMM%yh%QY7MG" &:: Professional N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=W82YF%yh%2Q76Y%yh%63HXB%yh%FGJG9%yh%GF7QX" &:: Professional E
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=33PXH%yh%7Y6KF%yh%2VJC9%yh%XBBR8%yh%HVTHH" &:: Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YDRBP%yh%3D83W%yh%TY26F%yh%D46B2%yh%XCKRJ" &:: Enterprise N
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=C29WB%yh%22CC8%yh%VJ326%yh%GHFJW%yh%H9DH4" &:: Enterprise E
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YBYF6%yh%BHCR3%yh%JPKRB%yh%CDW7B%yh%F9BK4" &:: Embedded POSReady 7
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XGY72%yh%BRBBT%yh%FF8MH%yh%2GG8H%yh%W7KCW" &:: Embedded Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=73KQT%yh%CD9G6%yh%K7TQG%yh%66MRP%yh%CQ22C" &:: Embedded ThinPC
exit /b
:: Windows Server 2008 R2
2 years ago
set "_key=6TPJF%yh%RBVHG%yh%WBW2R%yh%86QPH%yh%6RTM4" &:: Web
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TT8MH%yh%CG224%yh%D3D7Q%yh%498W2%yh%9QCTX" &:: HPC
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YC6KT%yh%GKW9T%yh%YTKYR%yh%T4X34%yh%R7VHC" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=74YFP%yh%3QFB3%yh%KQT8W%yh%PMXWJ%yh%7M648" &:: Datacenter
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=489J6%yh%VHDMP%yh%X63PK%yh%3K798%yh%CPX3Y" &:: Enterprise
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GT63C%yh%RJFQ3%yh%4GMB6%yh%BRFB9%yh%CB83V" &:: Itanium
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=736RG%yh%XDKJK%yh%V34PF%yh%BHK87%yh%J6X3K" &:: MultiPoint Server - ServerEmbeddedSolution
exit /b
:: Office 2021
2 years ago
set "_key=FXYTK%yh%NJJ8C%yh%GB6DW%yh%3DYQT%yh%6F7TH" &:: Professional Plus
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=KDX7X%yh%BNVR8%yh%TXXGX%yh%4Q7Y8%yh%78VT3" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=FTNWT%yh%C6WBT%yh%8HMGF%yh%K9PRX%yh%QV9H8" &:: Project Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=J2JDC%yh%NJCYY%yh%9RGQ4%yh%YXWMH%yh%T3D4T" &:: Project Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=KNH8D%yh%FGHT4%yh%T8RK3%yh%CTDYJ%yh%K2HT4" &:: Visio Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=MJVNY%yh%BYWPY%yh%CWV6J%yh%2RKRT%yh%4M8QG" &:: Visio Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WM8YG%yh%YNGDD%yh%4JHDC%yh%PG3F4%yh%FC4T4" &:: Access
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NWG3X%yh%87C9K%yh%TC7YY%yh%BC2G7%yh%G6RVC" &:: Excel
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=C9FM6%yh%3N72F%yh%HFJXB%yh%TM3V9%yh%T86R9" &:: Outlook
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TY7XF%yh%NFRBR%yh%KJ44C%yh%G83KF%yh%GX27K" &:: PowerPoint
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2MW9D%yh%N4BXM%yh%9VBPG%yh%Q7W6M%yh%KFBGQ" &:: Publisher
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HWCXN%yh%K3WBT%yh%WJBKY%yh%R8BD9%yh%XK29P" &:: Skype for Business
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TN8H9%yh%M34D3%yh%Y64V9%yh%TR72V%yh%X79KV" &:: Word
exit /b
:: Office 2019
2 years ago
set "_key=NMMKJ%yh%6RK4F%yh%KMJVX%yh%8D9MJ%yh%6MWKP" &:: Professional Plus
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6NWWJ%yh%YQWMR%yh%QKGCB%yh%6TMB3%yh%9D9HK" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=B4NPR%yh%3FKK7%yh%T2MBV%yh%FRQ4W%yh%PKD2B" &:: Project Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=C4F7P%yh%NCP8C%yh%6CQPT%yh%MQHV9%yh%JXD2M" &:: Project Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=9BGNQ%yh%K37YR%yh%RQHF2%yh%38RQ3%yh%7VCBB" &:: Visio Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7TQNQ%yh%K3YQQ%yh%3PFH7%yh%CCPPM%yh%X4VQ2" &:: Visio Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=9N9PT%yh%27V4Y%yh%VJ2PD%yh%YXFMF%yh%YTFQT" &:: Access
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TMJWT%yh%YYNMB%yh%3BKTF%yh%644FC%yh%RVXBD" &:: Excel
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7HD7K%yh%N4PVK%yh%BHBCQ%yh%YWQRW%yh%XW4VK" &:: Outlook
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=RRNCX%yh%C64HY%yh%W2MM7%yh%MCH9G%yh%TJHMQ" &:: PowerPoint
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=G2KWX%yh%3NW6P%yh%PY93R%yh%JXK2T%yh%C9Y9V" &:: Publisher
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NCJ33%yh%JHBBY%yh%HTK98%yh%MYCV8%yh%HMKHJ" &:: Skype for Business
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=PBX3G%yh%NWMT6%yh%Q7XBW%yh%PYJGG%yh%WXD33" &:: Word
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=VQ9DP%yh%NVHPH%yh%T9HJC%yh%J9PDT%yh%KTQRG" &:: Pro Plus 2019 Preview
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XM2V9%yh%DN9HH%yh%QB449%yh%XDGKC%yh%W2RMW" &:: Project Pro 2019 Preview
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=N2CG9%yh%YD3YK%yh%936X4%yh%3WR82%yh%Q3X4H" &:: Visio Pro 2019 Preview
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HFPBN%yh%RYGG8%yh%HQWCW%yh%26CH6%yh%PDPVF" &:: Pro Plus 2021 Preview
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WDNBY%yh%PCYFY%yh%9WP6G%yh%BXVXM%yh%92HDV" &:: Project Pro 2021 Preview
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2XYX7%yh%NXXBK%yh%9CK7W%yh%K2TKW%yh%JFJ7G" &:: Visio Pro 2021 Preview
exit /b
:: Office 2016
2 years ago
set "_key=WGT24%yh%HCNMF%yh%FQ7XH%yh%6M8K7%yh%DRTW9" &:: Project Professional C2R-P
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=D8NRQ%yh%JTYM3%yh%7J2DX%yh%646CT%yh%6836M" &:: Project Standard C2R-P
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=69WXN%yh%MBYV6%yh%22PQG%yh%3WGHK%yh%RM6XC" &:: Visio Professional C2R-P
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NY48V%yh%PPYYH%yh%3F4PX%yh%XJRKJ%yh%W4423" &:: Visio Standard C2R-P
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=DMTCJ%yh%KNRKX%yh%26982%yh%JYCKT%yh%P7KB6" &:: MondoR
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HFTND%yh%W9MK4%yh%8B7MJ%yh%B6C4G%yh%XQBR2" &:: Mondo
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=XQNVK%yh%8JYDB%yh%WJ9W3%yh%YJ8YR%yh%WFG99" &:: Professional Plus
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=JNRGM%yh%WHDWX%yh%FJJG3%yh%K47QV%yh%DRTFM" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YG9NW%yh%3K39V%yh%2T3HJ%yh%93F3Q%yh%G83KT" &:: Project Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GNFHQ%yh%F6YQM%yh%KQDGJ%yh%327XX%yh%KQBVC" &:: Project Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=PD3PC%yh%RHNGV%yh%FXJ29%yh%8JK7D%yh%RJRJK" &:: Visio Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7WHWN%yh%4T7MP%yh%G96JF%yh%G33KR%yh%W8GF4" &:: Visio Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=GNH9Y%yh%D2J4T%yh%FJHGG%yh%QRVH7%yh%QPFDW" &:: Access
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=9C2PK%yh%NWTVB%yh%JMPW8%yh%BFT28%yh%7FTBF" &:: Excel
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=DR92N%yh%9HTF2%yh%97XKM%yh%XW2WJ%yh%XW3J6" &:: OneNote
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=R69KK%yh%NTPKF%yh%7M3Q4%yh%QYBHW%yh%6MT9B" &:: Outlook
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=J7MQP%yh%HNJ4Y%yh%WJ7YM%yh%PFYGF%yh%BY6C6" &:: Powerpoint
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=F47MM%yh%N3XJP%yh%TQXJ9%yh%BP99D%yh%8K837" &:: Publisher
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=869NQ%yh%FJ69K%yh%466HW%yh%QYCP2%yh%DDBV6" &:: Skype for Business
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=WXY84%yh%JN2Q9%yh%RBCCQ%yh%3Q3J3%yh%3PFJ6" &:: Word
exit /b
:: Office 2013
2 years ago
set "_key=42QTK%yh%RN8M7%yh%J3C4G%yh%BBGYM%yh%88CYV" &:: Mondo
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YC7DK%yh%G2NP3%yh%2QQC3%yh%J6H88%yh%GVGXT" &:: Professional Plus
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=KBKQT%yh%2NMXY%yh%JJWGP%yh%M62JB%yh%92CD4" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=FN8TT%yh%7WMH6%yh%2D4X9%yh%M337T%yh%2342K" &:: Project Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6NTH3%yh%CW976%yh%3G3Y2%yh%JK3TX%yh%8QHTT" &:: Project Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=C2FG9%yh%N6J68%yh%H8BTJ%yh%BW3QX%yh%RM3B3" &:: Visio Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=J484Y%yh%4NKBF%yh%W2HMG%yh%DBMJC%yh%PGWR7" &:: Visio Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=NG2JY%yh%H4JBT%yh%HQXYP%yh%78QH9%yh%4JM2D" &:: Access
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=VGPNG%yh%Y7HQW%yh%9RHP7%yh%TKPV3%yh%BG7GB" &:: Excel
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=H7R7V%yh%WPNXQ%yh%WCYYC%yh%76BGV%yh%VT7GH" &:: Groove
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=DKT8B%yh%N7VXH%yh%D963P%yh%Q4PHY%yh%F8894" &:: InfoPath
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=2MG3G%yh%3BNTT%yh%3MFW9%yh%KDQW3%yh%TCK7R" &:: Lync
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=TGN6P%yh%8MMBC%yh%37P2F%yh%XHXXK%yh%P34VW" &:: OneNote
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=QPN8Q%yh%BJBTJ%yh%334K3%yh%93TGY%yh%2PMBT" &:: Outlook
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=4NT99%yh%8RJFH%yh%Q2VDH%yh%KYG2C%yh%4RD4F" &:: Powerpoint
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=PN2WF%yh%29XG2%yh%T9HJ7%yh%JQPJR%yh%FCXK4" &:: Publisher
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=6Q7VD%yh%NX8JD%yh%WJ2VH%yh%88V73%yh%4GBJ7" &:: Word
exit /b
:: Office 2010
2 years ago
set "_key=YBJTT%yh%JG6MD%yh%V9Q7P%yh%DBKXJ%yh%38W9R" &:: Mondo
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7TC2V%yh%WXF6P%yh%TD7RT%yh%BQRXR%yh%B8K32" &:: Mondo2
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=VYBBJ%yh%TRJPB%yh%QFQRF%yh%QFT4D%yh%H3GVB" &:: Professional Plus
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=V7QKV%yh%4XVVR%yh%XYV4D%yh%F7DFM%yh%8R6BM" &:: Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=YGX6F%yh%PGV49%yh%PGW3J%yh%9BTGG%yh%VHKC6" &:: Project Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=4HP3K%yh%88W3F%yh%W2K3D%yh%6677X%yh%F9PGB" &:: Project Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=D9DWC%yh%HPYVV%yh%JGF4P%yh%BTWQB%yh%WX8BJ" &:: Visio Premium
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7MCW8%yh%VRQVK%yh%G677T%yh%PDJCM%yh%Q8TCP" &:: Visio Professional
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=767HD%yh%QGMWX%yh%8QTDB%yh%9G3R2%yh%KHFGJ" &:: Visio Standard
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=V7Y44%yh%9T38C%yh%R2VJK%yh%666HK%yh%T7DDX" &:: Access
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=H62QG%yh%HXVKF%yh%PP4HP%yh%66KMR%yh%CW9BM" &:: Excel
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=QYYW6%yh%QP4CB%yh%MBV6G%yh%HYMCJ%yh%4T3J4" &:: Groove - SharePoint Workspace
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=K96W8%yh%67RPQ%yh%62T9Y%yh%J8FQJ%yh%BT37T" &:: InfoPath
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=Q4Y4M%yh%RHWJM%yh%PY37F%yh%MTKWH%yh%D3XHX" &:: OneNote
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=7YDC2%yh%CWM8M%yh%RRTJC%yh%8MDVC%yh%X3DWQ" &:: Outlook
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=RC8FX%yh%88JRY%yh%3PF7C%yh%X8P67%yh%P4VTT" &:: Powerpoint
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=BFK7F%yh%9MYHM%yh%V68C7%yh%DRQ66%yh%83YTP" &:: Publisher
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=HVHB3%yh%C6FV7%yh%KQX9W%yh%YQG79%yh%CRY7T" &:: Word
exit /b
2 years ago
set "_key=D6QFG%yh%VBYP2%yh%XQHM7%yh%J97RH%yh%VVRCK" &:: Small Business Basics
exit /b
if %act_failed% EQU 1 (
2 years ago
echo ____________________________________________________________________
call :_errorinfo
if not defined _tskinstalled if not defined _oldtsk (
2 years ago
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
call :leavenonexistentkms %nul%
3 years ago
echo Keeping the non-existent IP address as KMS Server.
) else (
call :Clear-KMS-Cache
2 years ago
if not [%Act_OK%]==[1] (
echo In case of any issues, check
2 years ago
if defined _unattended exit /b
2 years ago
echo ____________________________________________________________________
call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..."
pause >nul
exit /b
2 years ago
call :CheckFR
set _intcon=
2 years ago
for %%a in ( do if not defined _intcon (
2 years ago
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (if not [%%#]==[] set _intcon=1)
2 years ago
if not defined _intcon (
call :_color %_Red% "Internet is not connected."
exit /b
2 years ago
if [%ERRORCODE%]==[-1073418124] (
echo Checking Port 1688 connection, it may take a while...
set /a count=0
2 years ago
set _portcon=
2 years ago
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do if not defined _portcon if !count! LEQ 7 (
set /a count+=1
2 years ago
%psc% "$t = New-Object Net.Sockets.TcpClient;try{$t.Connect("""%%a""", 1688)}catch{};$t.Connected" | findstr /i true 1>nul && set _portcon=1
2 years ago
if not defined _portcon (
2 years ago
call :_color %Red% "Port 1688 is blocked in your Internet connection."
2 years ago
2 years ago
echo Reason: Probably restricted Internet [Office/College] is connected,
echo or Firewall is blocking the connection.
2 years ago
echo Solution: Either use another Internet connection or use offline KMS
) else (
echo Port 1688 connection test is passed.
2 years ago
2 years ago
echo Make sure system files are not blocked by your firewall.
echo If the issue persists, try offline KMS
2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago
echo KMS server is not an issue in this case.
exit /b
:: Multi KMS servers integration and servers randomization
set srvlist=
set -=
2 years ago
set ""
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
set n=1
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (set %%a=&set server!n!=%%a&set /a n+=1)
set max_servers=15
set /a server_num=0
exit /b
if %server_num% equ %max_servers% set /a server_num+=1&set KMS_IP= /b
set /a rand=%Random%%%(15+1-1)+1
if defined !server%rand%! goto :getserv
set KMS_IP=!server%rand%!
set !server%rand%!=1
:: Get IPv4 address of KMS server to use for the activation, works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
:: Microsoft and Antivirus's may flag the issue if public KMS server host name is directly used for the activation.
set /a server_num+=1
(for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%a"
if [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('pathping -4 -h 1 -n -p 1 -q 1 -w 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%#"
if not [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] exit /b
goto :getserv
set OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform
set SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform
set _wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f
set _oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
set _oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if defined notx86 (
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
:: check KMS38 lock
%nul% reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" && (
set error_=9
echo Failed to completely clear KMS Cache.
2 years ago
reg query "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /s 2>nul | findstr /i "" >nul && echo KMS38 activation is locked.
) || (
echo Cleared KMS Cache successfully.
exit /b
3 years ago
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d ""
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
if not defined _keepkms38 reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if not %xOS%==x86 (
3 years ago
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32
3 years ago
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32
reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
3 years ago
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d ""
reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
3 years ago
reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d ""
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableDnsPublishing
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v DisableKeyManagementServiceHostCaching
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f
reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
goto :eof
mode con: cols=91 lines=30
1 year ago
title Online KMS Complete Uninstall %masver%
set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks"
set "_C16R="
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun /v InstallPath /reg:32" 2^>nul') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" set "_C16R=1"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if defined _C16R (
echo ## Notice ##
echo To make sure Office programs do not show a non-genuine banner,
echo please run the activation option once, and don't uninstall afterward.
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
set error_=
call :Clear-KMS-Cache
3 years ago
call :clearstuff
if defined error_ (
if [%error_%]==[1] (
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
echo Try Again / Restart the System
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
) else (
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
call :_color %Green% "Online KMS Complete Uninstall was done successfully."
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
2 years ago
if defined _unattended timeout /t 2 & exit /b
3 years ago
call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..."
pause >nul
exit /b
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && (
echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Renewal
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul%
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (
echo Deleting [Task] Activation-Run_Once
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal" >nul && (
echo Deleting [Task] Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal
schtasks /delete /tn Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Renewal /f %nul%
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once" >nul && (
echo Deleting [Task] Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once
schtasks /delete /tn Online_KMS_Activation_Script-Run_Once /f %nul%
If exist "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" (
echo Deleting [Folder] %windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\
rmdir /s /q "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" %nul%
if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" (
echo Deleting [File] %ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd
del /f /q "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" %nul%
3 years ago
If exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" (
echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" %nul%
If exist "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" (
echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul%
1 year ago
If exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" (
echo Deleting [Folder] %ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" %nul%
reg query "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" %nul% && (
echo Deleting [Registry] HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office
Reg delete "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" /f %nul%
3 years ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && (set error_=1)
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (set error_=1)
1 year ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Online_KMS_Activation_Script" >nul && (set error_=1)
If exist "%windir%\Online_KMS_Activation_Script\" (set error_=1)
3 years ago
reg query "HKCR\DesktopBackground\shell\Activate Windows - Office" %nul% && (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation.cmd" (set error_=1)
3 years ago
if exist "%ProgramData%\Online_KMS_Activation\" (set error_=1)
if exist "%ProgramData%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1)
1 year ago
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" (set error_=1)
3 years ago
exit /b
3 years ago
mode con cols=91 lines=30
1 year ago
title Install Activation Auto-Renewal %masver%
set error_=
1 year ago
set "_dest=%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal"
set "key=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks"
3 years ago
call :clearstuff %nul%
3 years ago
if defined error_ (
echo Failed to completely clear KMS related folders/tasks.
echo Run the Uninstall option and then try again.
goto :RenDone
if not exist "%_dest%\" md "%_dest%\" %nul%
1 year ago
set "_temp=%SystemRoot%\Temp\_taskwork_%Random%"
3 years ago
set nil=
if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul%
md "%_temp%\" %nul%
call :RenExport renewal "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" Unicode
if defined ActTask (call :RenExport run_once "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" Unicode)
3 years ago
s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Renewal" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Renewal.xml" %nul%
if defined ActTask (s%nil%cht%nil%asks /cre%nil%ate /tn "Activation-Run_Once" /ru "SYS%nil%TEM" /xml "%_temp%\Run_Once.xml" %nul%)
if exist "%_temp%\.*" rmdir /s /q "%_temp%\" %nul%
3 years ago
call :createInfo.txt
1 year ago
%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":_extracttask\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd', '@REM Dummy ' + '%random%' + [Environment]::NewLine + $f[1].Trim(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII);"
1 year ago
title Install Activation Auto-Renewal %masver%
3 years ago
3 years ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul || (set error_=1)
if defined ActTask reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul || (set error_=1)
3 years ago
If not exist "%_dest%\Activation_task.cmd" (set error_=1)
If not exist "%_dest%\Info.txt" (set error_=1)
if defined error_ (
3 years ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Renewal" >nul && (
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Renewal /f %nul%
3 years ago
reg query "%key%" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
3 years ago
If exist "%_dest%\" (
rmdir /s /q "%_dest%\" %nul%
3 years ago
echo Run the Uninstall option and then try again.
goto :RenDone
3 years ago
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
echo Files created:
3 years ago
echo %_dest%\Activation_task.cmd
echo %_dest%\Info.txt
(if defined ActTask (echo Scheduled Tasks created:) else (echo Scheduled Task created:))
3 years ago
echo \Activation-Renewal [Weekly]
if defined ActTask (echo \Activation-Run_Once)
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
echo Info:
echo Activation will be renewed every week if the Internet connection is found.
2 years ago
echo It'll only renew installed KMS licenses. It won't convert any license to KMS.
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
if defined ActTask (
3 years ago
call :_color %Green% "Renewal and Activation Tasks were successfully created."
) else (
3 years ago
call :_color %Green% "Renewal Task was successfully created."
2 years ago
call :_color %Gray% "Make sure you have run the Activation option at least once."
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________
if defined _unattended exit /b
call :_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to go back..."
pause >nul
exit /b
3 years ago
2 years ago
echo The use of this script is to renew your Windows/Office KMS license using online KMS.
3 years ago
echo If renewal/activation Scheduled tasks were created then following would exist,
echo - Scheduled tasks
echo Activation-Renewal [Renewal / Weekly]
echo Activation-Run_Once [Activation Task - deletes itself once activated]
echo The scheduled tasks runs only if the system is connected to the Internet.
echo - Files
1 year ago
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Activation_task.cmd
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Info.txt
echo C:\Program Files\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt
3 years ago
echo ______________________________________________________________________________________________
echo Online KMS Activation Script is a part of 'Microsoft_Activation_Scripts' [MAS] project.
3 years ago
echo Homepage: mass grave[.]dev
3 years ago
echo Email:
exit /b
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="">
<Source>Microsoft Corporation</Source>
3 years ago
2 years ago
<Description>Online K-M-S Activation-Renewal - Weekly Task</Description>
3 years ago
<Sunday />
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">
1 year ago
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<Task version="1.3" xmlns="">
<Source>Microsoft Corporation</Source>
3 years ago
2 years ago
<Description>Online K-M-S Activation Run Once - Run and Delete itself on first Internet Contact</Description>
3 years ago
<Principal id="LocalSystem">
<Actions Context="LocalSystem">
1 year ago
:: Extract the text from batch script without character and file encoding issue
1 year ago
%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split \":%~1\:.*`r`n\"; [io.file]::WriteAllText('%~2',$f[1].Trim(),[System.Text.Encoding]::%~3);"
exit /b
@echo off
3 years ago
:: Renew K-M-S activation with Online servers via scheduled task
:: This script is a part of 'Microsoft_Activation_Scripts' (MAS) project.
:: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev
:: Email:
if not "%~1"=="Task" (
echo ====== Error ======
echo This file is supposed to be run only by the scheduled task.
echo Press any key to exit
pause >nul
exit /b
:: Set Path variable, it helps if it is misconfigured in the system
3 years ago
set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%\System32\wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" (
set "PATH=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%PATH%"
2 years ago
>nul fltmc || exit /b
set _tserror=
2 years ago
set winbuild=1
set "nul=>nul 2>&1"
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G
3 years ago
set psc=powershell.exe
set run_once=
set t_name=Renewal Task
3 years ago
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "\Activation-Run_Once" >nul && (
set run_once=1
set t_name=Run Once Task
3 years ago
set _wmic=0
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" (
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul && set _wmic=1
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
1 year ago
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\" call :_taskstart>>"%ProgramFiles%\Activation-Renewal\Logs.txt" & exit
echo %date%, %time%
set /a loop=1
set /a max_loop=4
call :_tasksetserv
:: Check Internet connection. Works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -n 1 %%a') do (
if not [%%#]==[] goto _taskIntConnected
nslookup 2>nul | find "" 1>nul
if [%errorlevel%]==[0] goto _taskIntConnected
if %loop%==%max_loop% (
set _tserror=1
goto _taskend
echo Error: Internet is not connected
echo Waiting 30 seconds
timeout /t 30 >nul
set /a loop=%loop%+1
goto _intrepeat
:: Check not x86 Windows
set notx86=
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set arch=%%b
if /i not "%arch%"=="x86" set notx86=1
set "OPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform"
set "SPPk=SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform"
set "slp=SoftwareLicensingProduct"
set "ospp=OfficeSoftwareProtectionProduct"
set "_wApp=55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f"
set "_oApp=0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
set "_oA14=59a52881-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663"
:: Clean existing KMS cache from the registry / Set port value to 1688
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
if defined notx86 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /reg:32
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688" /reg:32
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9600 (
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_wApp%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oA14%" /f
%nul% reg delete "HKLM\%OPPk%\%_oApp%" /f
:: Check WMI and sppsvc Errors
set applist=
net start sppsvc /y %nul%
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %slp% where (ApplicationID='%_wApp%') get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %slp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%_wApp%''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')"
%chkapp% do (if defined applist (call set "applist=!applist! %%a") else (call set "applist=%%a"))
if not defined applist (
set _tserror=1
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" 2>nul | find /i "computersystem" 1>nul
if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set e_wmispp=WMI, SPP) else (set e_wmispp=SPP)
3 years ago
echo Error: Not Respoding- !e_wmispp!
:: Check installed volume products activation ID's
call :_taskgetids sppwid %slp% windows
call :_taskgetids sppoid %slp% office
call :_taskgetids osppid %ospp% office
echo Renewing KMS activation for all installed Volume products
if not defined sppwid if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid (
echo No installed Volume Windows / Office product found
echo Renewing KMS server
call :_taskgetserv
call :_taskregserv
goto :_skipact
:: Check KMS38 activation
set gpr=0
set _kms38=0
if defined sppwid if %winbuild% GEQ 14393 (
set _path=%slp%
set _actid=%sppwid%
call :_taskgetgrace
if %gpr% NEQ 0 if %gpr% GTR 259200 (
set _kms38=1
call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _kms38
:: Set specific KMS host to Local Host so that global KMS IP can not replace KMS38 activation but can be used with Office and other Windows Editions.
if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d ""
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_wApp%\%sppwid%" /f /v KeyManagementServicePort /t REG_SZ /d "1688"
if defined sppwid (
set _path=%slp%
set _actid=%sppwid%
call :_actprod
call :_act act_win
call :_actinfo act_win
) else (
echo Checking: Volume version of Windows is not installed
if defined sppoid (
set _path=%slp%
for %%# in (%sppoid%) do (
set _actid=%%#
call :_actprod
call :_act
call :_actinfo
if defined osppid (
set _path=%ospp%
for %%# in (%osppid%) do (
set _actid=%%#
call :_actprod
call :_act
call :_actinfo
if not defined sppoid if not defined osppid (
echo Checking: Volume version of Office is not installed
if defined run_once (
3 years ago
echo Deleting Scheduled Task Activation-Run_Once
schtasks /delete /tn Activation-Run_Once /f %nul%
echo Exiting
echo ______________________________________________________________________
if defined _tserror (exit /b 123456789) else (exit /b 0)
set errorcode=12345
set /a act_attempt=0
if %act_attempt% GTR 4 exit /b
if not [%act_ok%]==[1] (
call :_taskgetserv
call :_taskregserv
if not !server_num! GTR %max_servers% (
if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' call Activate %nul%
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "try {$null=(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).Activate(); exit 0} catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }"
call set errorcode=!errorlevel!
if !errorcode! EQU 0 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
if [%1]==[act_win] if !errorcode! EQU -1073418187 if %winbuild% LSS 9200 (
set act_ok=1
exit /b
set act_ok=0
set /a act_attempt+=1
goto _act2
exit /b
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get Name /VALUE" 2^>nul') do call echo Activating: %%x
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%x in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Name FROM !_path! WHERE ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).Name | %% {echo ('Name='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do call echo Activating: %%x
exit /b
if [%1]==[act_win] if %_kms38% EQU 1 (
echo Windows is activated with KMS38
exit /b
if %errorcode% EQU 12345 (
echo Product Activation Failed
echo Unable to test KMS servers due to restricted or no Internet
set _tserror=1
exit /b
if %errorcode% EQU -1073418187 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F035
if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% LSS 9200 echo Windows 7 cannot be KMS-activated on this computer due to unqualified OEM BIOS
exit /b
if %errorcode% EQU -1073417728 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0xC004F200
echo Windows needs to rebuild the activation-related files.
set _tserror=1
exit /b
set gpr=0
set gpr2=0
call :_taskgetgrace
set /a "gpr2=(%gpr%+1440-1)/1440"
if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %gpr% EQU 0 (
echo Product Activation succeeded, but Remaining Period failed to increase.
if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% LSS 9200 echo This could be related to the error described in KB4487266
set _tserror=1
exit /b
set _actpass=1
if %gpr% EQU 43200 if [%1]==[act_win] if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set _actpass=0
if %gpr% EQU 64800 set _actpass=0
if %gpr% GTR 259200 if [%1]==[act_win] call :_taskchkEnterpriseG _actpass
if %gpr% EQU 259200 set _actpass=0
if %errorcode% EQU 0 if %_actpass% EQU 0 (
echo Product Activation Successful
echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^)
exit /b
cmd /c exit /b %errorcode%
if %errorcode% NEQ 0 (
echo Product Activation Failed: 0x!=ExitCode!
) else (
echo Product Activation Failed
echo Remaining Period: %gpr2% days ^(%gpr% minutes^)
set _tserror=1
exit /b
set %1=
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %2 where (Name like '%%%3%%' and Description like '%%KMSCLIENT%%' and PartialProductKey is not NULL) get ID /VALUE" 2^>nul')"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %2 WHERE Name like ''%%%3%%'' and Description like ''%%KMSCLIENT%%'' and PartialProductKey is not NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" 2^>nul')"
%chkapp% do (if defined %1 (call set "%1=!%1! %%a") else (call set "%1=%%a"))
exit /b
set gpr=0
3 years ago
if %_wmic% EQU 1 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('"wmic path !_path! where ID='!_actid!' get GracePeriodRemaining /VALUE" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#"
if %_wmic% EQU 0 for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%# in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT GracePeriodRemaining FROM !_path! where ID=''!_actid!''').Get()).GracePeriodRemaining | %% {echo ('GracePeriodRemaining='+$_)}" 2^>nul') do call set "gpr=%%#"
exit /b
for %%# in (e0b2d383-d112-413f-8a80-97f373a5820c e38454fb-41a4-4f59-a5dc-25080e354730) do (if %sppwid%==%%# set %1=0)
exit /b
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%OPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%"
if defined notx86 (
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32
%nul% reg add "HKLM\%SPPk%\%_oApp%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "%KMS_IP%" /reg:32
exit /b
:: Multi KMS servers integration and servers randomization
set srvlist=
set -=
2 years ago
set ""
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
set "srvlist=%srvlist%"
set n=1
for %%a in (%srvlist%) do (set %%a=&set server!n!=%%a&set /a n+=1)
set max_servers=15
set /a server_num=0
exit /b
if %server_num% geq %max_servers% (set /a server_num+=1&set KMS_IP= /b)
set /a rand=%Random%%%(15+1-1)+1
if defined !server%rand%! goto :_taskgetserv
set KMS_IP=!server%rand%!
set !server%rand%!=1
:: Get IPv4 address of KMS server to use for the activation, works even if ICMP echo is disabled.
:: Microsoft and Antivirus's may flag the issue if public KMS server host name is directly used for the activation.
set /a server_num+=1
(for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%a in ('ping -4 -n 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%a"
if [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('pathping -4 -h 1 -n -p 1 -q 1 -w 1 %KMS_IP% 2^>nul') do set "KMS_IP=%%#"
if not [%KMS_IP%]==[!KMS_IP!] exit /b
goto :_taskgetserv
1 year ago
:: Ver:1.9
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
if defined _unattended (echo %~2) else (echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m)
) else (
if defined _unattended (echo %~2) else (call :batcol %~1 "%~2")
exit /b
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m
) else (
call :batcol %~1 "%~2" %~3 "%~4"
exit /b
:: Colored text with pure batch method
:: Thanks to @dbenham and @jeb
pushd %_coltemp%
if not exist "'" (<nul >"'" set /p "=.")
set "s=%~2"
set "t=%~4"
call :_batcol %1 s %3 t
del /f /q "'"
del /f /q "`.txt"
exit /b
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "s=!%~2!"
set "t=!%~4!"
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%i in ("!s!") do (
if "!" equ "" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
>`.txt (echo %%i\..\')
findstr /a:%~1 /f:`.txt "."
<nul set /p "=%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%"
if "%~4"=="" echo(&exit /b
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%i in ("!t!") do (
if "!" equ "" setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
>`.txt (echo %%i\..\')
findstr /a:%~3 /f:`.txt "."
<nul set /p "=%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%%_BS%"
exit /b
if %_NCS% EQU 1 (
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a"
set "Red="41;97m""
set "Gray="100;97m""
set "Black="30m""
set "Green="42;97m""
set "Blue="44;97m""
set "Yellow="43;97m""
set "Magenta="45;97m""
set "_Red="40;91m""
set "_Green="40;92m""
set "_Blue="40;94m""
set "_White="40;37m""
set "_Yellow="40;93m""
exit /b
for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H&for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "_BS=%%A %%A"
set "_coltemp=%SystemRoot%\Temp"
set "Red="CF""
set "Gray="8F""
set "Black="00""
set "Green="2F""
set "Blue="1F""
set "Yellow="6F""
set "Magenta="5F""
set "_Red="0C""
set "_Green="0A""
set "_Blue="09""
set "_White="07""
set "_Yellow="0E""
exit /b
2 years ago
:: This code is used to clean Office licenses
function UninstallLicenses($DllPath) {
$AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1)
$ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False)
$TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0)
[void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLOpen', $DllPath, 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([IntPtr].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3)
[void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLGetSLIDList', $DllPath, 'Public, Static', 1, [int],
@([IntPtr], [int], [Guid].MakeByRefType(), [int], [int].MakeByRefType(), [IntPtr].MakeByRefType()), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128)
[void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('SLUninstallLicense', $DllPath, 'Public, Static', 1, [int], @([IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3)
$SPPC = $TypeBuilder.CreateType()
$Handle = 0
$pnReturnIds = 0
$ppReturnIds = 0
if (!$SPPC::SLGetSLIDList($Handle, 0, [ref][Guid]"0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663", 6, [ref]$pnReturnIds, [ref]$ppReturnIds)) {
foreach ($i in 0..($pnReturnIds - 1)) {
[void]$SPPC::SLUninstallLicense($Handle, [Int64]$ppReturnIds + [Int64]16 * $i)
$OSPP = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Path
if ($OSPP) {
Write-Output "Found Office Software Protection installed, cleaning"
UninstallLicenses($OSPP + "osppc.dll")
1 year ago
:: Leave empty line below