You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2498 lines
126 KiB
2498 lines
126 KiB
@set masver=2.6 |
@echo off |
::============================================================================ |
:: |
:: Homepage: mass grave[.]dev |
:: Email: |
:: |
::============================================================================ |
:: To activate Office with Ohook activation, run the script with "/Ohook" parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line |
set _act=0 |
:: To remove Ohook activation, run the script with /Ohook-Uninstall parameter or change 0 to 1 in below line |
set _rem=0 |
:: To run the script in debug mode, change 0 to "/Ohook" in below line |
set "_debug=0" |
:: If value is changed in above lines or parameter is used then script will run in unattended mode |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Set Environment variables, it helps if they are misconfigured in the system |
setlocal EnableExtensions |
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion |
set "PathExt=.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH;.MSC" |
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\System32" |
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\System32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\" |
if exist "%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\reg.exe" ( |
set "SysPath=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative" |
set "Path=%SystemRoot%\Sysnative;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\Wbem;%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;%Path%" |
) |
set "ComSpec=%SysPath%\cmd.exe" |
set "PSModulePath=%ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules;%SysPath%\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules" |
set "_cmdf=%~f0" |
for %%# in (%*) do ( |
if /i "%%#"=="r1" set r1=1 |
if /i "%%#"=="r2" set r2=1 |
) |
:: Re-launch the script with x64 process if it was initiated by x86 process on x64 bit Windows |
:: or with ARM64 process if it was initiated by x86/ARM32 process on ARM64 Windows |
if exist %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe if not defined r1 ( |
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion |
start %SystemRoot%\Sysnative\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r1" |
exit /b |
) |
:: Re-launch the script with ARM32 process if it was initiated by x64 process on ARM64 Windows |
if exist %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe if %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%==AMD64 if not defined r2 ( |
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion |
start %SystemRoot%\SysArm32\cmd.exe /c ""!_cmdf!" %* r2" |
exit /b |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Debug code |
if "%_debug%" EQU "0" ( |
set "nul1=1>nul" |
set "nul2=2>nul" |
set "nul6=2^>nul" |
set "nul=>nul 2>&1" |
goto :_debug |
) |
set "nul1=" |
set "nul2=" |
set "nul6=" |
set "nul=" |
@echo on |
@prompt $G |
@call :_debug "%_debug%" >"%~dp0_tmp.log" 2>&1 |
cmd /u /c type "%~dp0_tmp.log">"%~dp0_Debug.log" |
del "%~dp0_tmp.log" |
@echo off |
@exit /b |
:_debug |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
set "blank=" |
set "mas=ht%blank%tps%blank%://" |
:: Check if Null service is working, it's important for the batch script |
sc query Null | find /i "RUNNING" |
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( |
echo: |
echo Null service is not running, script may crash... |
echo: |
echo: |
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot |
echo: |
echo: |
ping -n 20 |
) |
cls |
:: Check LF line ending |
pushd "%~dp0" |
>nul findstr /v "$" "%~nx0" && ( |
echo: |
echo Error - Script either has LF line ending issue or an empty line at the end of the script is missing. |
echo: |
echo: |
echo Help - %mas%troubleshoot |
echo: |
echo: |
ping -n 20 >nul |
popd |
exit /b |
) |
popd |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
cls |
color 07 |
title Ohook Activation %masver% |
set _args= |
set _elev= |
set _unattended=0 |
set _args=%* |
if defined _args set _args=%_args:"=% |
if defined _args ( |
for %%A in (%_args%) do ( |
if /i "%%A"=="/Ohook" set _act=1 |
if /i "%%A"=="/Ohook-Uninstall" set _rem=1 |
if /i "%%A"=="-el" set _elev=1 |
) |
) |
for %%A in (%_act% %_rem%) do (if "%%A"=="1" set _unattended=1) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
call :dk_setvar |
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 ( |
%eline% |
echo Unsupported OS version detected [%winbuild%]. |
echo Ohook Activation is supported on Windows 8 and later and their server equivalent. |
goto dk_done |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Fix special characters limitation in path name |
set "_work=%~dp0" |
if "%_work:~-1%"=="\" set "_work=%_work:~0,-1%" |
set "_batf=%~f0" |
set "_batp=%_batf:'=''%" |
set _PSarg="""%~f0""" -el %_args% |
set _PSarg=%_PSarg:'=''% |
set "_ttemp=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp" |
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
echo "!_batf!" | find /i "!_ttemp!" %nul1% && ( |
if /i not "!_work!"=="!_ttemp!" ( |
%eline% |
echo Script is launched from the temp folder, |
echo Most likely you are running the script directly from the archive file. |
echo: |
echo Extract the archive file and launch the script from the extracted folder. |
goto dk_done |
) |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check PowerShell |
REM :PowerShellTest: $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode :PowerShellTest: |
cmd /c "%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':PowerShellTest:\s*';iex ($f[1])"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% || ( |
%eline% |
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" |
echo: |
cmd /c "%psc% "$ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode"" | find /i "FullLanguage" %nul1% && ( |
echo Failed to run Powershell command but Powershell is working. |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Check if your antivirus is blocking the script." |
) || ( |
echo PowerShell is not working. Aborting... |
echo If you have applied restrictions on Powershell then undo those changes. |
) |
echo: |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
goto dk_done |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Elevate script as admin and pass arguments and preventing loop |
%nul1% fltmc || ( |
if not defined _elev %psc% "start cmd.exe -arg '/c \"!_PSarg!\"' -verb runas" && exit /b |
%eline% |
echo This script needs admin rights. |
echo To do so, right click on this script and select 'Run as administrator'. |
goto dk_done |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Disable QuickEdit and launch from conhost.exe to avoid Terminal app |
if %winbuild% GEQ 17763 ( |
set terminal=1 |
) else ( |
set terminal= |
) |
:: Check if script is running in Terminal app |
set r1=$TB = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0); |
set r2=%r1% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetConsoleWindow', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @(), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128); |
set r3=%r2% [void]$TB.DefinePInvokeMethod('SendMessageW', 'user32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([IntPtr], [UInt32], [IntPtr], [IntPtr]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128); |
set d1=%r3% $hIcon = $TB.CreateType(); $hWnd = $hIcon::GetConsoleWindow(); |
set d2=%d1% echo $($hIcon::SendMessageW($hWnd, 127, 0, 0) -ne [IntPtr]::Zero); |
if defined terminal ( |
%psc% "%d2%" %nul2% | find /i "True" %nul1% && set terminal= |
) |
if %_unattended%==1 goto :skipQE |
for %%# in (%_args%) do (if /i "%%#"=="-qedit" goto :skipQE) |
if defined terminal ( |
set "launchcmd=start conhost.exe %psc%" |
) else ( |
set "launchcmd=%psc%" |
) |
:: Disable QuickEdit in current session |
set "d1=$t=[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1).DefineDynamicModule(2, $False).DefineType(0);" |
set "d2=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('GetStdHandle', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [IntPtr], @([Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);" |
set "d3=$t.DefinePInvokeMethod('SetConsoleMode', 'kernel32.dll', 22, 1, [Boolean], @([IntPtr], [Int32]), 1, 3).SetImplementationFlags(128);" |
set "d4=$k=$t.CreateType(); $b=$k::SetConsoleMode($k::GetStdHandle(-10), 0x0080);" |
%launchcmd% "%d1% %d2% %d3% %d4% & cmd.exe '/c' '!_PSarg! -qedit'" && (exit /b) || (set terminal=1) |
:skipQE |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check for updates |
set -= |
set old= |
for /f "delims=[] tokens=2" %%# in ('ping -4 -n 1') do ( |
if not [%%#]==[] (echo "%%#" | find "127.69" %nul1% && (echo "%%#" | find "127.69.%masver%" %nul1% || set old=1)) |
) |
if defined old ( |
echo ________________________________________________ |
%eline% |
echo Version %masver% of MAS is outdated. |
echo ________________________________________________ |
echo: |
if not %_unattended%==1 ( |
echo [1] Get Latest MAS |
echo [0] Continue Anyway |
echo: |
call :dk_color %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,0] :" |
choice /C:10 /N |
if !errorlevel!==2 rem |
if !errorlevel!==1 (start ht%-%tps:// & start %mas% & exit /b) |
) |
) |
cls |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
if %_rem%==1 goto :oh_uninstall |
:oh_menu |
if %_unattended%==0 ( |
cls |
if not defined terminal mode 76, 25 |
title Ohook Activation %masver% |
call :oh_checkapps |
echo: |
echo: |
echo: |
echo: |
if defined checknames (call :dk_color %_Yellow% " Close [!checknames!] before proceeding...") |
echo ____________________________________________________________ |
echo: |
echo [1] Install Ohook Office Activation |
echo: |
echo [2] Uninstall Ohook |
echo ____________________________________________ |
echo: |
echo [3] Download Office |
echo: |
echo [0] %_exitmsg% |
echo ____________________________________________________________ |
echo: |
call :dk_color2 %_White% " " %_Green% "Enter a menu option in the Keyboard [1,2,3,0]" |
choice /C:1230 /N |
set _el=!errorlevel! |
if !_el!==4 exit /b |
if !_el!==3 start %mas%genuine-installation-media &goto :oh_menu |
if !_el!==2 goto :oh_uninstall |
if !_el!==1 goto :oh_menu2 |
goto :oh_menu |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_menu2 |
cls |
if not defined terminal ( |
mode 130, 32 |
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\" mode 134, 32 |
%psc% "&{$W=$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize;$B=$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize;$W.Height=32;$B.Height=300;$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize=$W;$Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize=$B;}" |
) |
title Ohook Activation %masver% |
echo: |
echo Initializing... |
if not exist %SysPath%\sppsvc.exe ( |
%eline% |
echo [%SysPath%\sppsvc.exe] file is missing. Aborting... |
echo: |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
goto dk_done |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
set spp=SoftwareLicensingProduct |
set sps=SoftwareLicensingService |
call :dk_reflection |
call :dk_ckeckwmic |
call :dk_product |
call :dk_sppissue |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
set error= |
cls |
echo: |
call :dk_showosinfo |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
echo Initiating Diagnostic Tests... |
set "_serv=sppsvc Winmgmt" |
:: Software Protection |
:: Windows Management Instrumentation |
set officeact=1 |
call :dk_errorcheck |
:: Check unsupported office versions |
set o14msi= |
set o14c2r= |
set o16uwp= |
set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office |
set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=Office 2010 MSI ) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\14.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o14msi=Office 2010 MSI ) |
%nul% reg query %_68%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R |
%nul% reg query %_86%\14.0\CVH /f Click2run /k && set o14c2r=Office 2010 C2R |
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.Office.Desktop"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && set o16uwp=Office UWP |
if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" ( |
echo: |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Unsupported Office Install [ %o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%]" |
) |
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 %psc% "Get-AppxPackage -name "Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub"" | find /i "Office" %nul1% && ( |
set ohub=1 |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check supported office versions |
call :oh_getpath |
sc query ClickToRunSvc %nul% |
set error1=%errorlevel% |
if defined o16c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 16.0 files found]" |
set o16c2r= |
set error=1 |
) |
sc query OfficeSvc %nul% |
set error2=%errorlevel% |
if defined o15c2r if %error1% EQU 1060 if %error2% EQU 1060 ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking ClickToRun Service [Not found, Office 15.0 files found]" |
set o15c2r= |
set error=1 |
) |
if "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%"=="" ( |
set error=1 |
echo: |
if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Supported Office Install [Not Found]" |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Office [Not Found]" |
) |
if defined ohub ( |
echo: |
echo You have only Office dashboard app installed, you need to install full Office version. |
) |
echo: |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Download and install Office from below URL and try again." |
echo: |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%genuine-installation-media |
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "%mas%genuine-installation-media" |
goto dk_done |
) |
set multioffice= |
if not "%o16c2r%%o15c2r%%o16msi%%o15msi%"=="1" set multioffice=1 |
if not "%o14msi%%o14c2r%%o16uwp%"=="" set multioffice=1 |
if defined multioffice ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Multiple Office Install [Found. Its best to install only one version]" |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check Windows Server |
set winserver= |
reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" /v ProductType %nul2% | find /i "WinNT" %nul1% || set winserver=1 |
if not defined winserver ( |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Server" %nul1% && set winserver=1 |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check already activated products list |
set actiProds15= |
set actiProds16= |
if not "%o15c2r%%o15msi%"=="" call :oh_findactivated -like 15 |
if not "%o16c2r%%o16msi%"=="" call :oh_findactivated -notlike 16 |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Process Office 15.0 C2R |
if not defined o15c2r goto :starto16c2r |
call :oh_reset |
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
set oVer=15 |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v VersionToReport" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o15c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" & set "_config=%o15c2r_reg%\Configuration") |
if not defined _oArch for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") |
if not defined _version for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v version" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b") |
if not defined _prids for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v ProductReleaseId" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag /v ProductReleaseId" & set "_config=%o15c2r_reg%\propertyBag") |
echo "%o15c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=10) || (set _tok=9) |
for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query %o15c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs\Active %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do ( |
echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ") |
) |
set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses" |
set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe" |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\System" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\SystemX86" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") |
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" |
) else ( |
set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
) |
echo: |
echo Activating Office... [C2R ^| %_version% ^| %_oArch%] |
if not defined _oIds ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" |
set error=1 |
goto :starto16c2r |
) |
call :oh_fixprids |
call :oh_process |
call :oh_hookinstall |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:starto16c2r |
:: Process Office 16.0 C2R |
if not defined o16c2r goto :startmsi |
call :oh_reset |
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
set oVer=16 |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b\root") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v Platform" %nul6%') do (set "_oArch=%%b") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v VersionToReport" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v AudienceData" %nul6%') do (set "_AudienceData=^| %%b ") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" %nul6%') do (set "_prids=%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v ProductReleaseIds" & set "_config=%o16c2r_reg%\Configuration") |
echo "%o16c2r_reg%" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && (set _tok=9) || (set _tok=8) |
for /f "tokens=%_tok% delims=\" %%a in ('reg query "%o16c2r_reg%\ProductReleaseIDs" /s /f ".16" /k %nul6% ^| findstr /i "Retail Volume"') do ( |
echo "!_oIds!" | find /i " %%a " %nul1% || (set "_oIds= !_oIds! %%a ") |
) |
set _oIds=%_oIds:.16=% |
set _o16c2rIds=%_oIds% |
set "_oLPath=%_oRoot%\Licenses16" |
set "_oIntegrator=%_oRoot%\integration\integrator.exe" |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\System" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%\vfs\SystemX86" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") |
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" |
) else ( |
set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
) |
echo: |
echo Activating Office... [C2R ^| %_version% %_AudienceData%^| %_oArch%] |
if not defined _oIds ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" |
set error=1 |
goto :startmsi |
) |
call :oh_fixprids |
call :oh_process |
call :oh_hookinstall |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Old version (16.0.9xxxx and below) of Office with subscription license key may show a banner to sign in to fix license issue. |
:: Although script applies a Resiliency registry entry to fix that but it doesn't work on old office versions. |
:: Below code checks that condition and informs the user to update the Office. |
if defined _sublic ( |
if not exist "%_oLPath%\Word2019VL_KMS_Client_AE*.xrm-ms" ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Old Office With Sub License [Found. Update Office, otherwise, it may show a licensing issue-related banner.]" |
) |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: mass grave[.]dev/office-license-is-not-genuine |
:: Add registry keys for volume products so that 'non-genuine' banner won't appear |
:: Script already is using MAK instead of GVLK so it won't appear anyway, but registry keys are added incase Office installs default GVLK grace key for volume products |
set "kmskey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" |
echo "%_oIds%" | find /i "Volume" %nul1% && ( |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 ( |
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( |
reg delete "%kmskey%" /f /reg:32 %nul% |
reg add "%kmskey%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" /reg:32 %nul% |
) |
reg delete "%kmskey%" /f %nul% |
reg add "%kmskey%" /f /v KeyManagementServiceName /t REG_SZ /d "" %nul% |
echo Adding a Reg To Prevent Banner [Successful] |
) |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:startmsi |
if defined o15msi call :oh_processmsi 15 %o15msi_reg% |
if defined o16msi call :oh_processmsi 16 %o16msi_reg% |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
call :oh_clearblock |
call :oh_uninstkey |
call :oh_licrefresh |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
echo: |
if not defined error ( |
call :dk_color %Green% "Office is permanently activated." |
REM if defined ohub call :dk_color %Gray% "Office apps such as Word, Excel are activated. Ignore 'Buy Microsoft 365' button in Office dashboard app." |
echo Help: %mas%troubleshoot |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Some errors were detected." |
if not defined ierror if not defined showfix if not defined serv_cor if not defined serv_cste call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" |
echo: |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
) |
goto :dk_done |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_uninstall |
cls |
if not defined terminal mode 99, 32 |
title Uninstall Ohook Activation %masver% |
set _present= |
set _unerror= |
call :oh_reset |
call :oh_getpath |
echo: |
echo Uninstalling Ohook Activation... |
echo: |
if defined o16c2r_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_16CHook=%%b\root\vfs")) |
if defined o15c2r_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15c2r_reg% /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do (set "_15CHook=%%b\root\vfs")) |
if defined o16msi_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o16msi_reg%\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_16MHook=%%b")) |
if defined o15msi_reg (for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %o15msi_reg%\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_15MHook=%%b")) |
if defined _16CHook (if exist "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16CHook%\System\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
if defined _16CHook (if exist "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
if defined _15CHook (if exist "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15CHook%\System\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
if defined _15CHook (if exist "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15CHook%\SystemX86\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
if defined _16MHook (if exist "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" & if exist "%_16MHook%sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
if defined _15MHook (if exist "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" & if exist "%_15MHook%sppc*dll" set _unerror=1)) |
for %%# in (15 16) do ( |
for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( |
if exist "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" & if exist "%%~A\Microsoft Office\Office%%#\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1) |
) |
) |
for %%# in (System SystemX86) do ( |
for %%G in ("Office 15" "Office") do ( |
for %%A in ("%ProgramFiles%" "%ProgramW6432%" "%ProgramFiles(x86)%") do ( |
if exist "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" (set _present=1& del /s /f /q "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" & if exist "%%~A\Microsoft %%~G\root\vfs\%%#\sppc*dll" set _unerror=1) |
) |
) |
) |
reg query HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && ( |
echo: |
echo Deleting - Registry keys to skip license check from all ^& future new useraccounts |
reg load HKU\DEF_TEMP %SystemDrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT %nul% |
reg query HKU\DEF_TEMP\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && reg delete HKU\DEF_TEMP\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f |
reg unload HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% |
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$p = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'; Get-ChildItem $p | ForEach-Object { $pi = (Get-ItemProperty $('{0}\{1}' -f $p, $_.PSChildName)).ProfileImagePath; if ($pi -like $('{0}\Users\*' -f $Env:SystemDrive)) { Split-Path $_.PSPath -Leaf } }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sidlist (set _sidlist=!_sidlist! %%a) else (set _sidlist=%%a)) |
for %%# in (!_sidlist!) do ( |
reg query HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f |
reg query HKU\%%#\Software %nul% || ( |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%%#" /v ProfileImagePath" %nul6%') do ( |
reg load HKU\%%# "%%b\NTUSER.DAT" %nul% |
reg query HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency %nul% && reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f |
reg unload HKU\%%# %nul% |
) |
) |
) |
) |
set "kmskey=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" |
reg query "%kmskey%" %nul% && ( |
echo: |
echo Deleting - Registry keys to prevent non-genuine banner |
reg delete "%kmskey%" /f |
) |
reg query "%kmskey%" /reg:32 %nul% && ( |
reg delete "%kmskey%" /f /reg:32 |
) |
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ |
echo: |
if not defined _present ( |
echo Ohook Activation is not installed. |
) else ( |
if defined _unerror ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Failed to uninstall Ohook activation." |
call :oh_checkapps |
if defined checknames ( |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Close [!checknames!] and try again." |
call :dk_color %Blue% "If its still not resolved then restart system and try again." |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart system and try again." |
) |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Green% "Successfully uninstalled Ohook activation." |
) |
) |
echo __________________________________________________________________________________________ |
goto :dk_done |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_reset |
set key= |
set _oRoot= |
set _oArch= |
set _oIds= |
set _oLPath= |
set _hookPath= |
set _hook= |
set _sppcPath= |
set _actid= |
set _prod= |
set _lic= |
set _arr= |
set _prids= |
set _config= |
set _version= |
set _License= |
set _oBranding= |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_getpath |
set o16c2r= |
set o15c2r= |
set o16msi= |
set o15msi= |
set _68=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office |
set _86=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_86%\ClickToRun) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses16\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o16c2r=1&set o16c2r_reg=%_68%\ClickToRun) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_86%\15.0\ClickToRun) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\ClickToRun /v InstallPath" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\root\Licenses\ProPlus*.xrm-ms" (set o15c2r=1&set o15c2r_reg=%_68%\15.0\ClickToRun) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_86%\16.0) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\16.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o16msi=1&set o16msi_reg=%_68%\16.0) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_86%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_86%\15.0) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_68%\15.0\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do if exist "%%b\EntityPicker.dll" (set o15msi=1&set o15msi_reg=%_68%\15.0) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Some Office Retail to Volume converter tools may edit the ProductReleaseIds to add VL products. This code restores it because it may affect features. |
:oh_fixprids |
if not defined _prids ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking ProductReleaseIds In Registry [Not Found]" |
exit /b |
) |
set _pridsR= |
set _pridsE= |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %_prids%" %nul6%') do (set "_pridsR=%%b") |
set _pridsR=%_pridsR:,= % |
for %%# in (%_pridsR%) do (echo %%# | findstr /I "%_oIds%" %nul1% || set _pridsE=1) |
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do (echo %%# | findstr /I "%_pridsR%" %nul1% || set _pridsE=1) |
if not defined _pridsE exit /b |
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "" /f %nul1% |
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do ( |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query %_prids%') do if not "%%b"=="" ( |
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "%%b,%%#" /f %nul1% |
) else ( |
reg add %_prids% /t REG_SZ /d "%%#" /f %nul1% |
) |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_installlic |
if not defined _oLPath exit /b |
if %oVer%==16 ( |
"!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License%.16 PidKey=%key% %nul% |
) else ( |
"!_oIntegrator!" /I /License PRIDName=%_License% PidKey=%key% %nul% |
) |
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% && exit /b |
:: Fallback to manual method to install licenses incase integrator.exe is not working |
set _License=%_License:XVolume=XC2RVL_% |
set _License=%_License:O365EduCloudRetail=O365EduCloudEDUR_% |
set _License=%_License:ProjectProRetail=ProjectProO365R_% |
set _License=%_License:ProjectStdRetail=ProjectStdO365R_% |
set _License=%_License:VisioProRetail=VisioProO365R_% |
set _License=%_License:VisioStdRetail=VisioStdO365R_% |
if defined _preview set _License=%_License:Volume=PreviewVL_% |
set _License=%_License:Retail=R_% |
set _License=%_License:Volume=VL_% |
for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\client-issuance-*.xrm-ms") do ( |
if defined _arr (set "_arr=!_arr!;"!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") else (set "_arr="!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") |
) |
for %%# in ("!_oLPath!\%_License%*.xrm-ms") do ( |
if defined _arr (set "_arr=!_arr!;"!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") else (set "_arr="!_oLPath!\%%~nx#"") |
) |
%psc% "$sls = Get-WmiObject %sps%; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); InstallLicenseArr '!_arr!'; InstallLicenseFile '"!_oLPath!\pkeyconfig-office.xrm-ms"'" %nul% |
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% || ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Missing License Files [Office %oVer%.0 %_prod%] [Failed]" |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_hookinstall |
set ierror= |
set hasherror= |
if %_hook%==sppc32.dll set offset=2564 |
if %_hook%==sppc64.dll set offset=3076 |
del /s /q "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" %nul% |
del /s /q "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" %nul% |
if exist "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" set "ierror=Remove Previous Ohook Install" |
if exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" set "ierror=Remove Previous Ohook Install" |
mklink "%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll" "%_sppcPath%" %nul% |
if not %errorlevel%==0 ( |
if not defined ierror set ierror=mklink |
) |
set exhook= |
if exist "!_work!\BIN\%_hook%" set exhook=1 |
if not exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" ( |
if defined exhook ( |
pushd "!_work!\BIN\" |
copy /y /b "%_hook%" "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" %nul% |
popd |
) else ( |
call :oh_extractdll "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" "%offset%" |
) |
) |
if not exist "%_hookPath%\sppc.dll" (if not defined ierror set ierror=Copy) |
echo: |
if not defined ierror ( |
echo Symlinking System's sppc.dll To ["%_hookPath%\sppcs.dll"] [Successful] |
if defined exhook ( |
echo Copying Custom %_hook% To ["%_hookPath%\sppc.dll"] [Successful] |
) else ( |
echo Extracting Custom %_hook% To ["%_hookPath%\sppc.dll"] [Successful] |
) |
) else ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Ohook [Failed to %ierror%]" |
echo: |
call :oh_checkapps |
if defined checknames ( |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Close [!checknames!] and try again." |
call :dk_color %Blue% "If its still not resolved then restart system and try again." |
) else ( |
if /i not "%ierror%"=="Copy" call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart system and try again." |
) |
echo: |
) |
if not defined exhook if not defined ierror ( |
if defined hasherror ( |
set error=1 |
set ierror=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Modifying Hash of Custom %_hook% [Failed]" |
) else ( |
echo Modifying Hash of Custom %_hook% [Successful] |
) |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_process |
for %%# in (%_oIds%) do ( |
echo: !actiProds%oVer%! | find /i "%%#" %nul1% && ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Activation Status [%%# is already permanently activated]" |
) || ( |
set key= |
set _actid= |
set _lic= |
set _preview= |
set _License=%%# |
echo %%# | find /i "2024" %nul% && ( |
if exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024PreviewVL_*.xrm-ms" if not exist "!_oLPath!\ProPlus2024VL_*.xrm-ms" set _preview=-Preview |
) |
set _prod=%%#!_preview! |
call :ohookdata getinfo !_prod! |
if not [!key!]==[] ( |
echo "!allapps!" | find /i "!_actid!" %nul1% || call :oh_installlic |
call :dk_inskey "[!key!] [!_prod!] [!_lic!]" |
) else ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Product In Script [Office %oVer%.0 !_prod! not found in script]" |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Make sure you are using Latest MAS script." |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas% |
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "%mas%" |
) |
) |
) |
:: Add SharedComputerLicensing registry key if Retail Office C2R is installed on Windows Server |
:: |
if defined winserver if defined _config ( |
echo %_oIds% | find /i "Retail" %nul1% && ( |
set scaIsNeeded=1 |
reg add %_config% /v SharedComputerLicensing /t REG_SZ /d "1" /f %nul1% |
echo Adding SharedComputerLicensing Reg [Successful] [Needed On Server With Retail Office]" |
) |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_processmsi |
:: Process Office MSI Version |
call :oh_reset |
call :dk_actids 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
set oVer=%1 |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %2\Common\InstallRoot /v Path" %nul6%') do (set "_oRoot=%%b") |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query %2\Common\ProductVersion /v LastProduct" %nul6%') do (set "_version=%%b") |
if "%_oRoot:~-1%"=="\" set "_oRoot=%_oRoot:~0,-1%" |
echo "%2" | find /i "Wow6432Node" %nul1% && set _oArch=x86 |
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] if not defined _oArch set _oArch=x64 |
if [%osarch%]==[x86] set _oArch=x86 |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%" & set "_hook=sppc64.dll") |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] (set "_hookPath=%_oRoot%" & set "_hook=sppc32.dll") |
if not [%osarch%]==[x86] ( |
if [%_oArch%]==[x64] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
if [%_oArch%]==[x86] set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\sppc.dll" |
) else ( |
set "_sppcPath=%SystemRoot%\System32\sppc.dll" |
) |
set "_common=%CommonProgramFiles%" |
if defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 set "_common=%CommonProgramW6432%" |
set "_common2=%CommonProgramFiles(x86)%" |
for /r "%_common%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE%oVer%\" %%f in (BRANDING.XML) do if exist "%%f" set "_oBranding=%%f" |
if not defined _oBranding for /r "%_common2%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE%oVer%\" %%f in (BRANDING.XML) do if exist "%%f" set "_oBranding=%%f" |
call :ohookdata getmsiprod %2 |
echo: |
echo Activating Office... [MSI ^| %_version% ^| %_oArch%] |
if not defined _oBranding ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking BRANDING.XML [Not Found. Aborting activation...]" |
exit /b |
) |
if not defined _oIds ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Installed Products [Product IDs not found. Aborting activation...]" |
exit /b |
) |
call :oh_process |
call :oh_hookinstall |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_findactivated |
set oVer=%2 |
set _FsortIds= |
set actiProds= |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT LicenseFamily, Name FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' | Where-Object { $_.Name %1 '*Office 15*' }).LicenseFamily" %nul6%') do call set "actiProds=%%a !actiProds!" |
if not defined actiProds exit /b |
for %%# in (%actiProds%) do ( |
set _sortIds=%%# |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:XC2RVL_=XVolume_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:CO365R_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:O365R_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:E5R_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:MSDNR_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:DemoR_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:EDUR_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:R_=Retail_! |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:VL_=Volume_! |
set _FsortIds=!_sortIds! !_FsortIds! |
) |
call :ohookdata findactivated %2 |
exit /b |
:: Preview VL is not checked for permanent activation |
set _sortIds=!_sortIds:PreviewVL_=Volume_! |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:oh_clearblock |
:: Find remnants of Office vNext/shared/device license block and remove it because it stops other licenses from appearing |
:: |
set _sidlist= |
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$p = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList'; Get-ChildItem $p | ForEach-Object { $pi = (Get-ItemProperty $('{0}\{1}' -f $p, $_.PSChildName)).ProfileImagePath; if ($pi -like $('{0}\Users\*' -f $Env:SystemDrive)) { Split-Path $_.PSPath -Leaf } }" %nul6%') do (if defined _sidlist (set _sidlist=!_sidlist! %%a) else (set _sidlist=%%a)) |
if not defined _sidlist ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking User Accounts SID [Not Found]" |
exit /b |
) |
set /a counter=0 |
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do set /a counter+=1 |
if %counter% GTR 10 ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking Total User Accounts [%counter%]" |
) |
::========================== |
:: Load the unloaded useraccounts registry |
set loadedsids= |
set failedtoload= |
set failedtounload= |
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do ( |
reg query HKU\%%#\Software %nul% || ( |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%%#" /v ProfileImagePath" %nul6%') do ( |
reg load HKU\%%# "%%b\NTUSER.DAT" %nul% |
reg query HKU\%%#\Software %nul% && ( |
call set "loadedsids=%%loadedsids%% %%#" |
) || ( |
set failedtoload=1 |
) |
) |
) |
) |
::========================== |
:: Clear the vNext/shared/device license blocks which may prevent ohook activation |
rmdir /s /q "%ProgramData%\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% |
for %%x in (15 16) do ( |
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do ( |
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing /f %nul% |
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Identity /f %nul% |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\%%#" /v ProfileImagePath" %nul6%') do ( |
rmdir /s /q "%%b\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\Licenses\" %nul% |
rmdir /s /q "%%b\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Licensing\" %nul% |
) |
) |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f %nul% |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f /reg:32 %nul% |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f %nul% |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\%%x.0\Common\Licensing" /f /reg:32 %nul% |
) |
:: Clear SharedComputerLicensing for office |
:: |
if not defined scaIsNeeded ( |
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f %nul% |
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f /reg:32 %nul% |
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f %nul% |
reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\ClickToRun\Configuration /v SharedComputerLicensing /f /reg:32 %nul% |
) |
:: Clear device-based-licensing |
:: |
for %%# in (%_o16c2rIds%) do ( |
reg delete %o16c2r_reg%\Configuration /v %%#.DeviceBasedLicensing /f %nul% |
) |
:: Remove OEM registry key |
:: |
for %%# in (15 16) do ( |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%#.0\Common\OEM" /f %nul% |
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%%#.0\Common\OEM" /f /reg:32 %nul% |
) |
reg delete "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Policies\0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663" /f %nul% |
echo Clearing Office License Blocks [Successfully Cleared From All %counter% Useraccounts] |
::========================== |
:: Some retail products attempt to validate the license and may show a banner "There was a problem checking this device's license status." |
:: Resiliency registry entry can skip this check |
if defined o16c2r if defined officeact ( |
reg load HKU\DEF_TEMP %SystemDrive%\Users\Default\NTUSER.DAT %nul% |
reg query HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% || set failedtoload=1 |
reg add HKU\DEF_TEMP\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /v "TimeOfLastHeartbeatFailure" /t REG_SZ /d "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z" /f %nul% |
reg unload HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% |
reg query HKU\DEF_TEMP %nul% && set failedtounload=1 |
for %%# in (%_sidlist%) do ( |
reg delete HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /f %nul% |
reg add HKU\%%#\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Common\Licensing\Resiliency /v "TimeOfLastHeartbeatFailure" /t REG_SZ /d "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z" /f %nul% |
) |
echo Adding Reg Keys To Skip License Check [Successfully Added To All %counter% ^& Future New Useraccounts] |
) |
::========================== |
:: Unload the loaded useraccounts registry |
for %%# in (%loadedsids%) do ( |
reg unload HKU\%%# %nul% |
reg query HKU\%%# %nul% && set failedtounload=1 |
) |
if defined failedtoload ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Loading Unloaded accounts Registry [Failed For Some Useraccounts]" |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system and try again." |
) |
if defined failedtounload ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Unloading loaded accounts Registry [Failed For Some Useraccounts]" |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system and try again." |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Uninstall other / grace Keys |
:oh_uninstkey |
set upk_result=0 |
call :dk_actid 0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663 |
if "%_actprojvis%"=="1" ( |
set _allactid= |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID, Description, LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' | Where-Object { $_.LicenseFamily -notmatch 'Project' -and $_.LicenseFamily -notmatch 'Visio' }).ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!" |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID, Description, LicenseFamily FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL' | Where-Object { $_.Description -match 'KMSCLIENT' -and ($_.LicenseFamily -match 'Project' -or $_.LicenseFamily -match 'Visio') }).ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!" |
) else ( |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''0ff1ce15-a989-479d-af46-f275c6370663'' AND LicenseStatus=1 AND GracePeriodRemaining=0 AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').ID" %nul6%') do call set "_allactid=%%a !_allactid!" |
) |
for %%# in (%apps%) do ( |
echo "%_allactid%" | find /i "%%#" %nul1% || ( |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %spp% where ID='%%#' call UninstallProductKey %nul% |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=([WMI]'%spp%=''%%#''').UninstallProductKey()" %nul% |
if !errorlevel!==0 ( |
set upk_result=1 |
) else ( |
set error=1 |
set upk_result=2 |
) |
) |
) |
if defined officeact if not %upk_result%==0 echo: |
if %upk_result%==1 echo Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Successful] |
if %upk_result%==2 call :dk_color %Red% "Uninstalling Other/Grace Keys [Failed]" |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Refresh Windows Insider Preview Licenses |
:: It required in Insider versions otherwise office may not activate |
:oh_licrefresh |
if exist "%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0\tokens.dat" ( |
%psc% "Stop-Service sppsvc -force; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul% |
if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 %psc% "$sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul% |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check running office apps and notify user |
:oh_checkapps |
set checkapps= |
set checknames= |
for /f "tokens=1" %%i in ('tasklist ^| findstr /I ".exe" %nul6%') do (set "checkapps=!checkapps! %%i") |
for %%# in ( |
Access_msaccess.exe |
Excel_excel.exe |
Groove_groove.exe |
Lync_lync.exe |
OneNote_onenote.exe |
Outlook_outlook.exe |
PowerPoint_powerpnt.exe |
Project_winproj.exe |
Publisher_mspub.exe |
Visio_visio.exe |
Word_winword.exe |
Lime_lime.exe |
) do ( |
for /f "tokens=1-2 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do ( |
echo !checkapps! | find /i "%%B" %nul1% && (if defined checknames (set "checknames=!checknames! %%A") else (set "checknames=%%A")) |
) |
) |
exit /b |
:: Set variables |
:dk_setvar |
set psc=powershell.exe |
set winbuild=1 |
for /f "tokens=6 delims=[]. " %%G in ('ver') do set winbuild=%%G |
set _NCS=1 |
if %winbuild% LSS 10586 set _NCS=0 |
if %winbuild% GEQ 10586 reg query "HKCU\Console" /v ForceV2 %nul2% | find /i "0x0" %nul1% && (set _NCS=0) |
if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( |
for /F %%a in ('echo prompt $E ^| cmd') do set "esc=%%a" |
set "Red="41;97m"" |
set "Gray="100;97m"" |
set "Green="42;97m"" |
set "Blue="44;97m"" |
set "_White="40;37m"" |
set "_Green="40;92m"" |
set "_Yellow="40;93m"" |
) else ( |
set "Red="Red" "white"" |
set "Gray="Darkgray" "white"" |
set "Green="DarkGreen" "white"" |
set "Blue="Blue" "white"" |
set "_White="Black" "Gray"" |
set "_Green="Black" "Green"" |
set "_Yellow="Black" "Yellow"" |
) |
set "nceline=echo: &echo ==== ERROR ==== &echo:" |
set "eline=echo: &call :dk_color %Red% "==== ERROR ====" &echo:" |
if %~z0 GEQ 200000 ( |
set "_exitmsg=Go back" |
set "_fixmsg=Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix Licensing option." |
) else ( |
set "_exitmsg=Exit" |
set "_fixmsg=In MAS folder, run Troubleshoot script and select Fix Licensing option." |
) |
exit /b |
:: Show OS info |
:dk_showosinfo |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE') do set osarch=%%b |
for /f "tokens=6-7 delims=[]. " %%i in ('ver') do if not "%%j"=="" ( |
set fullbuild=%%i.%%j |
) else ( |
for /f "tokens=3" %%G in ('"reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v UBR" %nul6%') do if not errorlevel 1 set /a "UBR=%%G" |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3,4 delims=. " %%G in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v BuildLabEx') do ( |
if defined UBR (set "fullbuild=%%G.!UBR!") else (set "fullbuild=%%G.%%H") |
) |
) |
echo Checking OS Info [%winos% ^| %fullbuild% ^| %osarch%] |
exit /b |
:: Refresh license status |
:dk_refresh |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %sps% where __CLASS='%sps%' call RefreshLicenseStatus %nul% |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "$null=(([WMICLASS]'%sps%').GetInstances()).RefreshLicenseStatus()" %nul% |
exit /b |
:: Install Key |
:dk_inskey |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path %sps% where __CLASS='%sps%' call InstallProductKey ProductKey="%key%" %nul% |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "try { $null=(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT Version FROM %sps%').Get()).InstallProductKey('%key%'); exit 0 } catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" %nul% |
set keyerror=%errorlevel% |
cmd /c exit /b %keyerror% |
if %keyerror% NEQ 0 set "keyerror=[0x%=ExitCode%]" |
if %keyerror% EQU 0 ( |
if %sps%==SoftwareLicensingService call :dk_refresh |
echo Installing Generic Product Key %~1 [Successful] |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Installing Generic Product Key %~1 [Failed] %keyerror%" |
if not defined error ( |
if defined altapplist call :dk_color %Red% "Activation ID not found for this key." |
call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" |
set showfix=1 |
) |
set error=1 |
) |
exit /b |
:: Get all products Activation IDs |
:dk_actids |
set allapps= |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1') get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')" |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1''').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')" |
%chkapp% do (if defined allapps (call set "allapps=!allapps! %%a") else (call set "allapps=%%a")) |
exit /b |
:: Get installed products Activation IDs |
:dk_actid |
set apps= |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('"wmic path %spp% where (ApplicationID='%1' and PartialProductKey is not null) get ID /VALUE" %nul6%')" |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 set "chkapp=for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('%psc% "(([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT ID FROM %spp% WHERE ApplicationID=''%1'' AND PartialProductKey IS NOT NULL').Get()).ID ^| %% {echo ('ID='+$_)}" %nul6%')" |
%chkapp% do (if defined apps (call set "apps=!apps! %%a") else (call set "apps=%%a")) |
exit /b |
:: Install License files using Powershell/WMI instead of slmgr.vbs |
:xrm: |
function InstallLicenseFile($Lsc) { |
try { |
$null = $sls.InstallLicense([IO.File]::ReadAllText($Lsc)) |
} catch { |
$host.SetShouldExit($_.Exception.HResult) |
} |
} |
function InstallLicenseArr($Str) { |
$a = $Str -split ';' |
ForEach ($x in $a) {InstallLicenseFile "$x"} |
} |
function InstallLicenseDir($Loc) { |
dir $Loc *.xrm-ms -af -s | select -expand FullName | % {InstallLicenseFile "$_"} |
} |
function ReinstallLicenses() { |
$Oem = "$env:SysPath\oem" |
$Spp = "$env:SysPath\spp\tokens" |
InstallLicenseDir "$Spp" |
If (Test-Path $Oem) {InstallLicenseDir "$Oem"} |
} |
:xrm: |
:: Check wmic.exe |
:dk_ckeckwmic |
set _wmic=0 |
for %%# in (wmic.exe) do @if not "%%~$PATH:#"=="" ( |
wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% && set _wmic=1 |
) |
exit /b |
:: Show info for potential script stuck scenario |
:dk_sppissue |
set w= |
sc start sppsvc %nul% |
set spperror=%errorlevel% |
if %spperror% NEQ 1056 if %spperror% NEQ 0 ( |
%eline% |
echo sc start sppsvc [Error Code: %spperror%] |
) |
echo "%spperror%" | findstr "577 225" %nul% && ( |
echo: |
echo Your system is most likely infected with Mal%w%ware. |
echo: |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware" |
) |
echo: |
%psc% "$job = Start-Job { (Get-WmiObject -Query 'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Version }; if (-not (Wait-Job $job -Timeout 20)) {write-host 'sppsvc is not working correctly. Help - %mas%troubleshoot'}" |
exit /b |
:: Get Product name (WMI/REG methods are not reliable in all conditions, hence winbrand.dll method is used) |
:dk_product |
set d1=%ref% $meth = $TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('BrandingFormatString', 'winbrand.dll', 'Public, Static', 1, [String], @([String]), 1, 3); |
set d1=%d1% $meth.SetImplementationFlags(128); $TypeBuilder.CreateType()::BrandingFormatString('%%WINDOWS_LONG%%') |
set winos= |
for /f "delims=" %%s in ('"%psc% %d1%"') do if not errorlevel 1 (set winos=%%s) |
echo "%winos%" | find /i "Windows" %nul1% || ( |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductName %nul6%') do set "winos=%%b" |
if %winbuild% GEQ 22000 ( |
set winos=!winos:Windows 10=Windows 11! |
) |
) |
exit /b |
:: Common lines used in PowerShell reflection code |
:dk_reflection |
set ref=$AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1); |
set ref=%ref% $ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False); |
set ref=%ref% $TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0); |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:dk_errorcheck |
set w= |
set showfix= |
:: Many users unknowingly download mal-ware by using activators found through Google search. |
:: This code aims to notify users that their system has been affected by mal-ware. |
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\KM%w%Spico" set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico |
if exist "%SysPath%\Tasks\R@1n-KMS" set pupfound2= R@inKMS |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "AutoPico" %nul% && set pupfound1= KM%w%Spico |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\taskcache\tasks" /f Path /s | find /i "R@1n" %nul% && set pupfound2= R@inKMS |
set pupfound=%pupfound1%%pupfound2% |
set hcount=0 |
for %%# in ( do ( |
find /i "%%#" %SysPath%\drivers\etc\hosts %nul% && set /a hcount+=1) |
if %hcount%==4 set "results=[AV URLs are blocked in hosts]" |
set wucount=0 |
for %%# in (wuauserv) do ( |
set _corrupt= |
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt ( |
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || (set _corrupt=1 & set /a wucount+=1) |
) |
) |
if %wucount% GEQ 1 set "results=%results%[WU registry is corrupt]" |
sc start sppsvc %nul% |
echo "%errorlevel%" | findstr "577 225" %nul% && set "results=%results%[Likely File Infector]" |
if not "%results%%pupfound%"=="" ( |
if defined pupfound call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking PUP Activators [Found%pupfound%]" |
if defined results call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Probable Mal%w%ware Infection %results%" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%remove_mal%w%ware |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%remove_mal%w%ware" |
echo: |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check corrupt services |
set serv_cor= |
for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( |
set _corrupt= |
sc start %%# %nul% |
if !errorlevel! EQU 1060 set _corrupt=1 |
sc query %%# %nul% || set _corrupt=1 |
for %%G in (DependOnService Description DisplayName ErrorControl ImagePath ObjectName Start Type) do if not defined _corrupt ( |
reg query HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%# /v %%G %nul% || set _corrupt=1 |
) |
if defined _corrupt (if defined serv_cor (set "serv_cor=!serv_cor! %%#") else (set "serv_cor=%%#")) |
) |
if defined serv_cor ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Corrupt Services [%serv_cor%]" |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check disabled services |
set serv_ste= |
for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( |
sc start %%# %nul% |
if !errorlevel! EQU 1058 (if defined serv_ste (set "serv_ste=!serv_ste! %%#") else (set "serv_ste=%%#")) |
) |
:: Change disabled services startup type to default |
set serv_csts= |
set serv_cste= |
if defined serv_ste ( |
for %%# in (%serv_ste%) do ( |
if /i %%#==ClipSVC (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "3" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= demand %nul%) |
if /i %%#==wlidsvc sc config %%# start= demand %nul% |
if /i %%#==sppsvc (reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\%%#" /v "Start" /t REG_DWORD /d "2" /f %nul% & sc config %%# start= delayed-auto %nul%) |
if /i %%#==KeyIso sc config %%# start= demand %nul% |
if /i %%#==LicenseManager sc config %%# start= demand %nul% |
if /i %%#==Winmgmt sc config %%# start= auto %nul% |
if !errorlevel!==0 ( |
if defined serv_csts (set "serv_csts=!serv_csts! %%#") else (set "serv_csts=%%#") |
) else ( |
if defined serv_cste (set "serv_cste=!serv_cste! %%#") else (set "serv_cste=%%#") |
) |
) |
) |
if defined serv_csts call :dk_color %Gray% "Enabling Disabled Services [Successful] [%serv_csts%]" |
if defined serv_cste ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Enabling Disabled Services [Failed] [%serv_cste%]" |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Check if the services are able to run or not |
:: Workarounds are added to get correct status and error code because sc query doesn't output correct results in some conditions |
set serv_e= |
for %%# in (%_serv%) do ( |
set errorcode= |
set checkerror= |
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || ( |
%psc% "Start-Job { Start-Service %%# } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null" |
set errorcode=!errorlevel! |
sc query %%# | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% || set checkerror=1 |
) |
sc start %%# %nul% |
if !errorlevel! NEQ 1056 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (set errorcode=!errorlevel!&set checkerror=1) |
if defined checkerror if defined serv_e (set "serv_e=!serv_e!, %%#-!errorcode!") else (set "serv_e=%%#-!errorcode!") |
) |
if defined serv_e ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Starting Services [Failed] [%serv_e%]" |
echo %serv_e% | findstr /i "ClipSVC-1058 sppsvc-1058" %nul% && ( |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Restart the system to fix this error." |
set showfix=1 |
) |
) |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Various error checks |
if defined safeboot_option ( |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Boot Mode [%safeboot_option%] " %Blue% "[Safe mode found. Run in normal mode.]" |
) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%A in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup\State" /v ImageState') do (set imagestate=%%B) |
if /i not "%imagestate%"=="IMAGE_STATE_COMPLETE" ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Windows Setup State [%imagestate%]" |
echo "%imagestate%" | find /i "RESEAL" %nul% && ( |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color %Blue% "You need to run it in normal mode in case you are running it in Audit Mode." |
) |
) |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinPE" /v InstRoot %nul% && ( |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking WinPE " %Blue% "[WinPE mode found. Run in normal mode.]" |
) |
set wpainfo= |
set wpaerror= |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':wpatest\:.*';iex ($f[1])" %nul6%') do (set wpainfo=%%a) |
echo "%wpainfo%" | find /i "Error Found" %nul% && ( |
set error=1 |
set wpaerror=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WPA Registry Error [%wpainfo%]" |
) || ( |
echo Checking WPA Registry Count [%wpainfo%] |
) |
if not defined officeact if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" ( |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul2% | find /i "Eval" %nul1% || ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Eval Packages [Non-Eval Licenses are installed in Eval Windows]" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%evaluation-editions |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%evaluation-editions" |
) |
) |
set osedition= |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID %nul6%') do set "osedition=%%a" |
:: Workaround for an issue in builds between 1607 and 1709 where ProfessionalEducation is shown as Professional |
if defined osedition ( |
if "%osSKU%"=="164" set osedition=ProfessionalEducation |
if "%osSKU%"=="165" set osedition=ProfessionalEducationN |
) |
if not defined officeact ( |
if not defined osedition ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Edition Name [Not Found In Registry]" |
) else ( |
if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\%osedition%\%osedition%*.xrm-ms" if not exist "%SysPath%\spp\tokens\skus\Security-SPP-Component-SKU-%osedition%\*-%osedition%-*.xrm-ms" ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking License Files [Not Found] [%osedition%]" |
) |
if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*-%osedition%-*.mum" ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Package File [Not Found] [%osedition%]" |
) |
) |
) |
%psc% "try { $null=([WMISEARCHER]'SELECT * FROM %sps%').Get().Version; exit 0 } catch { exit $_.Exception.InnerException.HResult }" %nul% |
set error_code=%errorlevel% |
cmd /c exit /b %error_code% |
if %error_code% NEQ 0 set "error_code=0x%=ExitCode%" |
if %error_code% NEQ 0 ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SoftwareLicensingService [Not Working] %error_code%" |
) |
set wmifailed= |
if %_wmic% EQU 1 wmic path Win32_ComputerSystem get CreationClassName /value %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% |
if %_wmic% EQU 0 %psc% "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -Property CreationClassName" %nul2% | find /i "computersystem" %nul1% |
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set wmifailed=1 |
echo "%error_code%" | findstr /i "0x800410 0x800440" %nul1% && set wmifailed=1& :: |
if defined wmifailed ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking WMI [Not Working]" |
call :dk_color %Blue% "Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WMI option." |
set showfix=1 |
) |
if not defined officeact ( |
if %winbuild% GEQ 10240 ( |
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%regSKU%+%wmiSKU%" |
set /a "sum/=3" |
if not "!sum!"=="%slcSKU%" ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SLC/WMI/REG SKU [Difference Found - SLC:%slcSKU% WMI:%wmiSKU% Reg:%regSKU%]" |
) |
) else ( |
%nul% set /a "sum=%slcSKU%+%wmiSKU%" |
set /a "sum/=2" |
if not "!sum!"=="%slcSKU%" ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SLC/WMI SKU [Difference Found - SLC:%slcSKU% WMI:%wmiSKU%]" |
) |
) |
) |
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\PersistedTSReArmed" %nul% && ( |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking Rearm " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]" |
) |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ClipSVC\Volatile\PersistedSystemState" %nul% && ( |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color2 %Red% "Checking ClipSVC " %Blue% "[System Restart Is Required]" |
) |
:: This "WLMS" service was included in previous Eval editions (which were activable) to automatically shut down the system every hour after the evaluation period expired and prevent SPPSVC from stopping. |
if exist "%SysPath%\wlms\wlms.exe" ( |
sc query wlms | find /i "RUNNING" %nul% && ( |
echo Checking Eval WLMS Service [Found] |
) |
) |
reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20" %nul% && ( |
if %winbuild% GEQ 15063 reg query "HKU\S-1-5-20\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" %nul% || ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking S-1-5-20 SPP Reg [Not Found]" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
) |
) || ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking HKU\S-1-5-20 Reg [Not Found]" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
) |
for %%# in (SppEx%w%tComObj.exe sppsvc.exe) do ( |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ima%w%ge File Execu%w%tion Options\%%#" %nul% && (if defined _sppint (set "_sppint=!_sppint!, %%#") else (set "_sppint=%%#")) |
) |
if defined _sppint ( |
echo Checking SPP Interference In IFEO [%_sppint%] |
) |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" %nul6%') do if /i %%b NEQ 0x0 ( |
reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "SkipRearm" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f %nul% |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SkipRearm [Default 0 Value Not Found. Changing To 0]" |
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null" |
set error=1 |
) |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Plugins\Objects\msft:rm/algorithm/hwid/4.0" /f ba02fed39662 /d %nul% || ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Registry Key [Incorrect ModuleId Found]" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Possibly Caused By Gaming Spoofers. Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%issues_due_to_gaming_spoofers" |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
) |
set tokenstore= |
for /f "skip=2 tokens=2*" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v TokenStore %nul6%') do call set "tokenstore=%%b" |
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 set "tokenstore=%Systemdrive%\Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store" if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store\2.0" if /i not "%tokenstore%"=="%SysPath%\spp\store_test\2.0" ( |
set toerr=1 |
set error=1 |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking TokenStore Registry Key [Correct Path Not Found] [%tokenstore%]" |
set fixes=%fixes% %mas%troubleshoot |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Help - " %_Yellow% " %mas%troubleshoot" |
) |
:: This code creates token folder only if it's missing and sets default permission for it |
if not defined toerr if not exist "%tokenstore%\" ( |
mkdir "%tokenstore%" %nul% |
if %winbuild% LSS 9200 set "d=$sddl = 'O:NSG:NSD:AI(A;OICIID;FA;;;SY)(A;OICIID;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIID;FA;;;NS)';" |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 set "d=$sddl = 'O:BAG:BAD:PAI(A;OICI;FA;;;SY)(A;OICI;FA;;;BA)(A;OICIIO;GR;;;BU)(A;;FR;;;BU)(A;OICI;FA;;;S-1-5-80-123231216-2592883651-3715271367-3753151631-4175906628)';" |
set "d=!d! $AclObject = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity;" |
set "d=!d! $AclObject.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm($sddl);" |
set "d=!d! Set-Acl -Path %tokenstore% -AclObject $AclObject;" |
%psc% "!d!" %nul% |
if exist "%tokenstore%\" ( |
call :dk_color %Gray% "Checking SPP Token Folder [Not Found. Created Now] [%tokenstore%\]" |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Token Folder [Not Found. Failed To Create] [%tokenstore%\]" |
set error=1 |
) |
) |
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f |
if not defined apps ( |
%psc% "Start-Job { Stop-Service sppsvc -force } | Wait-Job -Timeout 10 | Out-Null; $sls = Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingService; $f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':xrm\:.*';iex ($f[1]); ReinstallLicenses" %nul% |
call :dk_actid 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f |
if not defined apps ( |
set "_notfoundids=Key Not Installed / Act ID Not Found" |
call :dk_actids 55c92734-d682-4d71-983e-d6ec3f16059f |
if not defined allapps ( |
set "_notfoundids=Not found" |
) |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking Activation IDs [!_notfoundids!]" |
) |
) |
if exist "%tokenstore%\" if not exist "%tokenstore%\tokens.dat" ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP tokens.dat [Not Found] [%tokenstore%\]" |
) |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if not exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-*EvalEdition~*.mum" ( |
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('%psc% "(Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'SvcRestartTask' -TaskPath '\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\').State" %nul6%') do (set taskinfo=%%a) |
echo !taskinfo! | find /i "Ready" %nul% || ( |
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform" /v "actionlist" /f %nul% |
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule\TaskCache\Tree\Microsoft\Windows\SoftwareProtectionPlatform\SvcRestartTask" %nul% || set taskinfo=Removed |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SvcRestartTask Status [!taskinfo!]" |
) |
) |
:: This code checks if NT SERVICE\sppsvc has permission access to tokens folder and required registry keys. It's often caused by gaming spoofers. |
set permerror= |
if not exist "%tokenstore%\" set permerror=1 |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 for %%# in ( |
"%tokenstore%+FullControl" |
"HKLM:\SYSTEM\WPA+QueryValues, EnumerateSubKeys, WriteKey" |
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform+SetValue" |
) do for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=+" %%A in (%%#) do if not defined permerror ( |
%psc% "$acl = (Get-Acl '%%A' | fl | Out-String); if (-not ($acl -match 'NT SERVICE\\sppsvc Allow %%B') -or ($acl -match 'NT SERVICE\\sppsvc Deny')) {Exit 2}" %nul% |
if !errorlevel!==2 set permerror=1 |
) |
if %winbuild% GEQ 9200 if defined permerror ( |
set error=1 |
call :dk_color %Red% "Checking SPP Permissions [Error Found]" |
if not defined showfix call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" |
set showfix=1 |
) |
:: If required services are not disabled or corrupted + if there is any error + SoftwareLicensingService errorlevel is not Zero + no fix was shown before |
if not defined serv_cor if not defined serv_cste if defined error if /i not %error_code%==0 if not defined showfix ( |
if not defined permerror if defined wpaerror (call :dk_color %Blue% "Go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WPA Registry option." & set showfix=1) |
if not defined showfix ( |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color %Blue% "%_fixmsg%" |
if not defined permerror call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation still fails then run Fix WPA Registry option." |
) |
) |
if not defined showfix if defined wpaerror ( |
set showfix=1 |
call :dk_color %Blue% "If activation fails then go back to Main Menu, select Troubleshoot and run Fix WPA Registry option." |
) |
exit /b |
:: This code checks for invalid registry keys in HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA. This issue may appear even on healthy systems |
:wpatest: |
$wpaKey = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine', $env:COMPUTERNAME).OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\WPA") |
$count = 0 |
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { |
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') { |
$count++ |
} |
} |
$osVersion = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version |
$minBuildNumber = 14393 |
if ($osVersion.Build -ge $minBuildNumber) { |
$subkeyHashTable = @{} |
foreach ($subkeyName in $wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames()) { |
if ($subkeyName -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') { |
$keyNumber = $subkeyName -replace '.*-', '' |
$subkeyHashTable[$keyNumber] = $true |
} |
} |
for ($i=1; $i -le $count; $i++) { |
if (-not $subkeyHashTable.ContainsKey("$i")) { |
Write-Output "Total Keys $count. Error Found- $i key does not exist" |
$wpaKey.Close() |
exit |
} |
} |
} |
$wpaKey.GetSubKeyNames() | ForEach-Object { |
if ($_ -match '.*-.*-.*-.*-.*-') { |
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 3) { |
cmd /c "reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\WPA\$_" /ve /t REG_BINARY >nul 2>&1" |
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { |
Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- Binary Data is corrupt" |
$wpaKey.Close() |
exit |
} |
} else { |
$subkey = $wpaKey.OpenSubKey($_) |
$p = $subkey.GetValueNames() |
if (($p | Where-Object { $subkey.GetValueKind($_) -eq [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind]::Binary }).Count -eq 0) { |
Write-Host "Total Keys $count. Error Found- Binary Data is corrupt" |
$wpaKey.Close() |
exit |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$count |
$wpaKey.Close() |
:wpatest: |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:dk_color |
if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( |
echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[0m |
) else ( |
%psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' |
) |
exit /b |
:dk_color2 |
if %_NCS% EQU 1 ( |
echo %esc%[%~1%~2%esc%[%~3%~4%esc%[0m |
) else ( |
%psc% write-host -back '%1' -fore '%2' '%3' -NoNewline; write-host -back '%4' -fore '%5' '%6' |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:dk_done |
echo: |
if %_unattended%==1 timeout /t 2 & exit /b |
if defined fixes ( |
call :dk_color2 %Blue% "Press [1] To Open Troubleshoot Page " %Gray% " Press [0] To Ignore" |
choice /C:10 /N |
if !errorlevel!==1 (for %%# in (%fixes%) do (start %%#)) |
) |
if defined terminal ( |
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press 0 key to %_exitmsg%..." |
choice /c 0 /n |
) else ( |
call :dk_color %_Yellow% "Press any key to %_exitmsg%..." |
pause %nul1% |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: 1st column = Office version number |
:: 2nd column = Activation ID |
:: 3rd column = Generic key. Preference is given in this order, Retail:TB:Sub > Retail > OEM:NONSLP > Volume:MAK > Volume:GVLK |
:: 4th column = Last part of license description |
:: 5th column = Edition |
:: Separator = "_" |
:ohookdata |
set f= |
for %%# in ( |
:: Office 2013 |
15_ab4d047b-97cf-4126-a69f-34df08e2f254_B7RFY-7NXPK-Q4342-Y9X2H-3J%f%X4X_Retail________AccessRetail |
15_4374022d-56b8-48c1-9bb7-d8f2fc726343_9MF9G-CN32B-HV7XT-9XJ8T-9K%f%VF4_MAK___________AccessVolume |
15_1b1d9bd5-12ea-4063-964c-16e7e87d6e08_NT889-MBH4X-8MD4H-X8R2D-WQ%f%HF8_Retail________ExcelRetail |
15_ac1ae7fd-b949-4e04-a330-849bc40638cf_Y3N36-YCHDK-XYWBG-KYQVV-BD%f%TJ2_MAK___________ExcelVolume |
15_cfaf5356-49e3-48a8-ab3c-e729ab791250_BMK4W-6N88B-BP9QR-PHFCK-MG%f%7GF_Retail________GrooveRetail |
15_4825ac28-ce41-45a7-9e6e-1fed74057601_RN84D-7HCWY-FTCBK-JMXWM-HT%f%7GJ_MAK___________GrooveVolume |
15_c02fb62e-1cd5-4e18-ba25-e0480467ffaa_2WQNF-GBK4B-XVG6F-BBMX7-M4%f%F2Y_OEM-Perp______HomeBusinessPipcRetail |
15_a2b90e7a-a797-4713-af90-f0becf52a1dd_YWD4R-CNKVT-VG8VJ-9333B-RC%f%W9F_Subscription__HomeBusinessRetail |
15_f2de350d-3028-410a-bfae-283e00b44d0e_6WW3N-BDGM9-PCCHD-9QPP9-P3%f%4QG_Subscription__HomeStudentRetail |
15_44984381-406e-4a35-b1c3-e54f499556e2_RV7NQ-HY3WW-7CKWH-QTVMW-29%f%VHC_Retail________InfoPathRetail |
15_9e016989-4007-42a6-8051-64eb97110cf2_C4TGN-QQW6Y-FYKXC-6WJW7-X7%f%3VG_MAK___________InfoPathVolume |
15_9103f3ce-1084-447a-827e-d6097f68c895_6MDN4-WF3FV-4WH3Q-W699V-RG%f%CMY_PrepidBypass__LyncAcademicRetail |
15_ff693bf4-0276-4ddb-bb42-74ef1a0c9f4d_N42BF-CBY9F-W2C7R-X397X-DY%f%FQW_PrepidBypass__LyncEntryRetail |
15_fada6658-bfc6-4c4e-825a-59a89822cda8_89P23-2NK2R-JXM2M-3Q8R8-BW%f%M3Y_Retail________LyncRetail |
15_e1264e10-afaf-4439-a98b-256df8bb156f_3WKCD-RN489-4M7XJ-GJ2GQ-YB%f%FQ6_MAK___________LyncVolume |
15_69ec9152-153b-471a-bf35-77ec88683eae_VNWHF-FKFBW-Q2RGD-HYHWF-R3%f%HH2_Subscription__MondoRetail |
15_f33485a0-310b-4b72-9a0e-b1d605510dbd_2YNYQ-FQMVG-CB8KW-6XKYD-M7%f%RRJ_MAK___________MondoVolume |
15_3391e125-f6e4-4b1e-899c-a25e6092d40d_4TGWV-6N9P6-G2H8Y-2HWKB-B4%f%FF4_Bypass________OneNoteFreeRetail |
15_8b524bcc-67ea-4876-a509-45e46f6347e8_3KXXQ-PVN2C-8P7YY-HCV88-GV%f%GQ6_Retail________OneNoteRetail |
15_b067e965-7521-455b-b9f7-c740204578a2_JDMWF-NJC7B-HRCHY-WFT8G-BP%f%XD9_MAK___________OneNoteVolume |
15_12004b48-e6c8-4ffa-ad5a-ac8d4467765a_9N4RQ-CF8R2-HBVCB-J3C9V-94%f%P4D_Retail________OutlookRetail |
15_8d577c50-ae5e-47fd-a240-24986f73d503_HNG29-GGWRG-RFC8C-JTFP4-2J%f%9FH_MAK___________OutlookVolume |
15_5aab8561-1686-43f7-9ff5-2c861da58d17_9CYB3-NFMRW-YFDG6-XC7TF-BY%f%36J_OEM-Perp______PersonalPipcRetail |
15_17e9df2d-ed91-4382-904b-4fed6a12caf0_2NCQJ-MFRMH-TXV83-J7V4C-RV%f%RWC_Retail________PersonalRetail |
15_31743b82-bfbc-44b6-aa12-85d42e644d5b_HVMN2-KPHQH-DVQMK-7B3CM-FG%f%BFC_Retail________PowerPointRetail |
15_e40dcb44-1d5c-4085-8e8f-943f33c4f004_47DKN-HPJP7-RF9M3-VCYT2-TM%f%Q4G_MAK___________PowerPointVolume |
15_064383fa-1538-491c-859b-0ecab169a0ab_N3QMM-GKDT3-JQGX6-7X3MQ-4G%f%BG3_Retail________ProPlusRetail |
15_2b88c4f2-ea8f-43cd-805e-4d41346e18a7_QKHNX-M9GGH-T3QMW-YPK4Q-QR%f%P9V_MAK___________ProPlusVolume |
15_4e26cac1-e15a-4467-9069-cb47b67fe191_CF9DD-6CNW2-BJWJQ-CVCFX-Y7%f%TXD_OEM-Perp______ProfessionalPipcRetail |
15_44bc70e2-fb83-4b09-9082-e5557e0c2ede_MBQBN-CQPT6-PXRMC-TYJFR-3C%f%8MY_Retail________ProfessionalRetail |
15_2f72340c-b555-418d-8b46-355944fe66b8_WPY8N-PDPY4-FC7TF-KMP7P-KW%f%YFY_Subscription__ProjectProRetail |
15_ed34dc89-1c27-4ecd-8b2f-63d0f4cedc32_WFCT2-NBFQ7-JD7VV-MFJX6-6F%f%2CM_MAK___________ProjectProVolume |
15_58d95b09-6af6-453d-a976-8ef0ae0316b1_NTHQT-VKK6W-BRB87-HV346-Y9%f%6W8_Subscription__ProjectStdRetail |
15_2b9e4a37-6230-4b42-bee2-e25ce86c8c7a_3CNQX-T34TY-99RH4-C4YD2-KW%f%YGV_MAK___________ProjectStdVolume |
15_c3a0814a-70a4-471f-af37-2313a6331111_TWNCJ-YR84W-X7PPF-6DPRP-D6%f%7VC_Retail________PublisherRetail |
15_38ea49f6-ad1d-43f1-9888-99a35d7c9409_DJPHV-NCJV6-GWPT6-K26JX-C7%f%GX6_MAK___________PublisherVolume |
15_ba3e3833-6a7e-445a-89d0-7802a9a68588_3NY6J-WHT3F-47BDV-JHF36-23%f%43W_PrepidBypass__SPDRetail |
15_32255c0a-16b4-4ce2-b388-8a4267e219eb_V6VWN-KC2HR-YYDD6-9V7HQ-7T%f%7VP_Retail________StandardRetail |
15_a24cca51-3d54-4c41-8a76-4031f5338cb2_9TN6B-PCYH4-MCVDQ-KT83C-TM%f%Q7T_MAK___________StandardVolume |
15_a56a3b37-3a35-4bbb-a036-eee5f1898eee_NVK2G-2MY4G-7JX2P-7D6F2-VF%f%QBR_Subscription__VisioProRetail |
15_3e4294dd-a765-49bc-8dbd-cf8b62a4bd3d_YN7CF-XRH6R-CGKRY-GKPV3-BG%f%7WF_MAK___________VisioProVolume |
15_980f9e3e-f5a8-41c8-8596-61404addf677_NCRB7-VP48F-43FYY-62P3R-36%f%7WK_Subscription__VisioStdRetail |
15_44a1f6ff-0876-4edb-9169-dbb43101ee89_RX63Y-4NFK2-XTYC8-C6B3W-YP%f%XPJ_MAK___________VisioStdVolume |
15_191509f2-6977-456f-ab30-cf0492b1e93a_NB77V-RPFQ6-PMMKQ-T87DV-M4%f%D84_Retail________WordRetail |
15_9cedef15-be37-4ff0-a08a-13a045540641_RPHPB-Y7NC4-3VYFM-DW7VD-G8%f%YJ8_MAK___________WordVolume |
:: Office 365 - 15.0 version |
15_6337137e-7c07-4197-8986-bece6a76fc33_2P3C9-BQNJH-VCVPH-YDY6M-43%f%JPQ_Subscription__O365BusinessRetail |
15_537ea5b5-7d50-4876-bd38-a53a77caca32_J2W28-TN9C8-26PWV-F7J4G-72%f%XCB_Subscription1_O365HomePremRetail |
15_149dbce7-a48e-44db-8364-a53386cd4580_2N382-D6PKK-QTX4D-2JJYK-M9%f%6P2_Subscription1_O365ProPlusRetail |
15_bacd4614-5bef-4a5e-bafc-de4c788037a2_HN8JP-87TQJ-PBF3P-Y66KC-W2%f%K9V_Subscription1_O365SmallBusPremRetail |
:: Office 365 - 16.0 version |
16_6337137e-7c07-4197-8986-bece6a76fc33_2P3C9-BQNJH-VCVPH-YDY6M-43%f%JPQ_Subscription__O365BusinessRetail |
16_2f5c71b4-5b7a-4005-bb68-f9fac26f2ea3_W62NQ-267QR-RTF74-PF2MH-JQ%f%MTH_Subscription__O365EduCloudRetail |
16_537ea5b5-7d50-4876-bd38-a53a77caca32_J2W28-TN9C8-26PWV-F7J4G-72%f%XCB_Subscription1_O365HomePremRetail |
16_149dbce7-a48e-44db-8364-a53386cd4580_2N382-D6PKK-QTX4D-2JJYK-M9%f%6P2_Subscription1_O365ProPlusRetail |
16_bacd4614-5bef-4a5e-bafc-de4c788037a2_HN8JP-87TQJ-PBF3P-Y66KC-W2%f%K9V_Subscription1_O365SmallBusPremRetail |
:: Office 2016 |
16_bfa358b0-98f1-4125-842e-585fa13032e6_WHK4N-YQGHB-XWXCC-G3HYC-6J%f%F94_Retail________AccessRetail |
16_9d9faf9e-d345-4b49-afce-68cb0a539c7c_RNB7V-P48F4-3FYY6-2P3R3-63%f%BQV_PrepidBypass__AccessRuntimeRetail |
16_3b2fa33f-cd5a-43a5-bd95-f49f3f546b0b_JJ2Y4-N8KM3-Y8KY3-Y22FR-R3%f%KVK_MAK___________AccessVolume |
16_424d52ff-7ad2-4bc7-8ac6-748d767b455d_RKJBN-VWTM2-BDKXX-RKQFD-JT%f%YQ2_Retail________ExcelRetail |
16_685062a7-6024-42e7-8c5f-6bb9e63e697f_FVGNR-X82B2-6PRJM-YT4W7-8H%f%V36_MAK___________ExcelVolume |
16_c02fb62e-1cd5-4e18-ba25-e0480467ffaa_2WQNF-GBK4B-XVG6F-BBMX7-M4%f%F2Y_OEM-Perp______HomeBusinessPipcRetail |
16_86834d00-7896-4a38-8fae-32f20b86fa2b_HM6FM-NVF78-KV9PM-F36B8-D9%f%MXD_Retail________HomeBusinessRetail |
16_c28acdb8-d8b3-4199-baa4-024d09e97c99_PNPRV-F2627-Q8JVC-3DGR9-WT%f%YRK_Retail________HomeStudentRetail |
16_e2127526-b60c-43e0-bed1-3c9dc3d5a468_YWD4R-CNKVT-VG8VJ-9333B-RC%f%3B8_Retail________HomeStudentVNextRetail |
16_69ec9152-153b-471a-bf35-77ec88683eae_VNWHF-FKFBW-Q2RGD-HYHWF-R3%f%HH2_Subscription__MondoRetail |
16_2cd0ea7e-749f-4288-a05e-567c573b2a6c_FMTQQ-84NR8-2744R-MXF4P-PG%f%YR3_MAK___________MondoVolume |
16_436366de-5579-4f24-96db-3893e4400030_XYNTG-R96FY-369HX-YFPHY-F9%f%CPM_Bypass________OneNoteFreeRetail |
16_83ac4dd9-1b93-40ed-aa55-ede25bb6af38_FXF6F-CNC26-W643C-K6KB7-6X%f%XW3_Retail________OneNoteRetail |
16_23b672da-a456-4860-a8f3-e062a501d7e8_9TYVN-D76HK-BVMWT-Y7G88-9T%f%PPV_MAK___________OneNoteVolume |
16_5a670809-0983-4c2d-8aad-d3c2c5b7d5d1_7N4KG-P2QDH-86V9C-DJFVF-36%f%9W9_Retail________OutlookRetail |
16_50059979-ac6f-4458-9e79-710bcb41721a_7QPNR-3HFDG-YP6T9-JQCKQ-KK%f%XXC_MAK___________OutlookVolume |
16_5aab8561-1686-43f7-9ff5-2c861da58d17_9CYB3-NFMRW-YFDG6-XC7TF-BY%f%36J_OEM-Perp______PersonalPipcRetail |
16_a9f645a1-0d6a-4978-926a-abcb363b72a6_FT7VF-XBN92-HPDJV-RHMBY-6V%f%KBF_Retail________PersonalRetail |
16_f32d1284-0792-49da-9ac6-deb2bc9c80b6_N7GCB-WQT7K-QRHWG-TTPYD-7T%f%9XF_Retail________PowerPointRetail |
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16_de52bd50-9564-4adc-8fcb-a345c17f84f9_GM43N-F742Q-6JDDK-M622J-J8%f%GDV_Retail________ProPlusRetail |
16_c47456e3-265d-47b6-8ca0-c30abbd0ca36_FNVK8-8DVCJ-F7X3J-KGVQB-RC%f%2QY_MAK___________ProPlusVolume |
16_4e26cac1-e15a-4467-9069-cb47b67fe191_CF9DD-6CNW2-BJWJQ-CVCFX-Y7%f%TXD_OEM-Perp______ProfessionalPipcRetail |
16_d64edc00-7453-4301-8428-197343fafb16_NXFTK-YD9Y7-X9MMJ-9BWM6-J2%f%QVH_Retail________ProfessionalRetail |
16_2f72340c-b555-418d-8b46-355944fe66b8_WPY8N-PDPY4-FC7TF-KMP7P-KW%f%YFY_Subscription__ProjectProRetail |
16_82f502b5-b0b0-4349-bd2c-c560df85b248_PKC3N-8F99H-28MVY-J4RYY-CW%f%GDH_MAK___________ProjectProVolume |
16_16728639-a9ab-4994-b6d8-f81051e69833_JBNPH-YF2F7-Q9Y29-86CTG-C9%f%YGV_MAKC2R________ProjectProXVolume |
16_58d95b09-6af6-453d-a976-8ef0ae0316b1_NTHQT-VKK6W-BRB87-HV346-Y9%f%6W8_Subscription__ProjectStdRetail |
16_82e6b314-2a62-4e51-9220-61358dd230e6_4TGWV-6N9P6-G2H8Y-2HWKB-B4%f%G93_MAK___________ProjectStdVolume |
16_431058f0-c059-44c5-b9e7-ed2dd46b6789_N3W2Q-69MBT-27RD9-BH8V3-JT%f%2C8_MAKC2R________ProjectStdXVolume |
16_6e0c1d99-c72e-4968-bcb7-ab79e03e201e_WKWND-X6G9G-CDMTV-CPGYJ-6M%f%VBF_Retail________PublisherRetail |
16_fcc1757b-5d5f-486a-87cf-c4d6dedb6032_9QVN2-PXXRX-8V4W8-Q7926-TJ%f%GD8_MAK___________PublisherVolume |
16_9103f3ce-1084-447a-827e-d6097f68c895_6MDN4-WF3FV-4WH3Q-W699V-RG%f%CMY_PrepidBypass__SkypeServiceBypassRetail |
16_971cd368-f2e1-49c1-aedd-330909ce18b6_4N4D8-3J7Y3-YYW7C-73HD2-V8%f%RHY_PrepidBypass__SkypeforBusinessEntryRetail |
16_418d2b9f-b491-4d7f-84f1-49e27cc66597_PBJ79-77NY4-VRGFG-Y8WYC-CK%f%CRC_Retail________SkypeforBusinessRetail |
16_03ca3b9a-0869-4749-8988-3cbc9d9f51bb_DMTCJ-KNRKR-JV8TQ-V2CR2-VF%f%TFH_MAK___________SkypeforBusinessVolume |
16_4a31c291-3a12-4c64-b8ab-cd79212be45e_2FPWN-4H6CM-KD8QQ-8HCHC-P9%f%XYW_Retail________StandardRetail |
16_0ed94aac-2234-4309-ba29-74bdbb887083_WHGMQ-JNMGT-MDQVF-WDR69-KQ%f%BWC_MAK___________StandardVolume |
16_a56a3b37-3a35-4bbb-a036-eee5f1898eee_NVK2G-2MY4G-7JX2P-7D6F2-VF%f%QBR_Subscription__VisioProRetail |
16_295b2c03-4b1c-4221-b292-1411f468bd02_NRKT9-C8GP2-XDYXQ-YW72K-MG%f%92B_MAK___________VisioProVolume |
16_0594dc12-8444-4912-936a-747ca742dbdb_G98Q2-B6N77-CFH9J-K824G-XQ%f%CC4_MAKC2R________VisioProXVolume |
16_980f9e3e-f5a8-41c8-8596-61404addf677_NCRB7-VP48F-43FYY-62P3R-36%f%7WK_Subscription__VisioStdRetail |
16_44151c2d-c398-471f-946f-7660542e3369_XNCJB-YY883-JRW64-DPXMX-JX%f%CR6_MAK___________VisioStdVolume |
16_1d1c6879-39a3-47a5-9a6d-aceefa6a289d_B2HTN-JPH8C-J6Y6V-HCHKB-43%f%MGT_MAKC2R________VisioStdXVolume |
16_cacaa1bf-da53-4c3b-9700-11738ef1c2a5_P8K82-NQ7GG-JKY8T-6VHVY-88%f%GGD_Retail________WordRetail |
16_c3000759-551f-4f4a-bcac-a4b42cbf1de2_YHMWC-YN6V9-WJPXD-3WQKP-TM%f%VCV_MAK___________WordVolume |
:: Office 2019 |
16_518687bd-dc55-45b9-8fa6-f918e1082e83_WRYJ6-G3NP7-7VH94-8X7KP-JB%f%7HC_Retail________Access2019Retail |
16_385b91d6-9c2c-4a2e-86b5-f44d44a48c5f_6FWHX-NKYXK-BW34Q-7XC9F-Q9%f%PX7_MAK-AE________Access2019Volume |
16_22e6b96c-1011-4cd5-8b35-3c8fb6366b86_FGQNJ-JWJCG-7Q8MG-RMRGJ-9T%f%QVF_PrepidBypass__AccessRuntime2019Retail |
16_c201c2b7-02a1-41a8-b496-37c72910cd4a_KBPNW-64CMM-8KWCB-23F44-8B%f%7HM_Retail________Excel2019Retail |
16_05cb4e1d-cc81-45d5-a769-f34b09b9b391_8NT4X-GQMCK-62X4P-TW6QP-YK%f%PYF_MAK-AE________Excel2019Volume |
16_7fe09eef-5eed-4733-9a60-d7019df11cac_QBN2Y-9B284-9KW78-K48PB-R6%f%2YT_Retail________HomeBusiness2019Retail |
16_4539aa2c-5c31-4d47-9139-543a868e5741_XNWPM-32XQC-Y7QJC-QGGBV-YY%f%7JK_Retail________HomeStudent2019Retail |
16_20e359d5-927f-47c0-8a27-38adbdd27124_WR43D-NMWQQ-HCQR2-VKXDR-37%f%B7H_Retail________Outlook2019Retail |
16_92a99ed8-2923-4cb7-a4c5-31da6b0b8cf3_RN3QB-GT6D7-YB3VH-F3RPB-3G%f%QYB_MAK-AE________Outlook2019Volume |
16_2747b731-0f1f-413e-a92d-386ec1277dd8_NMBY8-V3CV7-BX6K6-2922Y-43%f%M7T_Retail________Personal2019Retail |
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16_a3072b8f-adcc-4e75-8d62-fdeb9bdfae57_BN4XJ-R9DYY-96W48-YK8DM-MY%f%7PY_Retail________ProPlus2019Retail |
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16_1717c1e0-47d3-4899-a6d3-1022db7415e0_9NXDK-MRY98-2VJV8-GF73J-TQ%f%9FK_Retail________Professional2019Retail |
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16_bb7ffe5f-daf9-4b79-b107-453e1c8427b5_R3JNT-8PBDP-MTWCK-VD2V8-HM%f%KF9_Retail________ProjectStd2019Retail |
16_fdaa3c03-dc27-4a8d-8cbf-c3d843a28ddc_RBRFX-MQNDJ-4XFHF-7QVDR-JH%f%XGC_MAK-AE________ProjectStd2019Volume |
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16_b639e55c-8f3e-47fe-9761-26c6a786ad6b_JBDKF-6NCD6-49K3G-2TV79-BK%f%P73_Retail________SkypeforBusiness2019Retail |
16_15a430d4-5e3f-4e6d-8a0a-14bf3caee4c7_9MNQ7-YPQ3B-6WJXM-G83T3-CB%f%BDK_MAK-AE________SkypeforBusiness2019Volume |
16_f88cfdec-94ce-4463-a969-037be92bc0e7_N9722-BV9H6-WTJTT-FPB93-97%f%8MK_PrepidBypass__SkypeforBusinessEntry2019Retail |
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16_beb5065c-1872-409e-94e2-403bcfb6a878_NT3V6-XMBK7-Q66MF-VMKR4-FC%f%33M_MAK-AE________Standard2019Volume |
16_a6f69d68-5590-4e02-80b9-e7233dff204e_2NWVW-QGF4T-9CPMB-WYDQ9-7X%f%P79_Retail________VisioPro2019Retail |
16_f41abf81-f409-4b0d-889d-92b3e3d7d005_33YF4-GNCQ3-J6GDM-J67P3-FM%f%7QP_MAK-AE________VisioPro2019Volume |
16_4a582021-18c2-489f-9b3d-5186de48f1cd_263WK-3N797-7R437-28BKG-3V%f%8M8_Retail________VisioStd2019Retail |
16_933ed0e3-747d-48b0-9c2c-7ceb4c7e473d_BGNHX-QTPRJ-F9C9G-R8QQG-8T%f%27F_MAK-AE________VisioStd2019Volume |
16_72cee1c2-3376-4377-9f25-4024b6baadf8_JXR8H-NJ3MK-X66W8-78CWD-QR%f%VR2_Retail________Word2019Retail |
16_fe5fe9d5-3b06-4015-aa35-b146f85c4709_9F36R-PNVHH-3DXGQ-7CD2H-R9%f%D3V_MAK-AE________Word2019Volume |
:: Office 2021 |
16_f634398e-af69-48c9-b256-477bea3078b5_P286B-N3XYP-36QRQ-29CMP-RV%f%X9M_Retail________Access2021Retail |
16_ae17db74-16b0-430b-912f-4fe456e271db_JBH3N-P97FP-FRTJD-MGK2C-VF%f%WG6_MAK-AE________Access2021Volume |
16_fb099c19-d48b-4a2f-a160-4383011060aa_V6QFB-7N7G9-PF7W9-M8FQM-MY%f%8G9_Retail________Excel2021Retail |
16_9da1ecdb-3a62-4273-a234-bf6d43dc0778_WNYR4-KMR9H-KVC8W-7HJ8B-K7%f%9DQ_MAK-AE________Excel2021Volume |
16_38b92b63-1dff-4be7-8483-2a839441a2bc_JM99N-4MMD8-DQCGJ-VMYFY-R6%f%3YK_Subscription__HomeBusiness2021Retail |
16_2f258377-738f-48dd-9397-287e43079958_N3CWD-38XVH-KRX2Y-YRP74-6R%f%BB2_Subscription__HomeStudent2021Retail |
16_279706f4-3a4b-4877-949b-f8c299cf0cc5_NB2TQ-3Y79C-77C6M-QMY7H-7Q%f%Y8P_Retail________OneNote2021Retail |
16_ecea2cfa-d406-4a7f-be0d-c6163250d126_4NCWR-9V92Y-34VB2-RPTHR-YT%f%GR7_Retail________Outlook2021Retail |
16_45bf67f9-0fc8-4335-8b09-9226cef8a576_JQ9MJ-QYN6B-67PX9-GYFVY-QJ%f%6TB_MAK-AE________Outlook2021Volume |
16_8f89391e-eedb-429d-af90-9d36fbf94de6_RRRYB-DN749-GCPW4-9H6VK-HC%f%HPT_Retail________Personal2021Retail |
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16_716f2434-41b6-4969-ab73-e61e593a3875_39G2N-3BD9C-C4XCM-BD4QG-FV%f%YDY_MAK-AE________PowerPoint2021Volume |
16_c2f04adf-a5de-45c5-99a5-f5fddbda74a8_8WXTP-MN628-KY44G-VJWCK-C7%f%PCF_Retail________ProPlus2021Retail |
16_3f180b30-9b05-4fe2-aa8d-0c1c4790f811_RNHJY-DTFXW-HW9F8-4982D-MD%f%2CW_MAK-AE1_______ProPlus2021Volume |
16_96097a68-b5c5-4b19-8600-2e8d6841a0db_JRJNJ-33M7C-R73X3-P9XF7-R9%f%F6M_MAK-AE________ProPlusSPLA2021Volume |
16_711e48a6-1a79-4b00-af10-73f4ca3aaac4_DJPHV-NCJV6-GWPT6-K26JX-C7%f%PBG_Retail________Professional2021Retail |
16_3747d1d5-55a8-4bc3-b53d-19fff1913195_QKHNX-M9GGH-T3QMW-YPK4Q-QR%f%WMV_Retail________ProjectPro2021Retail |
16_17739068-86c4-4924-8633-1e529abc7efc_HVC34-CVNPG-RVCMT-X2JRF-CR%f%7RK_MAK-AE1_______ProjectPro2021Volume |
16_4ea64dca-227c-436b-813f-b6624be2d54c_2B96V-X9NJY-WFBRC-Q8MP2-7C%f%HRR_Retail________ProjectStd2021Retail |
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16_6029109c-ceb8-4ee5-b324-f8eb2981e99a_R3FCY-NHGC7-CBPVP-8Q934-YT%f%GXG_MAK-AE________SkypeforBusiness2021Volume |
16_9e7e7b8e-a0e7-467b-9749-d0de82fb7297_HXNXB-J4JGM-TCF44-2X2CV-FJ%f%VVH_Retail________Standard2021Retail |
16_223a60d8-9002-4a55-abac-593f5b66ca45_2CJN4-C9XK2-HFPQ6-YH498-82%f%TXH_MAK-AE________Standard2021Volume |
16_b99ba8c4-e257-4b70-a31a-8bd308ce7073_BQWDW-NJ9YF-P7Y79-H6DCT-MK%f%Q9C_MAK-AE________StandardSPLA2021Volume |
16_814014d3-c30b-4f63-a493-3708e0dc0ba8_T6P26-NJVBR-76BK8-WBCDY-TX%f%3BC_Retail________VisioPro2021Retail |
16_c590605a-a08a-4cc7-8dc2-f1ffb3d06949_JNKBX-MH9P4-K8YYV-8CG2Y-VQ%f%2C8_MAK-AE________VisioPro2021Volume |
16_16d43989-a5ef-47e2-9ff1-272784caee24_89NYY-KB93R-7X22F-93QDF-DJ%f%6YM_Retail________VisioStd2021Retail |
16_d55f90ee-4ba2-4d02-b216-1300ee50e2af_BW43B-4PNFP-V637F-23TR2-J4%f%7TX_MAK-AE________VisioStd2021Volume |
16_fb33d997-4aa3-494e-8b58-03e9ab0f181d_VNCC4-CJQVK-BKX34-77Y8H-CY%f%XMR_Retail________Word2021Retail |
16_0c728382-95fb-4a55-8f12-62e605f91727_BJG97-NW3GM-8QQQ7-FH76G-68%f%6XM_MAK-AE________Word2021Volume |
:: Office 2024 |
16_8fdb1f1e-663f-4f2e-8fdb-7c35aee7d5ea_GNXWX-DF797-B2JT3-82W27-KH%f%PXT_MAK-AE________ProPlus2024Volume-Preview |
16_33b11b14-91fd-4f7b-b704-e64a055cf601_X86XX-N3QMW-B4WGQ-QCB69-V2%f%6KW_MAK-AE________ProjectPro2024Volume-Preview |
16_eb074198-7384-4bdd-8e6c-c3342dac8435_DW99Y-H7NT6-6B29D-8JQ8F-R3%f%QT7_MAK-AE________VisioPro2024Volume-Preview |
16_e563d108-7b0e-418a-8390-20e1d133d6bb_P6NMW-JMTRC-R6MQ6-HH3F2-BT%f%HKB_Retail________Access2024Retail |
16_f748e2f7-5951-4bc2-8a06-5a1fbe42f5f4_CXNJT-98HPP-92HX7-MX6GY-2P%f%VFR_MAK-AE________Access2024Volume |
16_f3a5e86a-e4f8-4d88-8220-1440c3bbcefa_82CNJ-W82TW-BY23W-BVJ6W-W4%f%8GP_Retail________Excel2024Retail |
16_523fbbab-c290-460d-a6c9-48e49709cb8e_7Y287-9N2KC-8MRR3-BKY82-2D%f%QRV_MAK-AE________Excel2024Volume |
16_885f83e0-5e18-4199-b8be-56697d0debfb_N69X7-73KPT-899FD-P8HQ4-QG%f%TP4_Retail________Home2024Retail |
16_acd4eccb-ff89-4e6a-9350-d2d56276ec69_PRKQM-YNPQR-77QT6-328D7-BD%f%223_Retail________HomeBusiness2024Retail |
16_6f5fd645-7119-44a4-91b4-eccfeeb738bf_2CFK4-N44KG-7XG89-CWDG6-P7%f%P27_Retail________Outlook2024Retail |
16_9a1e1bac-2d8b-4890-832f-0a68b27c16e0_NQPXP-WVB87-H3MMB-FYBW2-9Q%f%FPB_MAK-AE________Outlook2024Volume |
16_da9a57ae-81a8-4cb3-b764-5840e6b5d0bf_CT2KT-GTNWH-9HFGW-J2PWJ-XW%f%7KJ_Retail________PowerPoint2024Retail |
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16_295dcc21-151a-4b4d-8f50-2b627ea197f6_GNJ6P-Y4RBM-C32WW-2VJKJ-MT%f%HKK_Retail________ProjectPro2024Retail |
16_2141d341-41aa-4e45-9ca1-201e117d6495_WNFMR-HK4R7-7FJVM-VQ3JC-76%f%HF6_MAK-AE1_______ProjectPro2024Volume |
16_ead42f74-817d-45b4-af6b-3beeb36ba650_C2PNM-2GQFC-CY3XR-WXCP4-GX%f%3XM_Retail________ProjectStd2024Retail |
16_4b6d9b9b-c16e-429d-babe-8bb84c3c27d6_F2VNW-MW8TT-K622Q-4D96H-PW%f%J8X_MAK-AE________ProjectStd2024Volume |
16_db249714-bb54-4422-8c78-2cc8d4c4a19f_VWCNX-7FKBD-FHJYG-XBR4B-88%f%KC6_Retail________ProPlus2024Retail |
16_d77244dc-2b82-4f0a-b8ae-1fca00b7f3e2_4YV2J-VNG7W-YGTP3-443TK-TF%f%8CP_MAK-AE1_______ProPlus2024Volume |
16_3046a03e-2277-4a51-8ccd-a6609eae8c19_XKRBW-KN2FF-G8CKY-HXVG6-FV%f%Y2V_MAK-AE________SkypeforBusiness2024Volume |
16_44a07f51-8263-4b2f-b2a5-70340055c646_GVG6N-6WCHH-K2MVP-RQ78V-3J%f%7GJ_MAK-AE1_______Standard2024Volume |
16_282d8f34-1111-4a6f-80fe-c17f70dec567_HGRBX-N68QF-6DY8J-CGX4W-XW%f%7KP_Retail________VisioPro2024Retail |
16_4c2f32bf-9d0b-4d8c-8ab1-b4c6a0b9992d_GBNHB-B2G3Q-G42YB-3MFC2-7C%f%JCX_MAK-AE________VisioPro2024Volume |
16_8504167d-887a-41ae-bd1d-f849d834352d_VBXPJ-38NR3-C4DKF-C8RT7-RG%f%HKQ_Retail________VisioStd2024Retail |
16_0978336b-5611-497c-9414-96effaff4938_YNFTY-63K7P-FKHXK-28YYT-D3%f%2XB_MAK-AE________VisioStd2024Volume |
16_f6b24e61-6aa7-4fd2-ab9b-4046cee4230a_XN33R-RP676-GMY2F-T3MH7-GC%f%VKR_Retail________Word2024Retail |
16_06142aa2-e935-49ca-af5d-08069a3d84f3_WD8CQ-6KNQM-8W2CX-2RT63-KK%f%3TP_MAK-AE________Word2024Volume |
) do ( |
for /f "tokens=1-5 delims=_" %%A in ("%%#") do ( |
if %1==getinfo if not defined key ( |
if %oVer%==%%A if /i "%2"=="%%E" ( |
set key=%%C |
set _actid=%%B |
set _allactid=!_allactid! %%B |
set _lic=%%D |
if %oVer%==16 (echo "%%D" | find /i "Subscription" %nul% && set _sublic=1) |
) |
) |
if %1==getmsiprod if %oVer%==%%A ( |
for /f "tokens=*" %%x in ('findstr /i /c:"%%B" "%_oBranding%"') do set "prodId=%%x" |
set prodId=!prodId:"/>=! |
set prodId=!prodId:~-4! |
reg query "%2\Registration\{%%B}" /v ProductCode %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && ( |
reg query "%2\Common\InstalledPackages" %nul2% | find /i "-!prodId!-" %nul% && ( |
if defined _oIds (set _oIds=!_oIds! %%E) else (set _oIds=%%E) |
) |
) |
) |
if %1==findactivated if %oVer%==%%A ( |
echo "!_FsortIds!" | find /i "%%E" %nul% && ( |
set actiProds%oVer%=!actiProds%oVer%! %%E |
) |
) |
) |
) |
exit /b |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: This code is used to modify the timestamp value of sppc dll file in order to change checksums |
:: It's done to lower the potential false positive detection by antivirus's. On each install, it will install a unique sppc dll file |
:oh_extractdll |
set b= |
%psc% "$f=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':%_hook%\:.*';$encoded = ($f[1]) -replace '-', 'A' -replace '_', 'a';$bytes = [Con%b%vert]::FromBas%b%e64String($encoded); $PePath='%1'; $offset='%2'; $m=[io.file]::ReadAllText('!_batp!') -split ':hexedit\:.*';iex ($m[1]);" %nul2% | find /i "Error found" %nul1% && set hasherror=1 |
exit /b |
:hexedit: |
# Use a MemoryStream to perform operations on the bytes |
$MemoryStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream |
$Writer = New-Object System.IO.BinaryWriter($MemoryStream) |
$Writer.Write($bytes) |
# Define dynamic assembly, module, and type |
$AssemblyBuilder = [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(4, 1) |
$ModuleBuilder = $AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(2, $False) |
$TypeBuilder = $ModuleBuilder.DefineType(0) |
# Define P/Invoke method |
[void]$TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod('MapFileAndCheckSum', 'imagehlp.dll', 'Public, Static', [Reflection.CallingConventions]::Standard, [int], @([string], [int].MakeByRefType(), [int].MakeByRefType()), [Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention]::Winapi, [Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet]::Auto) |
# Create the type |
$Imagehlp = $TypeBuilder.CreateType() |
# Offset information |
$timestampOffset = 136 |
$exportTimestampOffset = $offset |
$checkSumOffset = 216 |
# Calculate timestamp |
$currentTimestamp = [DateTime]::UtcNow |
$unixTimestamp = [int]($currentTimestamp - (Get-Date -Year 1970 -Month 1 -Day 1 -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0)).TotalSeconds |
# Change timestamps |
$Writer.BaseStream.Position = $timestampOffset |
$Writer.Write($unixTimestamp) |
$Writer.BaseStream.Position = $exportTimestampOffset |
$Writer.Write($unixTimestamp) |
$Writer.Flush() |
# Write the current state of the MemoryStream to a temporary file |
$tempFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($env:windir, "Temp", [System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($tempFilePath, $MemoryStream.ToArray()) |
# Update hash using the temporary file |
[int]$HeaderSum = 0 |
[int]$CheckSum = 0 |
[void]$Imagehlp::MapFileAndCheckSum($tempFilePath, [ref]$HeaderSum, [ref]$CheckSum) |
# If the checksums don't match, update the checksum in the MemoryStream |
if ($HeaderSum -ne $CheckSum) { |
$Writer.BaseStream.Position = $checkSumOffset |
$Writer.Write($CheckSum) |
$Writer.Flush() |
} else { |
Write-host Error found |
} |
# Delete the temporary file |
Remove-Item -Path $tempFilePath -Force |
# Get the modified bytes |
$modifiedBytes = $MemoryStream.ToArray() |
# Write the modified bytes to the final file |
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($PePath, $modifiedBytes) |
[void]$Imagehlp::MapFileAndCheckSum($PePath, [ref]$HeaderSum, [ref]$CheckSum) |
if ($HeaderSum -ne $CheckSum) { |
Write-host Error found |
} |
$MemoryStream.Close() |
:hexedit: |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: |
:: This below blocks of text is encoded in base64 format |
:: The blocks in labels "sppc32.dll" and "sppc64.dll" contains below files |
:: |
:: 09865ea5993215965e8f27a74b8a41d15fd0f60f5f404cb7a8b3c7757acdab02 *sppc32.dll |
:: 393a1fa26deb3663854e41f2b687c188a9eacd87b23f17ea09422c4715cb5a9f *sppc64.dll |
:: |
:: The files are encoded in base64 to make AIO version. |
:: |
:: mass grave[.]dev/ohook |
:: Here you can find the files source code and info on how to rebuild the identical sppc.dll files |
:: |
:: |
:: Here you can check how to extract sppc.dll files from base64 |
:: |
:: For any further question, feel free to contact us on mass grave[.]dev/contactus |
:: |
::======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Replace "-" with "A" and "_" with "a" before base64 conversion |
:: It was changed to prevent antiviruses from detecting and flagging base64 encoding |
:sppc32.dll: |
TVqQ--M----E----//8--Lg---------Q-----------------------------------------------g-----4fug4-t-nNIbgBTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4g_W4gRE9TIG1vZGUuDQ0KJ---------BQRQ--T-EH-MDc0GQ----------O-- |
DiML-QIo--I----e--------RxE----Q----------C-_g-Q-----g--B-----E----G----------CQ----B---+dY---I-Q-E--C---B------E---E--------B------Q---jR----Bg---Y-Q---H---HgD-------------------------I---BQ--------- |
----------------------------------------------------------BsY---H------------------------------------C50ZXh0----c-E----Q-----g----Q------------------C---G-ucmRhdGE--Bg-----I-----I----G---------------- |
--B---B-LmVoX2ZyYW2------D-----C----C-------------------Q---QC5lZGF0YQ--jR----B-----Eg----o------------------E---E-u_WRhdGE--BgB----Y-----I----c------------------B---D-LnJzcmM---B4-w---H-----E----Hg-- |
----------------Q---wC5yZWxvYw--F-----C------g---CI------------------E---EI----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FWJ5VZTjUXwg+wwx0Xw-----IlEJBSNRfSJ |
RCQQi0UMx0QkD-----CJRCQEi0UIx0QkC--ggGqJBCTHRfQ-----6-oB--CLNXhggGqD7BiFwInDi0Xwd-qJBCQx2//WUesyi1X0x0QkB-oggGqJBCSJVCQI/xW-YIBqg+wMhcCLRfCJBCR0Cv/WuwE---BS6wP/1lCNZfiJ2FteXcNVieVXVlOD7DyLRRiLdRyJRCQQ |
i0UUiXQkFIlEJ-yLRRCJRCQIi0UMiUQkBItFCIkEJOiE----McmD7BiJx4X-dVyLRRg5CHZV_9koiwYB2IN4E-B0RYlEJ-SLRQiJTeSJBCTo+/7//4tN5IX-dSwDHsdDE-E---DHQxQ-----x0MY-----MdDH-----DHQy------x0Mk-----EHrpI1l9In4W15fXcIY |
-LgB----wgw-kP8lcGC-_pCQ/yVsYIBqkJD/////-----P////8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
------------------------------------------------TgBh-G0-ZQ---Ec-cgBh-GM-ZQ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U----------F6Ug-Bf-gBGwwEBIgB---k----H----ODf//+d-----EEOCIUCQg0FSIYD |
gwQCj8NBxkHFD-QEK----EQ---BV4P//qg----BBDgiF-kINBU_H-4YEgwUCm8NBxkHHQcUMB-QQ----c----NPg//8I------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
------------------D-3NBk-----MZC---B----Qw---EM----oQ---NEE--EBC--DPQg--70I---VD---pQw--XUM--KFD--DpQw--F0Q--DVE--BnR---nUQ--ONE---tRQ--YUU--J9F--DTRQ--DUY--DtG--BxRg--r0Y--M9G--D7Rg--nR---FFH--BvRw-- |
n0c--NNH---RS---TUg--G9I--ClS---zUg---VJ--BBSQ--bUk--KdJ--C7SQ--+0k--DlK--BPSg--dUo--J1K--DTSg--B0s--D1L--BpSw--pUs--ONL---NT---OUw--IlM--DRT---EU0--FlN--CjTQ--8U0--BtO--BHTg--h04--LtO--DnTg--K08--FtP |
--C1Tw--608--CdQ--BdU---4kI--P1C---_Qw--RkM--IJD--DIQw---0Q--ClE--BRR---hUQ--MNE---LRQ--SkU--INF--C8RQ--80U--CdG--BZRg--k0Y--MJG--DoRg--GUc--DFH--BjRw--ikc--LxH--D1Rw--Mkg--GFI--CNS---vEg--OxI---mSQ-- |
Wkk--I1J--C0SQ--3kk--B1K--BHSg--ZUo--IxK--C7Sg--8Eo--CVL--BWSw--iks--MdL--D7Sw--Jkw--GRM--CwT---9Ew--DhN--CBTQ--zU0---lO---0Tg--_k4--KRO--DUTg--DE8--EZP--CLTw--008---xQ--BFU---eF-------Q-C--M-B--F--Y- |
Bw-I--k-Cg-L--w-DQ-O--8-E--R-BI-Ew-U-BU-Fg-X-Bg-GQ-_-Bs-H--d-B4-Hw-g-CE-Ig-j-CQ-JQ-m-Cc-K--p-Co-Kw-s-C0-Lg-v-D--MQ-y-DM-N--1-DY-Nw-4-Dk-Og-7-Dw-PQ-+-D8-Q-BB-EI-c3BwYy5kbGw-U1BQQ1MuU0xDYWxsU2VydmVy-FNM |
Q2FsbFNlcnZlcgBTUFBDUy5TTENsb3Nl-FNMQ2xvc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xDb25zdW1lUmln_HQ-U0xDb25zdW1lUmln_HQ-U1BQQ1MuU0xEZXBvc2l0TWlncmF0_W9uQmxvYgBTTERlcG9z_XRN_WdyYXRpb25CbG9i-FNQUENTLlNMRGVwb3NpdE9mZmxpbmVDb25m_XJt |
YXRpb25JZ-BTTERlcG9z_XRPZmZs_W5lQ29uZmlybWF0_W9uSWQ-U1BQQ1MuU0xEZXBvc2l0T2ZmbGluZUNvbmZpcm1hdGlvbklkRXg-U0xEZXBvc2l0T2ZmbGluZUNvbmZpcm1hdGlvbklkRXg-U1BQQ1MuU0xEZXBvc2l0U3RvcmVUb2tlbgBTTERlcG9z_XRTdG9y |
ZW5lcmF0ZU9mZmxpbmVJbnN0YWxsYXRpb25JZ-BTTEdlbmVyYXRlT2ZmbGluZUluc3RhbGxhdGlvbklk-FNQUENTLlNMR2VuZXJhdGVPZmZs_W5lSW5zdGFsbGF0_W9uSWRFe-BTTEdlbmVyYXRlT2ZmbGluZUluc3RhbGxhdGlvbklkRXg-U1BQQ1MuU0xHZXRBY3Rp |
dmVM_WNlbnNlSW5mbwBTTEdldEFjdGl2ZUxpY2Vuc2VJbmZv-FNQUENTLlNMR2V0QXBwbGljYXRpb25JbmZvcm1hdGlvbgBTTEdldEFwcGxpY2F0_W9uSW5mb3JtYXRpb24-U1BQQ1MuU0xHZXRBcHBs_WNhdGlvblBvbGljeQBTTEdldEFwcGxpY2F0_W9uUG9s_WN5 |
bmZvcm1hdGlvbgBTUFBDUy5TTEdldFBvbGljeUluZm9ybWF0_W9u-FNMR2V0UG9s_WN5SW5mb3JtYXRpb24-U1BQQ1MuU0xHZXRQb2xpY3lJbmZvcm1hdGlvbkRXT1JE-FNMR2V0UG9s_WN5SW5mb3JtYXRpb25EV09SR-BTUFBDUy5TTEdldFByb2R1Y3RT_3VJbmZv |
c3RhbGxM_WNlbnNl-FNQUENTLlNMSW5zdGFsbFByb29mT2ZQdXJj_GFzZQBTTEluc3RhbGxQcm9vZk9mUHVyY2hhc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xJbnN0YWxsUHJvb2ZPZlB1cmNoYXNlRXg-U0xJbnN0YWxsUHJvb2ZPZlB1cmNoYXNlRXg-U1BQQ1MuU0xJc0dlbnVpbmVMb2Nh |
ZUluZm9ybWF0_W9u-FNMU2V0R2VudWluZUluZm9ybWF0_W9u-FNQUENTLlNMVW5pbnN0YWxsTGljZW5zZQBTTFVu_W5zdGFsbExpY2Vuc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xVbmluc3RhbGxQcm9vZk9mUHVyY2hhc2U-U0xVbmluc3RhbGxQcm9vZk9mUHVyY2hhc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xV |
dGhlbnRpY2F0ZUdlbnVpbmVU_WNrZXRSZXNwb25zZQBTTHBBdXRoZW50_WNhdGVHZW51_W5lVGlj_2V0UmVzcG9uc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xwQmVn_W5HZW51_W5lVGlj_2V0VHJhbnNhY3Rpb24-U0xwQmVn_W5HZW51_W5lVGlj_2V0VHJhbnNhY3Rpb24-U1BQQ1MuU0xw |
Q2xlYXJBY3RpdmF0_W9uSW5Qcm9ncmVzcwBTTHBDbGVhckFjdGl2YXRpb25JblByb2dyZXNz-FNQUENTLlNMcERlcG9z_XREb3dubGV2ZWxHZW51_W5lVGlj_2V0-FNMcERlcG9z_XREb3dubGV2ZWxHZW51_W5lVGlj_2V0-FNQUENTLlNMcERlcG9z_XRUb2tlbkFj |
dGl2YXRpb25SZXNwb25zZQBTTHBEZXBvc2l0VG9rZW5BY3RpdmF0_W9uUmVzcG9uc2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xwR2VuZXJhdGVUb2tlbkFjdGl2YXRpb25D_GFsbGVuZ2U-U0xwR2VuZXJhdGVUb2tlbkFjdGl2YXRpb25D_GFsbGVuZ2U-U1BQQ1MuU0xwR2V0R2VudWluZUJs |
b2I-U0xwR2V0R2VudWluZUJsb2I-U1BQQ1MuU0xwR2V0R2VudWluZUxvY2Fs-FNMcEdldEdlbnVpbmVMb2Nhb-BTUFBDUy5TTHBHZXRM_WNlbnNlQWNxdWlz_XRpb25JbmZv-FNMcEdldExpY2Vuc2VBY3F1_XNpdGlvbkluZm8-U1BQQ1MuU0xwR2V0TVNQ_WRJbmZv |
_XBlTWVzc2FnZQBTTHBQcm9jZXNzVk1Q_XBlTWVzc2FnZQBTUFBDUy5TTHBTZXRBY3RpdmF0_W9uSW5Qcm9ncmVzcwBTTHBTZXRBY3RpdmF0_W9uSW5Qcm9ncmVzcwBTUFBDUy5TTHBUcmlnZ2VyU2VydmljZVdvcmtlcgBTTHBUcmlnZ2VyU2VydmljZVdvcmtlcgBT |
UFBDUy5TTHBWTEFjdGl2YXRlUHJvZHVjd-BTTHBWTEFjdGl2YXRlUHJvZHVjd------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FBg-------------Ohg--BsY---XG-------------- |
+G---Hhg--BkY--------------MYQ--gG------------------------------iG---Kpg--------yG--------DUY--------Ihg--CqY--------Mhg--------1G---------C-FNMR2V0TGljZW5z_W5nU3RhdHVzSW5mb3JtYXRpb24--QBTTEdldFByb2R1 |
Y3RT_3VJbmZvcm1hdGlvbg--3QNMb2NhbEZyZWU-RwFTdHJTdHJOSVc--G----Bg--BzcHBjcy5kbGw----UY---S0VSTkVMMzIuZGxs-----Chg--BTSExXQVBJLmRsb----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-----------------------------------------------------------B-B-----Y--C--------------------B--E----w--C--------------------B--kE--BI----WH---BwD-------------BwDN----FY-UwBf-FY-RQBS-FM-SQBP-E4-XwBJ-E4- |
RgBP------C9BO/+---B--U---------BQ--------------------Q-B--C--------------------f-I---E-UwB0-HI-_QBu-Gc-RgBp-Gw-ZQBJ-G4-ZgBv----W-I---E-M--0-D--OQ-w-DQ-RQ-0----eg-t--E-QwBv-G0-c-Bh-G4-eQBO-GE-bQBl---- |
--BB-G4-bwBt-GE-b-Bv-HU-cw-g-FM-bwBm-HQ-dwBh-HI-ZQ-g-EQ-ZQB0-GU-cgBp-G8-cgBh-HQ-_QBv-G4-I-BD-G8-cgBw-G8-cgBh-HQ-_QBv-G4------D4-Cw-B-EY-_QBs-GU-R-Bl-HM-YwBy-Gk-c-B0-Gk-bwBu------Bv-Gg-bwBv-Gs-I-BT-F-- |
U-BD-------w--g--QBG-Gk-b-Bl-FY-ZQBy-HM-_QBv-G4------D--Lg-1-C4-M--u-D-----q--U--QBJ-G4-d-Bl-HI-bgBh-Gw-TgBh-G0-ZQ---HM-c-Bw-GM------Iw-N--B-Ew-ZQBn-GE-b-BD-G8-c-B5-HI-_QBn-Gg-d----Kk-I--y-D--Mg-0-C-- |
QQBu-G8-bQBh-Gw-bwB1-HM-I-BT-G8-ZgB0-Hc-YQBy-GU-I-BE-GU-d-Bl-HI-_QBv-HI-YQB0-Gk-bwBu-C--QwBv-HI-c-Bv-HI-YQB0-Gk-bwBu----Og-J--E-TwBy-Gk-ZwBp-G4-YQBs-EY-_QBs-GU-bgBh-G0-ZQ---HM-c-Bw-GM-LgBk-Gw-b------- |
L--G--E-U-By-G8-Z-B1-GM-d-BO-GE-bQBl------Bv-Gg-bwBv-Gs----0--g--QBQ-HI-bwBk-HU-YwB0-FY-ZQBy-HM-_QBv-G4----w-C4-NQ-u-D--Lg-w----R-----E-VgBh-HI-RgBp-Gw-ZQBJ-G4-ZgBv-------k--Q---BU-HI-YQBu-HM-b-Bh-HQ- |
_QBv-G4-------kE5-Q------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------Q---U----MzBIMGkwdjBSMVox------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
:sppc32.dll: |
:======================================================================================================================================== |
:: Replace "-" with "A" and "_" with "a" before base64 conversion |
:: It was changed to prevent antiviruses from detecting and flagging base64 encoding |
:sppc64.dll: |
TVqQ--M----E----//8--Lg---------Q-----------------------------------------------g-----4fug4-t-nNIbgBTM0hVGhpcyBwcm9ncmFtIGNhbm5vdCBiZSBydW4g_W4gRE9TIG1vZGUuDQ0KJ---------BQRQ--ZIYH-MDc0GQ----------P-- |
LiIL-gIo--I----e--------ExE----Q-----JIx-g-----Q-----g--B----------G----------CQ----B---LeY---I-Y-E--C---------Q-----------Q--------E--------------Q-----F---I0Q----c---U-E---C---B4-w---D---CQ--------- |
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------iH---Dg------------------------------------udGV4d----H-B----E-----I----E-------------------g--BgLnJkYXRh---g-----C-----C |
----Bg------------------Q---QC5wZGF0YQ--J------w-----g----g------------------E---E-ueGRhdGE--CQ-----Q-----I----K------------------B---B-LmVkYXRh--CNE----F-----S----D-------------------Q---QC5pZGF0YQ-- |
U-E---Bw-----g---B4------------------E---M-ucnNyYw---HgD----g-----Q----g------------------B---D--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EFUU0iD7EhFMclMjQXvDw--SI1EJDjHRCQ0 |
-----EiJRCQoSI1EJDRIiUQkIEjHRCQ4-----OgF-Q--SItMJDhIix1ZY---hcBBicR0B//TRTHk6yhEi0QkNEiNF_kP--D/FUlg--BIi0wkOEiFwHQK/9NBv-E---Dr-v/TRIngSIPESFtBXMNBVUFUVVdWU0iD7Dgx9kyLrCSQ----SIusJJg---BMiWwkIEiJz0iJ |
bCQo6J----BBicSFwHVEQTl1-HY+SGveKEiLVQBI-dqDeh--dChIifnoIv///4X-dRxI-10-SMdDE-E---BIx0MY-----EjHQy------SP/G67xEieBIg8Q4W15fXUFcQV3Du-E---DDkJCQkJCQkP8lel8--JCQDx+E------D/JXpf--CQk-8fh-------/yVKXw-- |
kJD/JTpf--CQkP//////////----------D//////////w---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
------------------------------------------------TgBh-G0-ZQ---Ec-cgBh-GM-ZQ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E---iB----B---CIE---ExE---x----TEQ--GRE--CB------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
--------------EH-w-HggMw-s----EMBw-MYggwB2-Gc-VQBM-C0----Q---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MDc0GQ-----xlI---E---BD----Qw---ChQ---0UQ--QFI--M9S--DvUg--BVM--ClT--BdUw--oVM--OlT---XV---NVQ--GdU |
--CdV---41Q--C1V--BhVQ--n1U--NNV---NVg--O1Y--HFW--CvVg--z1Y--PtW--CIE---UVc--G9X--CfVw--01c--BFY--BNW---b1g--KVY--DNW---BVk--EFZ--BtWQ--p1k--LtZ--D7WQ--OVo--E9_--B1Wg--nVo--NN_---HWw--PVs--Glb--ClWw-- |
41s---1c---5X---iVw--NFc---RXQ--WV0--KNd--DxXQ--G14--Ede--CHXg--u14--Ode---rXw--W18--LVf--DrXw--J2---F1g--DiUg--/VI--BpT--BGUw--glM--MhT---DV---KVQ--FFU--CFV---w1Q---tV--BKVQ--g1U--LxV--DzVQ--J1Y--FlW |
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